New members of the Ecuador forum, introduce yourselves here - 2021

Congratulations!!! Best of luck to you both.. Ecuador is a very welcoming country, show respect and you will be respected simple as that. Where are y'all

Cox said he is living in Quito .. and his husband is from Quito. :top:


We welcome discussion of this topic, including any response to
Cox's question on the previous page about whether there are
other Gay Expats in Quito.  However, y'all should start a new thread :par: ,
which is easily done at the top of the Ecuador welcome page.

This thread is for introductions only, by order of the Home Office.  Posing and answering questions is welcome on any other thread. :)

member, experts team

Congratulations!! Best wishes for you both 💞

Was I being disrespectful?

Coxhere1 wrote:

Was I being disrespectful?

Not at all.  We don't expect every new member to
immediately know the ins-and-outs of this arcane rule
that pertains only to this members-introduction thread.

That's why I used a few smileys, to make sure
everyone was staying in good humor. :D


Hey Cox, absolutely not... cccmedia is just showing us the ropes. I'm still figuring out this site and how to navigate it myself
Buen día ☀️

Hi, my name is Rod. I was born in Quito, but lived in California for nearly forty years. I retired a few years back. Plan to stay in Ecuador till I find a better place.  I like art, politics, nature.


rodrigoleivacastellanos wrote:

Hi, my name is Rod. I was born in Quito, but lived in California for nearly forty years. I retired a few years back. Plan to stay in Ecuador till I find a better place.

Dear Rod,

Welcome to the Ecuador forums of ...

I found the "better place" comment in the citation above to be provocative.

Since we can't really discuss it here (this thread being devoted to new-member-introductions-only and all), I have created a new thread that is reachable with a single click off the Ecuador forum welcome page.

Its title is Rod Will Stay Until He Finds a Place Better Than Ecuador.

cccmedia in Quito

Alright that's will be nice I can meet you people

We are in our late 50s early60‘s fit and active couple.
We Are originally from Switzerland but have lived in Canada now since 95.
We are hoping to travel to Ecuador soon and possibly buy property to either spend 6 months of the year there and perhaps move full time in a few years.
Hoping to connect hear some stories and receive suggestions.

I interrupt this members-introduction thread to reintroduce Rule #1 for Expats arriving in Ecuador...

Do not consider buying property in South America before living in the target area for at least one year.

cccmedia in Quito

I'm in my late 50's and live in Louisiana. I came to Ecuador last year and I fell in love with the country and a beautiful Ecuadorian lady. I got married to her not to long ago and now have a place in Quito and love traveling all over this country.

hi, my wife and I like to move to manta Ecuador,we be grateful for any advice
fred dumonde ***

Moderated by Diksha 2 years ago
Reason : Please do not post contact details on the forum for security reasons.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Fred, we welcome you to the Ecuador forums of ....

In order to conform with the rules for this thread, we prefer to reserve it for new introductions only.

Further discussion of your interests  is welcomed on our existing Coastal threads including one named ¨Manta¨.. or by starting a new thread.

To search for an existing thread or initiate a new one, your next step is to return to the Ecuador forum welcome page, where those options are available.

cccmedia in Quito
member of experts team

New member here.  I retired in 2019.  I first visited Cuenca this past January and came back in June to finalize my Temp Visa and get my cédula.  I'll be back in Cuenca in November to finalize a place to live, and I plan to ship my belongings after the first of the year and make Cuenca my new home.

Hola Mis Amigos!  I'm Emily and am in Cuenca for the month.  I've been working on my Spanish but it's not great enough to really connect with solely Spanish speakers right now.  Anyone in Cuenca right now and like to meet up for a walk, lunch, dinner, or drinks?  I'm in El Centro near San Sebastian.  I am here for the month of October to determine if I want to make the big plunge and move here for real! I'd love to meet with some folks to hear about your experience, learn about any tips that you may have, etc.  Hope to hear back. Thanks all! :)

Hi Emily welcome to Ecuador. I am sure you will have fun all along. Unfortunately I am in Manta in the cost as we speak , but I am sure you will find plenty of companies around your area 😊

Thank you so much!  If I pop over to Manta I hope to meet you sometime.  I've been wanting to check that area out.  Appreciate the welcome. :)

It will be a pleasure meeting you and show you around

Nice to meet you, my name is Saúl, i´m a mexican architect born in Guadalajara, Jalisco (the land of mariachi, tequila, margaritas, avocado whit chips) i´m arrived to Ecuador in june 9 2021, i live in Guayaquil and have some projects in Real State for plan ecovillages on large farms at first time, and create a crowfunding company. At the moment I am processing my professional architect visa (I have already registered my foreign degree in Ecuador) to later associate with investors who wish to be part of this project, probably in Manta, Puerto Cayo and of course Cuenca and Loja. The company of crowfunding is national and even for global promotion complying with government regulations.

