
640.000 DKK year - is a good salary?



I've been offered a job in Copenhagen with 640.000 DKK yearly gross salary.
Employee pension is 4.9% until 30s and 9% from 30s on.

Considering I will need to relocate from abroad, do you consider it is a good offer?
Is it feasible to request 10% increase to yearly salary + relocation/sign on bonus?


See also

Working in CopenhagenCopenhagen's labour marketThe work culture in CopenhagenSetting up a business in DenmarkInternships in Denmark

Sounds like a good salary. Is that in the IT sector?

You can try to ask for a regular increase.


no, it is from consulting sector.
What about sign on bonuses? are this kind of compensation popular?

Nellie Berg

Hi Luca,

It's a fine pay, indeed, but of course you may be able to get a little more. I would say that 10 % more would be quite a deal as your already is in the fine end, but try. Otherwise, ask for an increase after a certain time as suggested by Balou55.

I don't understand the figures regarding the pension. Normally, a pension scheme will be 9-10 % for the employer's part and the half for that of the employee.

A sign-on bonus isn't an issue in Denmark. A relocation package will be more feasible, instead ask for help to find a housing and/or an employer-paid housing for the first time.



Hi Nellie,

thanks a lot for your answer.
For sure a relocation/signin bonus + help with housing would be a good add.

I am also having trouble to understand pension scheme and net salary.
Considering the current offer (640.000 DKK), and pension scheme approx 5%, how much would I be able to expect net per month?

Thanks again

Nellie Berg

Your taxable income will depend on which pension scheme you choose.

I am quite sure that above mentioned 5% will be your share of the scheme, not that of the employer's.

Let's estimate that your taxable income will be 710,000 kroner (640,000 kroner + 10 % employer contribution to pension scheme), the tax will be 279.445,95 kroner. The amount is based on you are single, settled in Gladsaxe municipality.

If you choose the normal pension scheme, your taxable income will be 610,000 kroner (640,000 kroner - 5 % own contribution to the pension scheme), the tax will be 224.792,75 kroner).

When said, do be aware that all income (cash and perks) is taxable, also paid relocation benefits, e.g. 3 months' paid rent.

Do look for other of my posts about tax on this forum.
