Possibly moving to Pakistan

Hello. I may be choosing to start a business, and investing in Pakistan. I already know about the customs, religion, etc. My main question is. I know before that in Pakistan foreigners could own guns, and there was no license required then the government changed it to that to own a firearm in Pakistan you needed a license.

I was wondering if foreigners are still allowed to own guns in Pakistan, and how hard the license would be for a foreigner to a pistol(concealed or open carry), and a rifle in Pakistan(Preferably semi-automatic).

I don't want to hear about it is safe, and you don't need a gun. Or about hiring bodyguards(Don't trust them, and had them try to betray me in the past, and also I am well more then capable of defending myself).

Even in my own country it is not safe, and I face many threats here, and once of the main motivating factors of leaving.

I am not worried about Islamic groups, or being targeted by them. Would be more worried about gangs, and other criminal groups who are into robbery, and kidnapping in Pakistan, or possibly competition, etc.

I have a big beard, already have dressed in a khurta for many years, and most people confuse me for a Pakistan even Pakistanis themselves so I am not very worried about there being an danger to me because I look like a foreigner. Most would not even know I am not a Pakistani until I had to speak with someone.

Welcome to the forum

Incredibly strict difficult to get.
I suggest you do a Google search as there is plenty of information to be found there.

I did google. and didn't come up with much. Some information said that you can pay an express fee to have your gun license processed faster but no way on how to do it, or even really what government agency to apply with expect for the local police department, and I have no idea if that is right since I don't know if the local police department would be the ones to issue the license or not.

I am not sure if owning weapons for foreign nationals is a standard process.  It requires a separate approval from the interior ministry, arms branch.   

For Pakistani nationals, it is a streamlined process and has now been moved to NADRA i.e. computerized license cards.  Even though the process is streamlined, the approval isn't.   I have owned licensed weapons since the last 15 years and watched the transition from the manual booklets (high potential of abuse) to the computerized licenses after verification (much tighter process).  Now, to get approval, you need to have contacts or loads of documents demonstrating genuine needs (but even then it can take ages and ages).

If you follow the standard process, there is a lot of hassle and steps to be followed.   Start with NADRA main branch in blue area Islamabad, go to the arms license section and get list of requirements (if not there, then go to MOI arms branch).  There is an application form then police verification then MOI approval etc etc etc.

To get the latest information, go to a forum called PakGuns.  It is filled with enthusiasts and was set up 10 years ago.  Lots of information sharing.  I was one of initial members in my younger days :).

i guess, you can get your own gun for protection. if you write properly to the interior ministry & your previous experience, I guess they will allow you to have your own gun. but you should first check..meanwhile i'll ask around will get back to you