That's very exciting! Congrats and everything you are doing.

Are you around?

Hello everyone. My name is Daniel and I'm from the US, Colorado. This is my second time in Cuenca. I was here last for a short two week vacation in September of 2020. I liked it so much I had to return for a longer stay.

I'm looking for a new place to live outside of the US. There are a few more destinations on my itinerary, so will be departing Ecuador on Dec 5th to check out some other places around the globe. My next stop will probably be SE Asia.

Other than that, I'm 37, male. Have two Bachelor's degrees, one in English and another in Electrical Engineering. I also have a Master's in EE and a minor in mathematics. I worked a lot of different jobs throughout my life, but the last one (software engineer) burned me out, and the thought of sitting in front of a computer all day scared me to the point to make me want to leave the US and find something a bit more fulfilling to do with my life, outside of the corporate grind.

Hi All,
It is both interesting and encouraging reading all of your comments… I've been half heartedly looking at Ecuador for the past couple of years… but now with the lockdowns and authoritarianism right around Australia, I don't feel welcome in my own country… I'd love the opportunity to travel to Ecuador, but I am self employed and my wife is soon to be out of work due to the mandates, so really need to workout when is best… right now, my wife has no idea about my exploratory quest, but just feel it in my bones that Ecuador will be the best place for both of us… we are both 62, and still have some life left in us, but I'm afraid my beautiful Australia has turned into North Korea…

Thanks for this great previlledged it has availed me some opportunity to see how people move to Ecuador which is my dream destination for a better job opportunity and a good life away from bad experience of life in Africa, Nigeria to be precised,  it has rekindled my spirit of going to Ecuador God's willing I will soon start processing my documents and move too,  I have degree in mass communication with 19years experience in security circle hope I will be able to secure a job, raise money and further my studies?

Hola to all you wonderful veterans........

Brief introduction as a newbie - looking to move out there hopefully next year from UK.  Not sure which area yet.  Researching where weather is warm all year as am greedy  :lol:

However, just reading cccmedia's post strongly suggesting living there for a year before entering into property purchase has somewhat thrown a curve ball into my plans  :mad:

I'd be a single woman moving and living off my savings so to rent for a year would deplete some of my finances, and then nothing to show at the end of it.  Surely a couple of months would determine the decision factor?  Or am I being naive  :unsure

Anyhoos, you all seem a great bunch and look forward to picking your brains.

Finally, are there any UK expats living out there?

Thanks in advance


Barry, you should go with your gut. I visited Ecuador last year to confirm what I had been researching for a couple years and I fell in love! While I don't have first hand knowledge of what is happening in your country, I understand your feelings. I live in the US and sadly, I feel that this is no longer my country. So much hate.... I originally was looking for somewhere else to live solely due to economical reasons but that has changed. I wish you and your wife happy travelling!

petrolhead wrote:

However, just reading cccmedia's post strongly suggesting living there for a year before entering into property purchase has somewhat thrown a curve ball into my plans  :mad:

I'd be a single woman moving and living off my savings so to rent for a year would deplete some of my finances, and then nothing to show at the end of it.  Surely a couple of months would determine the decision factor?  Or am I being naive  :unsure

No, you are not necessarily naive, it's just that you know very little about Ecuador and how things work there (and how they DON'T work there).  A mistake made buying the wrong property in the wrong location could last forever.  Or at least until you die - you might never be able to sell it and recoup anywhere near the price you paid.   You could do a search in the Ecuador forum and on the internet, for the Las Olas development and read about what turned into a nightmare for many people just hoping to have a nice quiet retirement... … hcmNoPTE-/

Buying the wrong property would deplete your finances even more than a year's rent.  You might find the idyllic mountainside property is subject to mudslides.  Or the area is high crime.  Or every morning before dawn there is a loud cacophonous racket that lasts many minutes as the nearby animals awaken.  Or your wonderful city apartment that appeared perfect, leaks when it rains.  And the neighbors have non-stop music blaring all night long on the weekends and often during the week.  Or running water may not be available when you want it, and electricity outages are frequent.  Or there is a once-a-year festival that turns the area into chaos for a week or two.  Or...any number of things that would most likely reveal themselves in a year's renting.

