Start a hotel in Tbilissi

I want to rent/buy a hotel in Tbilissi.

Can I do it as a small business firm, or, must I make a LLC firm?

you can as   individual entrepreneur or  LTd- Limited liability company
You need to register both, which is the very very simple procedure..

small business: I heard it is not allowed.

How do you mean, you need to register both?

Are you a lawyer or do you have a hotel already?

You need to register LTD - (it is same as LLC) But the procedure is easy .. I have Hotel as well and I have registered few times all kinds of Companies.
I am not Lawyer... I am  Financial Manager and also  have experience in REAL ESTATE

I have heard that to make hotel business in Georgia you MUST register a LLC. It is NOT possible with small business enterprise! Are you sure? Do you know somebody personally?