Hi looking to retire to Indonesia

Once covid is manageable. Any tips for a newbie? I'll be taking my dog. Greetings to you all.

Which part of Indonesia are you planning to retire to? One thing to remember is that they don't allow people to bring their dogs into Bali, in case you were thinking of retiring there.

Thanks for your reply Shill, having done a bit of research I'm now beginning to think that Panama might be a better bet with the dog in mind and also the retirement Visa they do which is highly rated. Also costs seem very low and climate better all round.  As you can see my plans are evolving!

Indonesia has a retirement visa good for 5 years. I have lived in Bali for 22 years and love it here! You can bring your dog to another part of Indonesia then drive to Bali with your dog.

BALI2021 wrote:

Indonesia has a retirement visa good for 5 years. I have lived in Bali for 22 years and love it here! You can bring your dog to another part of Indonesia then drive to Bali with your dog.

Retirement Visa days in Indonesia.shall be valid for one year and could be extended for not more than 5 time consecutively.
About entering dogs in Beli, its illegal, doesnt matter if coming from another part of Indonesia, there are some agency that sell that kind of service, but if they are caught from the authority the dog will be killed.
Please, dont share illegal and dangerous advice on this forum, thanks.

This is not correct !

For the visa and for the dogs !

Bali Frog wrote:

This is not correct !

For the visa and for the dogs !

What Is not correct?
My statement is absoloutely correct, thats the law!!!

You are wrong about everything! Indonesia has a 5 year retirement visa for anybody over 55 years of age. And you can bring a dog legally to Indonesia. Get your facts straight and stop accusing me of false information when its you that give false info about Indonesia.

Indonesia government sya the following " Your cat or dog must have an import license issued by the Director of Animal Health from the Ministry of Agriculture when entering Indonesia from any country. ... The permit applicaton must be accompanied with a health certificate, rabies certificate(s), rabies titer test results and owner's passport."

ITAP for Senior Citizens
After extending the one-year limited stay permit (retirement visa) five consecutive times (5 years), foreign retirees can apply for a permanent stay permit visa (ITAP) through a Senior Foreign Tourist Travel Bureau, as follows:

Application letter and guarantee from tourist travel bureau as a sponsor.
License (SIUP) and tax number (NPWP) of the travel bureau.
Appointment letter of travel bureau to handle the Foreign Senior Tourist.
Curriculum vitae.
Original and copy of valid passport
Four photographs, size 2x3 cm.
Statement of accounts, issued by Pension Fund Institution or bank/s declaring funds of not less than US$1,500/month are available to finance his/her stay in Indonesia.
Statement/evidence verifying actual stay at available accommodation facilities through the purchase or rental at minimum specified rates.
Statement to declare employment of Indonesian maid-servant during his/her stay in Indonesia.
The most recent, still valid, limited stay permit visa.

BALI2021 wrote:

You are wrong about everything! Indonesia has a 5 year retirement visa for anybody over 55 years of age. And you can bring a dog legally to Indonesia. Get your facts straight and stop accusing me of false information when its you that give false info about Indonesia.

Indonesia government sya the following " Your cat or dog must have an import license issued by the Director of Animal Health from the Ministry of Agriculture when entering Indonesia from any country. ... The permit applicaton must be accompanied with a health certificate, rabies certificate(s), rabies titer test results and owner's passport."

ITAP for Senior Citizens
After extending the one-year limited stay permit (retirement visa) five consecutive times (5 years), foreign retirees can apply for a permanent stay permit visa (ITAP) through a Senior Foreign Tourist Travel Bureau, as follows:

Application letter and guarantee from tourist travel bureau as a sponsor.
License (SIUP) and tax number (NPWP) of the travel bureau.
Appointment letter of travel bureau to handle the Foreign Senior Tourist.
Curriculum vitae.
Original and copy of valid passport
Four photographs, size 2x3 cm.
Statement of accounts, issued by Pension Fund Institution or bank/s declaring funds of not less than US$1,500/month are available to finance his/her stay in Indonesia.
Statement/evidence verifying actual stay at available accommodation facilities through the purchase or rental at minimum specified rates.
Statement to declare employment of Indonesian maid-servant during his/her stay in Indonesia.
The most recent, still valid, limited stay permit visa.

Well, about retirement Visa its Just what I stated, the First application Is for 1 year and can be extended every year for max 5 years, AFTER that, u can apply for a 5 years Visa.
About dogs, the OP ask to move a dog in Bali, wich Is ILLEGAL, there are some agencies they sell a service to bring a dog in Jakarta, wich Is legal, and then bring the dog to Bali by car, wich Is ILLEGAL, and if they are caught by the authority, the dog will be killed, as Is already happened many times

https://www-myguidebali-com.cdn.ampproj … allowed-in
So again, dont share illegal advices on this forum!!!

