Hi there
Due to Covid 19 and general cost of living going up in the Ukraine as well as Utility tariffs increasing the Ukraine is still a fantastic place to locate too.
On average we spend 1800gr a month on electric, water, government tax, security, and hearing.
This has increased by average of 200gr a month, but still good in my opinion.
Food has increased but not by much, milk has gone up about 5 kapeika, and some fruit and veg has also gone up, but the increase is not that much.
The main this that has gone up is anything connected with the US Doller. As this summer and winter the Doller has gone up in value and anything remotely, connected to it has shot up. However, The Ukraine has started to produce its own goods, factory's from other country's has started to invest. This has had a good effect. as not only is the product cheaper, and a good quality, its easy to get and has a proper warranty with it.
A down side to the USD going up as well is the interest rates in the bank have started to come down. A year ago you could get a investment interest rate for 17% but that has gone down over the year to 8.5%. A little disappointing.
Good news for investors is that there is loads of new builds, that are very affordable, which attracts locals and they in turn sell property and land very cheap.
Later this year a new land bill will come into affect which will permit people too sell the land or rent it off, prices have been fixed in some cases, which when sold will give people a small wind fall, which will fuel the economy, and hopefully bring some prices down, so at this time , its a very good time to buy cheap land and develop or hold onto it for a while.
Things like the Gym, Cinema the costs are the same, to rent apartments in Odesa has got cheaper due to the Covid situation, but I think this supper will see an increase, so as to recover lost income from 2020.
On average i would say they overall increase in costs is around 40 USD a month. Which is offset buy high exchange rates.