"A Great Country for Old Men"?

Lambybutler wrote:

“In addition there's the big problem with money. You can bring in as much as you want as easily as a click of the mouse but it's a whole different story should you want to take it back out. “

Is this true?
Are there restrictions to sending money out of Vietnam?
Many tips / suggestions for doing so

I am shortly arriving for work and was planning to set up regular money transfers of money back to Australia

As long as you have the required paperwork, such as work contract and payslips to show the bank where the money comes from then there is no problem.

Lambybutler wrote:

Are there restrictions to sending money out of Vietnam?
Many tips / suggestions for doing so

I am shortly arriving for work and was planning to set up regular money transfers of money back to Australia

The topic of sending money out of Vietnam may be the most discussed subject on this forum.  It will be an excellent chance for you to familiarize yourself with the cryptic (and crippled) search system on this site.   :huh:

If you are slated for legitimate employment with an international corporation or a significant Viet company, they should either have a legal department or be able to point you to a lawyer who can walk you through the steps required.

Many thanks, the money is legit  :top:  and I'm working for the OneMount group so I'm sure they will be able to help me.

As to the forum ... There is certainly plenty of useful information floating around and I have tried following a few threads, but many do seem to go off course quite frequently.

There are also quite a few people with some very forthright opinions on the ways of the country!
I'm looking forward to finding out the truth for myself in a few months  :)

Lambybutler wrote:

“In addition there's the big problem with money. You can bring in as much as you want as easily as a click of the mouse but it's a whole different story should you want to take it back out. “

Is this true?
Are there restrictions to sending money out of Vietnam?
Many tips / suggestions for doing so

I am shortly arriving for work and was planning to set up regular money transfers of money back to Australia

See this older discussion:
And this post by colinoscapee and this link:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/transfer … ew-lourey/

Very helpful response, much appreciated  :top: