need a sincere advice for marriage conflicts
i married with a person in November 2019 , i m working in private firm and my salary at the time of marriage was 50k ,but we told my my husband that my slalry is 30k . my age was 35 , we got a proposal and his salary was 25k and age was 35 equal to me , and we wanted to get married because of my age , in his family he has his father mother and an elder sister , for complete one year i was living on ground floor and rest of three people were residing on the 1st floor , they have double story house , in this one year whatever i bought for me , or i shop whatever i needed , even i went lab for tests i paid for that. i bought everything with my own money . because he has to give 10k to his mom , and rest 15k he used to keep with him , i did not say anything ever and compromise with this, i shop for him even , i gifted him 4-5 shirts , shoes wallet jackets . but i did this out of love . he bought me two dresses in one year .whenevr i ordered food we both eat that
i use to go at my moms place weekly for a day and sometimes after 2-3 weeks i go to moms for three days , he doesnot like it and said it to me why u go to your moms so frequently . he askei d me that our freezer in home is old so place your new freezer , our washing machine is old so give your new washing machine .. i denied it and clearly said No . i have arranged car for him , 2lacs he arranged and 1lac 25k i have added , but i told him that my mom given this money ,
i used to make his breakfast before leaving for my work , lunch his mom made , when i came back from job at 3 lunch has been ready and i do lunch after lunch i sleep and at night , i help my mom in law in dinner .and on sundays i cook at home.
my husband lost his job a month ago .
few days back i was going to moms and i ask him to drop him he said car is not in running condition i will drop you in my bike , i said i will not go on bike i will call the cab and i will go , i said why you arranged a car, he said what a good car you arranged for me , i got angry and i came in the cab , he came to the cab ,but he did not say anything , after this he did not message me or call me for three days, after three days he called me and got angry that why i don come back to his home ,i said i m not coming because of your behaviour , he said you did misbehave with me , and then cut my call and directly he called my father . that she is not coming home , after this everything i told to my papa and my mom that he doesn't take my responsibilities and he has objection that i m coming to my mom ,please note i did not tell anything to my parents or anyone else in this 1 year of my marriage ,
papa called his father and ask them to come , father came and he was blaming me that i did everything and destroying relationships . other day my husband and his father came to take me with them , my husband apologise and ask me to come home , i came with him ,
my mom saying now i don have to cook or make anything on sundays, because i am earning , my mom saying that if your husband ask you to cook or help in the kitchen ask him to give you a separate kitchen , you will not do anything for his family now .
Nowadays i dont go out of the room and i dont talk to his sisiter and father , i spent half an hour with my mother in law , i have arranged my diet food so my breakfast ,lunch and dinner are ready made ,so i dont need to go in kitchen for my needs.
what should i do now ?
how should i move on in my life ?
should i demand for a separate kitchen ?
I will give you two perspectives.
1. Your perspective. Married with a nice man, spent money on him, helped with his family but got little in return. He became more demanding, lost his job so now he's angry and I don't want to do anything with him and his family anymore.
2. His perspective. I had little money in the form of salary. My wife as comparatively richer and she contributed in the well being of my family. Now I lost my job and she isn't co operating and creating troubles.
Probably reality lies somewhere in between.
A major rift has been created in the relationship between you and your husband plus now you guys have involved families in the mix also which takes things to extremes more often.
I will advise you to reassess the situation. Cutting yourself away isn't the solution. What d happen if you d voluntarily cook some meals for your husband's family? What d happen if you d maintain minimal social interaction with his family?
I will advise to you take one decision and either stick with him and his family or make arrangements for separation as continuing your mini lockdown in your own home won't work in the long run.
Deep breath 😴
After read the story..
I would say that go on with positive thinking either separate kitchen or with same..
Because it's part of life.. That you wrote here
I have read all your story. This is the problem of the ego of all that creates this situation. anyhow I will advise you do not break the relations with your in-laws. keep in touch with them. Built a kitchen within your area for your needs. It is not a big deal. You can send something to your in-laws when you cook something special.
I don't understand your big letter. Write a simple and small letter. Do you have to get married in Pakistan?
“There are no facts, only interpretations.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Dear Sister,
Keep in mind in our society most of the time women sacrifice..... and in your case specially you started with your marriage life and letter with "Money - Discrimination".
You can't get satisfaction until you tell the truth...yes truth not 50% truth...100% truth and then you'll see how ALLAH will help you out from crises.
but with lie even little lie you can't come in comfort zone.
Do well and have well.
I can understand that you must be going through mixed emotions and it must be very difficult for you as you have only been married 2 years. It's still early days my dear. The simple answer is that You and only You can help yourself.
Running away from a situation never helps, you need to face it and resolve it. Once you have addressed all the issues and it still persists, then and only then you start walking in a different direction.
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