Activate 5yr multiple visa

Hello There-
I got my 5 yr multiple visa to enter Bahrain on Feb 11th. How long do i have to enter Bahrain before the visa gets invalid? 1 month 2 months ? In other words What is the time frame within which i have to enter Bahrain in order to activate the visa? Accordingly i can make my travel plans.

As far as I know, there is no activation timeline for visit visas.  As long as the visa is valid, you can enter.   Unless it says otherwise on the visa itself.

Usually visit visa validity is 3 month ,you must use it within stipulated period or else visa will be expired,  please check the condition on NPRA web site

This my first time hearing 5 years visit visa for Bahrain

The 3 month validity is for visit visas that are time limited e.g. 1, 3, 12 months etc.  5 year visas are different and are generally open.    These are given either to US nationals or to paper CPR holders.

Thanks for the info-You are very helpful and I usually watch for YOUR answers.
I emailed the Bahrain Visa website and they replied back saying validity is 1 month. They may have changed the rules - but yes you are right- 5 yr multiple in the past did not have a time limit to activate.
In any case- will make plans to enter within 1 month.