
Brexit Titre de Séjour


Hey there fellow expats,

I've been living in Paris since November 2019 so I completed an application for a post-Brexit titre de séjour last year. I received an invitation to go for an interview with the préfecture this week so I was just wondering if anyone else had already been through this experience, and what to expect. I believe I've got all my ducks in a row (proof of address, registered for taxes/social security, identification, etc.) but the confirmation doesn't give you a great deal of information as to what the 'interview' will entail, just to bring all the documents that I used for my application. Does anyone have any experiences they'd like to share?

Thanks in advance.

See also

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I received my carte de séjour last week by registered post.  I applied on line at the beginning of January, submitted the documents (copy of current UK passport and my old carte de séjour which I'd kept).
I received confirmation by email that the authorities had registered my application and then by post, an invitation to go to the Préfecture on 22/01 to hand in photos and have my fingerprints taken.
The 'convocation' to go to your Préfecture could mention that your appointment is at 9 am.  The place opens at 9 and you will probably find a long queue at the gate.  This is scary as you imagine you'll never get to the 'guichet' on time.  In fact there is no problem.  In my case, at the Préfecture de Créteil, everyone gets the same appointment time.
I hope this is helpful. 


Many thanks for the reply.  I actually got an invitation to make an appointment a couple of months after I did the application, and was then able to pick a specific time slot in the afternoon, so I would imagine there won't be any queuing involved. Mine is at the préfecture at île de la Cité, so maybe they work differently. So they don't ask anything more from you than just your photo and fingerprints? I didn't already have a carte de séjour. I wasn't sure if were still some other requirements to meet, but I guess if I've received the convocation then it's already been approved effectively?


I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on this topic (sorry not replying to the author of the thread).  I applied for residency online at the end of December having bought our property in the Charente at the beginning of December 2020.  I have acknowledgement of that application but have got stuck in the UK since Christmas and will not be able to return to France (which will be our permanent home) for probably a further month.  I am worried that I may have missed a letter sent to the new house regarding an appointment at the Prefecture - which I guess could be a bit of a disaster for me.  Although I was not to know that I would get stuck in the UK for this length of time, I had blithely assumed that there would be a long delay between application and attendance at the prefecture... anyone have any experience of this?


It would perhaps be better to make a new forum post if you're not replying to my question, rather than hijacking my post.


Pardon me - no hijack intended your honour.  :(


I did this at the préfecture de Nice - nothing to worry about. I had already submitted my passport and old CdeS - I had to show my passport and confirm my details (+ photo!), then they took biometrics (fingerprints) and they sent me away, said I'd receive my new CdeS in 6 weeks or so.  Given you don't have an old CdeS they might want to see originals of proof of residence, so take that in with you and I don't expect you will have any problems.  Krs Jon



there is no formal interview for this titre de sejour.
Go there with all the docs you need (passport, passport sized photo, proof of address etc etc).
This is more of an administrative process and actually the queuing is longer than the time you spend at the counter.
They will complete the dossier for you and scan your prints, and then job done



Hi all. I am still waiting for an invitation to complete my Brexit dossier for a carte de séjour at prefecture in seine st denis (93) near Paris.made application on brexit webpage last november thus sending by pdf photo of passport, old rent bill etc then was given a number and told I would be contacted. after many emails sent, no reply and it's april. are there any british expats living in (93)  who could shed some light on this. I'm really starting to panic.


It takes ages. As long as you have the automatic reply from the prefecture just wait. If you have not received this, apply again


At this moment you have valid dokuments? My husband is the similar situation. His dokuments finished 06.03 and prefecture don't answer. We live in Saint-Denis , prefecture is in Bobigny .

Louise de Valois

Dear Christopher,

When you are 6 months in the country they usually contact you about work, place to live and healthcare.
I just got my siret code , so I can apply for vite card.

I had to wait 7 months and was ignored, finally paid a court translator to ring them and come with me to interview.
Under the withdrawal agreement you are still European.

Good luck , I feel your pain, I suffered a racist attack on the English here. It was awful because I voted remain and did not want BREXIT.Its sad . hopefully with time everything will settledown. I love France but some French hate the English now.
regards Louise


Louise de Valois wrote:

Good luck , I feel your pain, I suffered a racist attack on the English here. It was awful because I voted remain and did not want BREXIT.Its sad . hopefully with time everything will settledown. I love France but some French hate the English now.
regards Louise

There has always been a love hate relationship between France and England. It depends on where you are in the country, some areas are worse than others.


I have my British passport. I had a carte de séjour when I settled definitely in france back in 1999,then after British people didn’t need a carte de séjour anymore as they joined Europe



I noted that someone on the thread receieved their new (Post Brexit) CdS by registered mail.  I am waiting on mine and would like ro know if this is the norm (receiving new card by mail rather than another convocation ro pick it up at the PREFECTURE)

Neil Welsh

Hi yes,
It's normal at the moment ato inhibit traveling more than a couple Kms but as everything it will change (but when who knows)
Clear as mud I know


Hello, I received my Carte de Séjour by ordinary mail about 2 or 3 weeks after going to the Préfecture in the Val de Marne.


Thanks - Im at Nanterre   which I think is much bigger and was wondering if they'll do the same (it's been 4 weeks)