Here are two articles that may help you: … d-to-know/

But in just that one sentence, "Wait at least a year before buying any property", is encapsulated the best advice you could get.  Don't be one of the horror stories that people point to!

Emily, Common Ground Sports Bar is having a Newcomers Luncheon at 1:00 today. That would be a great way to meet like minded expats.

Also understand that there are lots of places where rents are not high like maybe $400-500 a month, although, of course, they can be higher.  But when you buy you will not be buying with a mortgage but all cash.  And most comments are quite correct.  Selling property in Ecuador is not easy as the north american system of real estate brokers is exceptionally modest here.  When I first came.  I thought I wanted to build a house in one area and bought a $30,000 lot and then started designing the house.  However after 2 more trips to Ecuador I meet the neighbours, and soon relaized I could not live with them in their small gated community.  Fortunately I was lucky and the lawyer I used for my purchase was eager to buy my lot.  I only lost $1000.   Linda

Thank you, yes a lot of research to be done, it medical aid, where to live etc… I'm 62, so I can still work, but I would be self employed… we'll see what happens, but like you, I feel the hatred here too, and just want to move away from it all…

Lucky, I agree with you, a small gated community doesn't allow you to choose your neighbours… I will be buying a stand alone house on 1/2 an acre or an acre… better to buy established, rather than dealing with builders etc…

Hello everyone,

A little reminder that only introductions are to be posted to the New members' thread. Should you wish to discuss any other topics, kindly start a new thread on the Ecuador forum.

Thank you.

Diksha team

Hello all,

I am beginning the process of looking at relocating to Ecuador. I currently live in the SE US, work remotely, hoping to relocate within the next 5 years.

Hello ccdsmith,

Welcome to :)

Since you're in the midst of considering a move to Ecuador, I would suggest that as part of your research you read the Living in Ecuador guide. It can help you with basic information a future expat might need.

Also, feel free to browse past topics posted to the Ecuador forum and to start threads of your own to seek advice from members. :)

All the best,

Diksha team

My wife, Colleen and I will be staying in Cuenca (near El Centro on Calle de Batan) from December 7, 2021 through January 7, 2022. This is a trial to see how we like it there.  We did spend one day in Cuenca on a 2 week tour of Ecuador 2 years ago and enjoyed the city.
We love to bicycle and work out.  Is there a good and inexpensive place to rent bikes? Also, what is a reasonably priced gym near El Centro?
We would like to meet other American Expats while we are in Cuenca.
I am a retired University professor from the U. of Arkansas (Exercise Science) and my wife is a horticulturist. She loves flowers, plants and all things green.
We love to travel and have been to over 100 countries so far. Our favorite so far is Australia (been three 5 times).

Hi there,

I canceled my trip to ECU due to the corona rules in Germany.
What is your experience in ECU?


Dear Señor Otti,

Welcome to the Ecuador forums of ...

Ecuador is tops in vaccination .. and the results  (low covid numbers, fewer deaths this year) are stellar.

The land border at Rumichaca reopens in a week .. enabling legal foot and vehicle  traffic to and from Colombia after 21 months of closures.

Since this is a members self-intro thread, please post further at the thread titled Coronavirus in Ecuador, reachable from the threads list at the Ecuador forum welcome page.  Or start a new thread at the same page.


Hello,  I just arrived Tuesday, 12/14. I've retired here and the honeymoon phase is in bloom, I love it here! I'm a former NYC Atty.; present semi-retired hypnotist and Psychic reader: and I am a never retired non-denominational Reverend.

I've a question. How do I get an Ecuadorian phone number before I get my Cedula? I presently have no way to call within Ecuador so I can't even work with a realtor.

I'm looking forward to meeting other expats, volunteering in the community and, perhaps, with ACT, the expat theatre group.

Thank you and Bless you!


I invite you to follow this topic on this new thread:

