Physiotherapy job market
I am currently studying physiotherapy at university here in England. Once I graduate I would like to move to Portugal; however, there is little information about how to find/apply to/get a physiotherapy job as a foreign, newly graduated applicant.
If anyone from England or anywhere else that is a physiotherapist has made the move to Portugal I would love to hear about your experience and any tips on how to enter the field there or anything I should know or do to help my chances?
All I have at the moment is access to social media and online resources from clinics there that I could possibly apply to and researching the APFISIO group. I do plan on talking with the British embassy about logistics of moving and working there, especially with brexit happening.
Any contacts would be nice I just want to reach out for information, or even if you don’t have much I would love to get to know more people who’ve gone through similar process or knows someone that has.
Looking forward to hearing responses,
Do you speak Portuguese?
Hi and welcome to the Forum.
This link may help you further.
Hope this helps.
Expat Team
That link is very helpful thank you.
I don’t think I can do an elective abroad (Portugal) during my time left at university and with the coronavirus being in the way.
There is very little information regarding how to get and ability to work/trainee there after I graduate and am no longer a student?
(They seem to only provide information to help volunteering, whereas I would like employment 😅)
This is the problem I’m finding with many resources currently.
But thank you this link is helpful and I will be in further contact with the CSP asking about it more soon.
Hi again.
I know very little about Physiotherapy. I can tell you that the EU heavily regulates the medical professions (because I'm married to one that this does affect). If your profession is regulated in the land where you are hoping to work, then the single most important thing is that your diploma is recognised there, so that must be your priority.
Directly related to diploma acceptance is language proficiency (to native level), it's generally a requirement across the EU (and probably why SimCityAT asked the question); A2 equates to a basic level; you won't get a responsible medical job without C1/C2. The EU call it CEFR, this link will take you to the website where it explains it.
Again, I hope this helps.
Expat Team
Hi Isabella,
A. Recognition of Foreign Academic Diplomas / Higher Education Degrees
Physiotherapy / "Fisioterapia"
Physiotherapists in Portugal are active in the National Health Service (SNS), in the public sector, according to various models and contexts of services supply. However, currently most physiotherapists work in the private sector.
In addition to the degree courses in Physical Therapy, there are also seven master's degrees in Physical Therapy. Some of these masters are specialized in areas such as musculoskeletal, aging, women's health, dermatofunctional, neurology, among others, and have a duration of two academic years. There is only one PhD programme in Physiotherapy, at the Faculty of Sports of the University of Porto.
Eg. ESSA – Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão /
Please check out this link:
B. Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists
The Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists (APFISIO - Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas) is the representative entity of the class of physiotherapists in Portugal. Founded in 1960 it is a full member of the WCPT and ER-WCPT.
C. Rehabilitation Centres - Private Sector
Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação de Alcoitão
Inaugurated 54 years ago, the Alcoitão Rehabilitation Medicine Centre is a reference that serves Portuguese with motor disabilities from all over the country.
Hospital CUF - Private hospital
(whole country, search where by using option "Hospitais e Clinicas)
Hospital da Luz - Private hospital
(whole country, search where by using option "Hospitais e Clinicas)
Hospital Lusiadas - Private hospital
(whole country, search where by using option "Hospitais e Clinicas)
One Clinics - Grupo Santo
(Greater Lisbon - several cities, search where by using "Clinicas")
Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Pediatric Rehabilitation
Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Sports Medicine, Lisbon
Pediatric rehabilitation, Maia
Neurological rehabilitation, Porto & Lisbon
Physical and rehabilitation medicine, Porto
Neurological rehabilitation, Porto
Physical and rehabilitation medicine, Cascais
Physical and rehabilitation medicine, Lisbon
Neurological rehabilitation, Braga
Physical and rehabilitation medicine, Lisbon
Neurological rehabilitation, Porto & Lisbon
D. Other professional possibilities
Portugal has a large community of expatriates (+ 60 years old), many of whom speak English. They are mainly in the Algarve, Cascais, Sintra, Lisbon and Porto.
Senior tourism is already starting to take a relevant market in Portugal, combining tourism with therapeutic aspects. There are some offers in this area, for example:
If you start working in a private center, you can get contacts in this community and easily expand your client portfolio.
