Vaccines required in Hungary

Hello everybody,

When living or moving abroad, and in particular in Hungary, vaccination against certain diseases is often required to enter the country or to avoid risks.

We would like to ask you a few questions to help future expats there.

What is your relationship to vaccines in general?

Did you get vaccinated before moving to Hungary?
Were these vaccinations compulsory or recommended?

Did you refuse to get any vaccine that was recommended for Hungary? If so, why?

If you are an expatriate in Hungary, are you encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccine? Do you have access to the vaccine and do you plan to get it?

Is this vaccine required for entering the country now?

Many thanks,

Diksha, team

See also:

COVID19 thread

Nothing was required regarding vaccination on entering or visiting Hungary.
Should vaccination be required I will consider doing so especially if I wish to travel.

anns wrote:

Nothing was required regarding vaccination on entering or visiting Hungary.
Should vaccination be required I will consider doing so especially if I wish to travel.

Think many of us feel the same about getting a jab.
Will do only if required to carry on with life .

Indeed, as above - it's a bit of a weird question, because I've NEVER been asked for vaccination history entering or leaving ANY country within Europe 😳 EVER.
Predictably, this holds as true for Hungary as for any other European country.
And no, a Covid vaccination is NOT a requirement to enter Hungary, otherwise we'd only be allowing in the over 65s and Health Workers to Hungary, as these are the only 2 groups to have been comprehensively vaccinated.
Anyone refusing the Covid vaccine needs to consider the implications of potentially killing somebody, however unwittingly, by passing it on - AND, there will surely come a time when any responsible employer or event manager will only allow entry to Vaccinated People, to ensure they are not liable for any part in maintaining the spread of disease that the un-vacvinated will surely do.
Very odd question!!

I've been vaccinated against Polio at an airport.  Must be at least 10 years ago.

I was boarding a plane in Istanbul enroute to a Central Asian country where there was a polio outbreak amongst children. 

We could voluntarily take the vaccine (just a drop in the mouth) or refuse. 

I took it - couldn't do any harm. 

Two local guys I was with refused.

fluffy2560 wrote:

I've been vaccinated against Polio at an airport.  Must be at least 10 years ago.

I was boarding a plane in Istanbul enroute to a Central Asian country where there was a polio outbreak amongst children. 

We could voluntarily take the vaccine (just a drop in the mouth) or refuse. 

I took it - couldn't do any harm. 

Two local guys I was with refused.

My father was jabbed, prodded and sprayed down with bug spray when he was 7 years old and came into the USA .
Put up in quarantine also for a few weeks before getting off the Island.All that after nearly 2 weeks rockin' and rollin' on a ship. Poor guy no wonder he hated going anywhere other then the bar.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I've been vaccinated against Polio at an airport.  Must be at least 10 years ago.

I was boarding a plane in Istanbul enroute to a Central Asian country where there was a polio outbreak amongst children. 

We could voluntarily take the vaccine (just a drop in the mouth) or refuse. 

I took it - couldn't do any harm. 

Two local guys I was with refused.

My father was jabbed, prodded and sprayed down with bug spray when he was 7 years old and came into the USA .
Put up in quarantine also for a few weeks before getting off the Island.All that after nearly 2 weeks rockin' and rollin' on a ship. Poor guy no wonder he hated going anywhere other then the bar.

Reminds me of those scenes where they used to throw DDT all over people or they hose them down in the prison yard.  Very demeaning and humiliating.  Traumatic even.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I've been vaccinated against Polio at an airport.  Must be at least 10 years ago.

I was boarding a plane in Istanbul enroute to a Central Asian country where there was a polio outbreak amongst children. 

We could voluntarily take the vaccine (just a drop in the mouth) or refuse. 

I took it - couldn't do any harm. 

Two local guys I was with refused.

My father was jabbed, prodded and sprayed down with bug spray when he was 7 years old and came into the USA .
Put up in quarantine also for a few weeks before getting off the Island.All that after nearly 2 weeks rockin' and rollin' on a ship. Poor guy no wonder he hated going anywhere other then the bar.

Reminds me of those scenes where they used to throw DDT all over people or they hose them down in the prison yard.  Very demeaning and humiliating.  Traumatic even.

