
Bonjour expat'

Nouvelle discussion


I'm french, living near Lyon and candidate for expatriation to ... France ! :lol:
Yes, but overseas France : Reunion Island. A small land in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and Mauritius. This is not a real expatriation as I remain in the same country ... at 10000 Km from Paris !
I'm going there to create a Bed&Breakfast with my girlfriend.
Our blog, relates our adventure. It's in french but you can translate it live with tools such as Babelfish, even if it's not perfect (for instance Reunion is translated Meeting which is the litteral translation but means nothing in context).
Enjoy ! :top:


Welcome on board Reunion!

All my wishes of success in your projects :)

Don't forget to add your blog address in your profile > personal and to locate yourself on the user map ;)


Hi, Reunion ;)

I read some parts of your blog, I like it.
What a great adventure you are living !



Je suis contente de trouver ce forum. J'espère que vous allez m'aider avec vos propres expériences.

Je suis encore en France mais on me propose un poste pour travailler au Vietnam. Je ne sais pas le salaire pour un expat' est combien sachant qu'en France je peux réclamer autour de 25OO Euros par mois.

Si qq'un veut bien m'aider ? Merci d'avance


Salut Hen76,

tu devrais poser ta question dans le forum "living in Asia", et tu auras plus de réponses si tu poses ta question en anglais et en français ;)

A bientôt,


Articles pour préparer votre expatriation

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