On the other hand, there are many offers of these physiotherapy services in Home Support Services-Physiotherapy / "Apoio Domiciliário", for example:
E. Job offers: physiotherapist / "fisioterapeuta" … oterapeuta
F. Other web searches
Google tip: search "Centros de Reabilitação", "Clinica de fisioterapia", "Medicina fisica e de reabilitação", "Fisioterapia e Osteopatia", "Reabilitação fisica", "Reabilitação Neurológica" + city
Thank you that’s all very helpful. I have some contacts with people already in Portugal to help me a little. I will only be able to get my degree recognised upon its completion.
I am progressing my Portuguese to the appropriate level, it’s slow and difficult to do here in UK but I will get there.
Thank you for all the links so far.
Hey Isabella,
I am also interested in working as a PT in Portugal and would love to hear if you've had any progress by now?
Would love to hear from you
Offira van Dongen
Hi Isabella and Offira, Hope you are doing well. I am thinking of starting a career as a PT in Portugal as well. I would like to move to one of the islands. Maybe we can share ideas?
Hi everyone,
I am also thinking of moving to Portugal. I am a physical therapist in the US, and I'm trying to find information how to transfer my credentials from here to Portugal. I don't speak Portuguese but I'm hoping to find work with English speaking clients in the expat communities.
Would love to keeping touch,
I would actually find it very interesting to learn why those above intend to move to Portugal and work here as a PT. To my limited knowledge there are very few foreigners coming to Portugal for a professional career. The direction is actually more the other way round (professionals from Portugal moving to (mainly) other EU countries and the UK).
Hi, not 100% sure if I want to work as a PT in Portugal. I wrote a best selling book and I own several affiliate websites, so I have passive income as well. Besides that, I learnt that you need to speak Portugese on a B2/C1 level before you can start working as a health care professional. I am not there yet And I have to get my PT degree too. Either way is fine with me.
Hi Evelien, Welcome
You can see the course equivalence in my post #7. There is a large community of English speaking senior expats in some areas and where there is a demand for these services.
Some basic conversational Portuguese is a plus, I think level C will be enough.
Kind Regards
@IsabellaHandcock I am completing my DPT in Australia right now and am very curious what you have learned since writing this! you must be graduated now. I will be done in 1 year and am thinking about Portugal as well. Let me know what you find!
@IsabellaHandcock hope you doing well can you please help me how to get degree equivalency in Portugal? I’m a physiotherapist and I have master degree from Ukraine.
Some basic conversational Portuguese is a plus, I think level C will be enough.
Kind Regards
Level C (devided into C1 and C2) are the highest levels once can achive when taking courses e.g. at Institute Camoes. So I assume level B1 plus the words directly relating to the profession should be sufficient.
You will need to apply for equivalence for your physiotherapy course. You can request the academic equivalence of your diploma by going to the secretary of a public school that has the physiotherapy course (1 - list below), asking them to make the equivalence of your curricular certificates and diplomas.
With this equivalence you can then request the professional licence from the Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas (2), in order to practice this profession in Portugal.
(1) Public Schools
Campo Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 – AVEIRO
Tel.: 234 401 558
Campus do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Estefanilha, Edifício ESCE
2914-503 SETÚBAL
Tel.: 265 709 395
Campus da Talagueira
Avenida do Empresário
Tel.: 272 340 560
Rua 5 de Outubro, S. Martinho do Bispo Apartado 7006
3040-854 COIMBRA
Tel.: 239 802 430
Av. D. João II, Lote 4.69.01
1990-096 LISBOA
Tel.: 218 980 400
R. Valente Perfeito, 322
Tel.: 222 061 000
Campus 2, Morro do Lena – Alto do Vieiro
Apartado 4137
2411-901 LEIRIA
Tel.: 244 845 300
(2) Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas
Okay thank you so much for your positive response I will do it
Wow so many responses sorry for not being active - I now work full time in UK NHS so have been busy
im still learning portuguese and plan on taking my B2 level exam later this year
i will also get my degree recognised by I think the cascais university that are in links above - it seems relatively straightforward as my degree still comes from the EU (yes even with brexit I checked 😅) due to the Bologna process it’s easily recognised - not sure about ease of this process for any of you guys outside of eu.
hospital da luz, cuf and oneclinics I keep a regular eye on for their recruitment and things - I’ve had correspondence with oneclinics specifically and they said they are happy with taking on non-native applicants and support visas so long as you have your degree, experience and language specifications all sorted.
I want to come to Portugal because simply because I am not happy in UK - I’ve said that I’d rather be a tourist to UK and live in Portugal than be the other way around - Portugal feels like home to me, where I can actually be happy.
I am well aware of the large salary difference I will face going to Portugal - but if my sole goal was to become rich I would’ve chosen a different profession than physio as a career in life I guess.
but this thread is so helpful and I will do my best to be more on it and any more advice will be great!
Also, I assume starting out in the PT field in Portugal I wouldn’t be specialised in anything - even in the private sector?
what is entry level physio work like - private or public?
by the time I go there I will have over a year in NHS rotations as qualified PT - but I know systems are different so I expect to be treated like a fresh graduate when I start in Portugal, not an experienced senior 😅
I would love to know more about this, especially your comment about the fact that your degree needs to be recognised as if the UK is still part of the EU.
I am also a Physiotherapist in the UK working for the NHS and I want to move to Portugal to work.
I have done a fair bit of research for this and was under the impression that because the UK is no longer an EU country you have to get your degree Specifically Recognised by one of the Universities and this can be complicated because if your degree modules/ syllabus don't match up you have to take extra modules separately in order for it to be recognised.
Many thanks in advance.
Really interested to know of any update with gaining qualification recognition and employment as a physio in Portugal?
Hi again.I know very little about Physiotherapy. I can tell you that the EU heavily regulates the medical professions (because I'm married to one that this does affect). If your profession is regulated in the land where you are hoping to work, then the single most important thing is that your diploma is recognised there, so that must be your priority.Directly related to diploma acceptance is language proficiency (to native level), it's generally a requirement across the EU (and probably why SimCityAT asked the question); A2 equates to a basic level; you won't get a responsible medical job without C1/C2. The EU call it CEFR, this link will take you to the website where it explains it.Again, I hope this helps.CynicExpat Team
At least in Germany it is easily possible to work as a medical doctor in a Clinic without C1/C2 language skills. The doctor responsible for the department will have the C1/C2 language skills and supervise other medical personnel. This way it is possible for so many foreign doctor to work in German hospitals. I assume that Portugal is similar, even though I have not seen as many foreign doctors here.
Hi again.I know very little about Physiotherapy. I can tell you that the EU heavily regulates the medical professions (because I'm married to one that this does affect). If your profession is regulated in the land where you are hoping to work, then the single most important thing is that your diploma is recognised there, so that must be your priority.Directly related to diploma acceptance is language proficiency (to native level), it's generally a requirement across the EU (and probably why SimCityAT asked the question); A2 equates to a basic level; you won't get a responsible medical job without C1/C2. The EU call it CEFR, this link will take you to the website where it explains it.Again, I hope this helps.CynicExpat Team -@CynicAt least in Germany it is easily possible to work as a medical doctor in a Clinic without C1/C2 language skills. The doctor responsible for the department will have the C1/C2 language skills and supervise other medical personnel. This way it is possible for so many foreign doctor to work in German hospitals. I assume that Portugal is similar, even though I have not seen as many foreign doctors here. -@TGCampo
I find that very hard to believe, even in Austria they need to be at least C1.
In Germany, You'll also need medical German at C1 level (for normal, everyday German, B2 is sufficient).
Hi again.I know very little about Physiotherapy. I can tell you that the EU heavily regulates the medical professions (because I'm married to one that this does affect). If your profession is regulated in the land where you are hoping to work, then the single most important thing is that your diploma is recognised there, so that must be your priority.Directly related to diploma acceptance is language proficiency (to native level), it's generally a requirement across the EU (and probably why SimCityAT asked the question); A2 equates to a basic level; you won't get a responsible medical job without C1/C2. The EU call it CEFR, this link will take you to the website where it explains it.Again, I hope this helps.CynicExpat Team -@CynicAt least in Germany it is easily possible to work as a medical doctor in a Clinic without C1/C2 language skills. The doctor responsible for the department will have the C1/C2 language skills and supervise other medical personnel. This way it is possible for so many foreign doctor to work in German hospitals. I assume that Portugal is similar, even though I have not seen as many foreign doctors here. -@TGCampo
I find that very hard to believe, even in Austria they need to be at least C1.
In Germany, You'll also need medical German at C1 level (for normal, everyday German, B2 is sufficient).
As usual there is a very big difference between what should be and what is. Germany is desperate for medical personnel and lots of clinics simply hire doctors from abroad and think about the language later. There are lots of complaints - mostly from elderly patients - about this. In German hospitals about 25% of the doctors are not German. Many coming from Romania, Poland, Syria, Egypt, you name it. There are lots of newspaper articles about this. And as my friend is a doctor in a hospital I get the stories first hand.
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