
Need help please


I am Dr Sharafat Biland from pakistan.Recently my qualification has been aproved by DPSA as pediatrician.i am planning to move to denmark for authorization process.Any pakistani doctor here please let me know.I need some guidance please.
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See also

Working in CopenhagenCopenhagen's labour marketThe work culture in CopenhagenSetting up a business in DenmarkInternships in Denmark

I need your assistance how you get denmark visa or approval as a Pakistani doctor . I m from pakistan and I have also interested to get this kindly guide me


assalam o alaikum sulaiman.
hope u will be healthy and safe.
inorder to get denmark visa for authorization process you need to submit your application to DPSA online and hard form.Also you should make an id at ECFMG and varify your MBBS degree, Transcrept and pmdc certificate through ECFMG.after varification and your application along with documents DPSA will assess your qualification.if they approved your qualification as doctor they will send you an aproval letter.After getting approval letter you can apply for denmark visa for authorization process.All this process took about 2 years.
feel free to ask me if you need any further informations.
ALLAH hafiz
Dr Sharafat Biland


Thanks brother for your brief reply. I m also from pakistan and my wife is doctor, she did mbbs as well fcps in Pulmonology from pakistan. Few immigration consultants approach as and ask this easier way to get Europe vise which is leading to PR after five years of stay. But unfortunately I couldn't find any success stories especially from any Pakistani who got this visa. But fortunately I found your chat link. Which is so encouraging me and my wife and we think that people can get visa from our region. I am little bit afraid about this is it true after language exams denish health authorities allow and give license to Pakistani doctor.? If you don't mind kindly share your email address or whatapp #. I will not disturbing you unnecessary. Best regards


W salam.after language test one has to pass their medicsl test comprising of written and oral test , like our pmdc test.After test some short courses and training and then final approval to work as doctor.

My email

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WA alikum assalam brother,
Thanks for your reply. Currently you in denmark? If yes than  how you find your choice to move denmark it's professionally worthwhile and you work as doctor. You find professional growth point of view. My immigration consultant ask me that during language classes Dr may work as assistant job means to assist doctor in hospital is it true? Ap lagta hy itnay social nahi hn q k mayny apko find kiyah website py. Per ap apny name sy find nahi hosaky kisi b social nwork py.
R u with your family? Is this process to go denmark requires any immigration consultant required? Or we can pursue our case by our self.  Unfortunately I couldn't receive you contact details due to restrictions . What is your recommendation regarding immigration consultant hiring.


W salam.
I have recieved my approval feom denmark and will apply for visa after they allow visa applications.
Mu friends are in denmark and its very hard to find job over there.working as assisstent with doctor is not possible without language as i know.
U can trace me on fb my name is sharafat biland, i am from swat married.look for these hope u will find me.

Dr Umer Bin irfan

@sharafat_dr respected dr. could u please tell the total cost of whole procedure? also did u do it by urself o took help from some consultant?

Dr Umer Bin irfan

@sulemanmalikpk who is your consultant?

Green Khuram

Hi, group members, Dr Shakeel here, If anyone of you want to get info about DPSA and Denmark immigration, feel free to contact me at [link moderated] or +92-**-

Moderated by Bhavna 2 years ago
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Hello Green Khuram,

Feel free to share information on the forum itself, since it seems that you have some. 1f609.svg


Cheryl team

Felix Kilonzo

Hi I'm Felix Kilonzo from Kenya, I hold a degree in Analytical Chemistry from Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya and have been practicing for some few years now. How possible would it be for me to find a job in Denmark and practice my profession? an answer to my request would be highly appreciated. Thanks.


Hello Felix,

Please note that you are off-topic on this thread. The OP is looking for doctors who have been through the authorisation process.

Find some tips about job hunting in the Working in Denmark article. Browse through the popular website recommended.

All the best,


Beenish Ahmad

@sharafat_dr aoa dr saab m a dentist from Pakistan I applied for Danish patient safety and authority in July 2020 it took so long still no reply they sent me an email wen I sent my documents they asked for they sent me confirmation mail that they received them n process will start within 16 months but its been 2 yrs now upon inquiry they sent an email that my process will initiate before July 2023 how long will it take now


I am Surgeon from Pakistan coming to Denmark afterAuthorisation want to join this forum


@sharafat_dr can you share yor contact