I think it did traumatize my father. He hardly spoke about it but then again he hated speaking on serious subjects.
Getting swab put up your nose isn't much fun either though. I have to do that again in a couple of weeks, yuck.
I'm afraid we will need shots before flying again.There is money behind it so someone has their agenda. Just follw the money trail... Billy-Boy Gates?
When my father entered the US they were not taking in many immigrants any longer from eastern Europe. I saw a documentary on the subject. They wanted more western Europeans by the late 1920's.
He and my handicapped grandmother were only allowed in because my grandfather was a US citizen born in the US. I mentioned how he was drafted into the Czars army as a vacationing teenager in Poland. He was out of the US for so many years that they told him when he reentered why are you back, you've been gone too long. Can't imagine being so un PC these days.
I'm a bit mad because Japan doesn't look like they will open for tourists for a long while yet.
Our son can visit here and return but not something he is interested in doing.
He is a HU citizen and a Japanese resident.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I think it did traumatize my father. He hardly spoke about it but then again he hated speaking on serious subjects.
Getting swab put up your nose isn't much fun either though. I have to do that again in a couple of weeks, yuck.
I'm afraid we will need shots before flying again.There is money behind it so someone has their agenda. Just follw the money trail... Billy-Boy Gates?
When my father entered the US they were not taking in many immigrants any longer from eastern Europe. I saw a documentary on the subject. They wanted more western Europeans by the late 1920's.
He and my handicapped grandmother were only allowed in because my grandfather was a US citizen born in the US. I mentioned how he was drafted into the Czars army as a vacationing teenager in Poland. He was out of the US for so many years that they told him when he reentered why are you back, you've been gone too long. Can't imagine being so un PC these days.
I'm a bit mad because Japan doesn't look like they will open for tourists for a long while yet.
Our son can visit here and return but not something he is interested in doing.
He is a HU citizen and a Japanese resident.

Those unfounded conspiracy theories again.   

Why would Bill Gates have anything to do with a requirement to get vaccinated?  What's in it for him?  How much more money in his pocket would do him any good?  He's got more than enough to spend in multiple lifetimes.  It's just pure bunk.  It'd be much more plausible to believe it's a Chinese Communist plot.   

Anyways, like all immigration services, they exist to "protect" their own citizens but of course, it's usually at the humiliation and loss of dignity of everyone else. As a non-citizen, one is obviously a lower form of life than the locals.  So by accident of birth, one is a lesser than human disease ridden up to no good, untrustworthy evil foreigner.   It's a ridiculous system based upon fear.     

My own country is the same as all the others.  I could go on about US immigration but it's a broken record.  Why they cannot be polite to people I do not know.  I haven't faced HU immigration yet post-Brexit but I expect some level of hassle.   It's certainly going to mess up my shopping.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I think it did traumatize my father. He hardly spoke about it but then again he hated speaking on serious subjects.
Getting swab put up your nose isn't much fun either though. I have to do that again in a couple of weeks, yuck.
I'm afraid we will need shots before flying again.There is money behind it so someone has their agenda. Just follw the money trail... Billy-Boy Gates?
When my father entered the US they were not taking in many immigrants any longer from eastern Europe. I saw a documentary on the subject. They wanted more western Europeans by the late 1920's.
He and my handicapped grandmother were only allowed in because my grandfather was a US citizen born in the US. I mentioned how he was drafted into the Czars army as a vacationing teenager in Poland. He was out of the US for so many years that they told him when he reentered why are you back, you've been gone too long. Can't imagine being so un PC these days.
I'm a bit mad because Japan doesn't look like they will open for tourists for a long while yet.
Our son can visit here and return but not something he is interested in doing.
He is a HU citizen and a Japanese resident.

Those unfounded conspiracy theories again.   

Why would Bill Gates have anything to do with a requirement to get vaccinated?  What's in it for him?  How much more money in his pocket would do him any good?  He's got more than enough to spend in multiple lifetimes.  It's just pure bunk.  It'd be much more plausible to believe it's a Chinese Communist plot.   

Anyways, like all immigration services, they exist to "protect" their own citizens but of course, it's usually at the humiliation and loss of dignity of everyone else. As a non-citizen, one is obviously a lower form of life than the locals.  So by accident of birth, one is a lesser than human disease ridden up to no good, untrustworthy evil foreigner.   It's a ridiculous system based upon fear.     

My own country is the same as all the others.  I could go on about US immigration but it's a broken record.  Why they cannot be polite to people I do not know.  I haven't faced HU immigration yet post-Brexit but I expect some level of hassle.   It's certainly going to mess up my shopping.

I personally can not listen to old Billy Bob speak without my stomach and hears hurting, What is up with his squealy little voice?
Believe me, immigration anywhere is not exactly a place where anyone would wish to visit.
The young ,"dude" who served us looked almost like he could be our son. Tall, slim with red hair and a bit off putting. Sort of pissed me off how he acted, I was about ready to take off my belt and let him know where his bread was buttered but I came to my senses in time.
It isn't personal, think they take an extra course in being a jerk.
No, I have no idea why Billy Bob is into every pot but it seems he is.

Just out of nowhere he is now an expert in vax, public health and climate change.
I know a normal person would think he has enough money for the next 100 generations of scumbags but it isn't about money any longer, it is about control and power. These people see themselves as gods and we are just little nobody's .

"What is up with his squealy little voice?"

Gates has THE classic Seattle whine. Don't hear it that much anymore with so many transplants.