Issue of New Job visa in 2021

Hello Guys,

Has any Expat received New work Visa in 2021(Oman).

Kindly confirm.

No I have been waiting for mine since November. I have been told it's going to take a few months

where you want to go man>?

and when

I'm not exactly sure where in Oman but I been waiting on my visa for 3 months already. I want to go as soon as possible.

Dear friend
I also got selected for the oman last year but till now they have not yet send the visa /no reply , Now there the omanization is going on .. so no hopes of jobs for expats .. ok

I would suggest to ask your employer whether they have already labour clearance.

Most time consuming part is labour clearance. Once the employer has clearance - work visa approval takes maximum one week.

Thank you for the help. I guess all I can do is wait.

Does anyone know how long it takes for correction in employment visa?
My employer sent me my work visa a few weeks back, but there were a few typo mistakes on the visa document. I have been waiting for the correction for some time now.