Renewal of the Temporary Residence Permit during c19-crisis?


My TRP will expire soon and I have it based on volunteer work.
Any of you expats renewed your TRP during the crisis? Any problems or business is back to normal?

Appreciate answers.

I just renewed my TRP with no problems. Very easy and quick, provided you have an appointment. The only problem was picking it up due to a Covid-19 outbreak at the office that delayed the pickup by a week. Still need to get a new propiska in 30 days and that took three days and was free.


Thanks for sharing James!
Did you do it on volunteer grounds?

Renewal is always based on your previous TRP application.  To change your application (volunteer to family or business) you must start anew. 

Sorry, my application information is a matter of privacy.

hello, there is no critical changings in process of renewing the residence permit. However, please consider the possible necessity to make the online appointment in advance.
Let me know if you need more details or help with the process.

Thx for sharing!

I just got my new TRP after some nervous period. My lawyer told me that lots of TRP got rejected lately and they stop with this service. After I convinced them to do it anyway they did and I got a new year of TRP =).

Lets aim for the PRP now =)

Hi there

There is no problem with TRP renewal. The only thing you may need to do is go on line and book a slot/still takes three weeks and costs the same/


I am about to go through the renewal process here in Nikolaev. My wife has made an appointment with our local office for next week. They have provided me with a list of documents, which seems similar to the last time. We have married since my original TRP, so they said to include the certificate for good measure.

I will let you know how the application process goes...

Hi Simon

You should have no problems. The documents are more from your wife, like her registered documents, ID copy, and where she is registered. for you its a copy of Marriage certificate, if from Ukraine as it is , if from another country must have translation. copy of your passport with certification of translation, that must have your Visa D in it. Your old TRP.
I always use the portal company, in Odessa. Much easier and friendly but cost about 500uah more. yours would be . The good thing is you can check online how its doing, dont forget if being in the Ukraine is going to be long term after 2 years of marriage you can apply for permanent residency. and you can have that application running in parallel, as it will take 9 to 12 months to go through the system, the only draw back to it is they dont like you leaving the Ukraine while the application is in, not even for a holiday. Its all to do with the stamps in your passport. anyway good luck  ....

Hi Sanja

There is no problem getting TRP. You Do not require a lawyer. If you go to Find your city and the nearest office. (us a pc and translate page to English) They take 3 weeks and total cost is 1800 hryvnas. or 63 usd or £50. Most have a person that  speaks English and you can check what documents are required and check at what stage your application is in. There is a massive market for legal people to make good money  from an easy to do system. There is a guy on youtube charges 3000 USD. To do the same thing you can do your self.

Hope this helps for the future


Yes but I believe you need legal grounds in some cases, for example volounter ground to obtain TRP and this is provided by the expensive lawyers.

But yes in other cases you could do it yourself for exampel when gettting married.

hi there

There may be the odd occasion that that legal assistance is needed. But i have more than 5 people who are volunteer's here and all get there TRP payed bye the sponger. Example . The church of America. pays for all TRP's, international red cross also pay all. Its really up to the person that sponsor's you to pay for the TRP. Volunteers providing its on the government list , there's no problems.


martinodessa wrote:

There is a guy on youtube charges 3000 USD. To do the same thing you can do your self.martin

Hi Martin,
Could you please share that video on Youtube?
$3000 is twice more expensive than the avarage market cost. Probably Youtube charges a lot from him for that video so he has to double the fee:)
If we are speaking about getting a 3-year residence via a company registration then it costs in total (including lawyers, state duties, translations, etc.) around USD 1500.
That's true you can do this yourself (provided that a Ukrainian speaking friend will assist) but most probably it will take too long and with several tries but you will be able to save around $500. However, even though a lawyer is an extra cost, he helps to save money on other expenses like insurance, translations, notaries, so the difference at the end is not relevant.
There is a free of charge online service helping foreigners with legal advice re visas, residences, etc. It is here:

Yes the lawyers help and deliver but its very expensive for what I understand pretty little work. Just recently a lawyer offered me a 3 years visa via a company registration for $4000 so your price for $1500 seems very good =)

In some cases you just have to go with these options but Martins example is interesting where you can get it via Red Cross or some church. But the next question is how much do you really need to help and attend in their interest.

Hi Grey

I have looked all over for this site about TRP and cant find it, The link i had has been removed, and i have looked today and there are many sites with new prices, reflecting a much fare price. Although i feel 500 USD. Is still on the high side when all can be done for 40usd if done yourself. The new migration service is very good, and most have English speakers in them, ok may only be one person, but its at least a beginning ah.

One of the cheaper services is … RwEALw_wcB bit long winded but reasonable cost,

I guess the real crutch of this issue is. You can do it your self, if you have the time and intonation to do it with assistance from partner or friend. or you can do it through adds etc but pay a lot more for it. in short check and look around.

the following link does a lot more, ie business etc. … v-ukraine/

Sanja7 wrote:

Yes the lawyers help and deliver but its very expensive for what I understand pretty little work. Just recently a lawyer offered me a 3 years visa via a company registration for $4000 so your price for $1500 seems very good =)

In some cases you just have to go with these options but Martins example is interesting where you can get it via Red Cross or some church. But the next question is how much do you really need to help and attend in their interest.

Martin's example is good but it covers only the last stage - getting a residence permit. That service does not deal with other staff like visas, opening a company, etc.
Just a recent example from one of foreigners I know - a guy got a right to obtain a permanent residence. He applied for an immigration permit first and waited for it for a year (a standard term). Then he applied for a visa but got a wrong visa yet he did not know that. He returned to Ukraine to apply for permanent residence and was rejected because the visa was wrong. While he was figuring out the problem his immigration permit expired and now he needed to apply for it again, to collect and submit all the documents and to wait for a year again. But he needed to stay in Ukraine somehow now. So he applied for temporary residence permit - rejection because of the questionable residence address. He changed the address and applied again - rejection because of the same reason yet the address this time was genuine. They there were complaints, official requests, etc and finally he got his temporary residence but temporary, not permanent.

This is why you need a lawyer in such cases. There are plenty of videos on Youtube and articles on the Internet about all migration procedures. So you can do this yourself without a lawyer. But the success rate, total expense of time and money are not clear in this case. It is like baking bread. You can buy water, eggs and powder and bake bread at home. But I guess you buy bread in a shop:)