Meyer Tiopan wrote:

Hi.. i am citizen of indonesia. And i already work as a driver for expat in jakarta since 2009. I just want to tell you about visa for retirement tourist in indonesia it valid for 1 year period time. but, you can extended every year until 5 years without having to leave indonesia.

About your pet, you can bring to indonesia legally. but it just like what BALI2021 said before. that is must be have valid document and it will be stay on carantina for several days.

My ex bos is living on bali until now, since he retirement on 2012 until now. and other ex bos is bring him dog and cat to indonesia as well legally.

Every of permit for all document, it has to be paying several cost and condition. so what is BALI2021 said is completely true. But because of pandemic covid 19 right now, i thing is difrent for a new VISA (KITAS) for retirement tourist. you can search some information on imigration.


Ur boss bring his pet in Bali illegaly, risking to be caught and the per killed because as I said, to move a pet in Bali Is ILLEGAL!!!

https://www-myguidebali-com.cdn.ampproj … allowed-in

Meyer Tiopan wrote:

I dont think that ILLEGAL, coz some many paper and document for their pet. i think the better way to find out about that, is call the local authority how to import your pet to bali. not just following of some story or news on internet. even as a jakarta citizen, i need to ask some people on difrent area to find some place, before i wasting time and gas to find it self.  😊

Sure, ask to locale authority, they will confirm that Is ILLEGAL move a pet to Bali, the link that I posted Is based on the current regulation, end of the storty.

Bit worried about taking my dog now, not sure I want to move to a country that will kill a dog just for moving it. /is that about protecting from rabies or something?

DeleBelly wrote:

Bit worried about taking my dog now, not sure I want to move to a country that will kill a dog just for moving it. /is that about protecting from rabies or something?

U get the point, Bali Is declared free rabies area, so Is currently not permitting the entry or exit of any dogs or Cars, even those from rabies free countries.
Here Is the statement by the head of the task force, with reference to the relevamt law (its in Indonesian, can translate with the browser).
https://bali.tribunnews.com/2019/03/31/ … i-melarang


Retirement visa is rather easy to obtain. Using a government approved agent is mandatory.
Cost used to be around 9 million IDR. Note that during this Covid madness, prices have gone through the roof. Just renewed mine at the normal price but discussing with the agent I was told that for newcomers during.this period it's 15 M. And much much more in Jakarta.
Importing pets in Bali is strictly prohibited. Anybody tells you different is speaking BS.
Now, if you want to "work your way around the rules".... be aware that if caught the animal will likely be "elimininated"

People seem to think you need an agent to obtain a Kitas which is not the case. You can very much do it on your own but be will to devote some time to it.
Agents make it easier for you but often times their fees are much, much higher than what actual fees are. 
As for dogs, yes be careful about information out there.
You could call one government agency and they will tell you ok to bring a dog to Bali... Another will tell you that you can't. The risk may be high.
I am certainly no expert but than again, I doubt anyone else posting here is either. We just go by what we have heard and/or read and personal experience.

tanami wrote:

People seem to think you need an agent to obtain a Kitas which is not the case. You can very much do it on your own but be will to devote some time to it.
Agents make it easier for you but often times their fees are much, much higher than what actual fees are. 
As for dogs, yes be careful about information out there.
You could call one government agency and they will tell you ok to bring a dog to Bali... Another will tell you that you can't. The risk may be high.
I am certainly no expert but than again, I doubt anyone else posting here is either. We just go by what we have heard and/or read and personal experience.

Sorry, but to apply for a retirement visa is mandatory to use a registered agent, for others visa, yas. u can do by urself.
Aboit to move a dog a dog in Bali, my statement is not coming from something I heard in a bar, but I posted a link where the head of the task force explain the rule and indicate the relativa law.


I was thinking more along the lines of a marriage Kitas that you can do on your own.

As for retirement visa, good info to know that an agent is needed.


Yes I think if you plan it out right and get all your docs in order, it should go pretty smooth as far as marriage Kitas.
However... Right now nothing being issued if you are off shore. No visa 317 that can be changed into a Kitas.
Really hope they start processing again but Covid has really screwed that up.
Seems like they would at least process 317 visa so families could be reunited. Valid swab test and some quarantine time would be fine... Just let the spouse in!