For the cancellation of visa

Hai ,
        I hav a 2yr contract in currently working company .I joined here by local transfer .And it's been 1yr 1mnth since I joined this company now .But I gave my written resignation 2mnths before to HR by hand. And told them not to renew my visa and cancellation on the last month of expiry of visa.But they renewed my visa without asking me . And all I want to go my native . What to do? Now checking visa status showing visa on progress.

You can always leave while it's in progress.  That will stop the process.

Alternatively, file a case in MOL.

Is there any options they can file a case against me for violating the contract (contract is for 2years). Or damages for the iam only completed 1yr 1month.

Not if you resigned properly. But it seems that didn't happen hence why I am saying to file a case in MOL that they are not accepting your resignation and save all records.  Plus resign first via registered mail. See the posts I have done on the process.

Which means no problems if I resign through registered postal for one month notice period.But in my aggrement notice period is 3mnths it will consider LMRA ! .

Already answered.

Is there any options for them to deport me without cancelling the visa that is in progress after i giving the resignation through postal. If Iam going to native like that my visa will be expired on nxt year after my exit what if they file some cases against me and can they do blacklist?

I have already answered you. Don't ask unnecessary questions that won't help you.  No one can deport you for resigning.

Read this :

flamin wrote:

Hai ,
        I hav a 2yr contract in currently working company .I joined here by local transfer .And it's been 1yr 1mnth since I joined this company now .But I gave my written resignation 2mnths before to HR by hand. And told them not to renew my visa and cancellation on the last month of expiry of visa.But they renewed my visa without asking me because of aggrement for 2yrs. What to do? Now checking visa status showing visa on progress.

Hello XTang
My visa expiry was 4th march they renewed it on 3rd march and till the time visa is on progress.If I go tomorrow to LMRA and cancel the renewing process and resignation by postal for 1mnth the date will be nxt April 8. Then it will be more than one month from march 4th that was the expiry date of visa. How they calculate the date to stay here without illegal.because April 4 it will be one month after expiry date of visa.

I think you are confusing different things.

Resignation and associated legality is governed by your contract, not your visa.   It doesn't matter even if they renew.  You can resign via registered mail.  If they give any problems after that, file a case at MOL.  When you win the case, then you go to LMRA.

           I got the cancellation of my visa through online cancellation at LMRA Sitra after the mailing procedure I got visa cancellation pdf certificate also. And tried to get a new visa by new employer but this process says RP Expired. Can't apply new visa.  my visa expired on 4th march and my LMRA Status shows invalid visa after the cancellation. But I couldn't apply new visa, why?

Tell employer to apply at LMRA counter (not online) with the cancellation certificate attached.

Sir ...the new employer need original passport to apply in LMRA or just the new visa application and cancellation certificate.
Can I do it or the employer can only do it?

Only employer can do it.  Passport copy and cancellation certificate needed.