As Nyepi approaches, it's time to reflect.

I share a view held by many Balinese.  That view is simple.  The year 2020 was the year of endless Nyepi. 

The silk lining to the Covid pandemic was to Bali itself.  Despite the severe economic hardships brought on by the pandemic…Bali has greatly benefited by the lack of demands normally forced on her by the endless quest for more tourist arrivals.

Hopefully, the lessons learned in 2020 and its endless Nyepi will carry forward into this year and the years ahead, once the Covid issue is put to rest. 

Selamat hari raya Nyepi.

Agree, hopefully the National government and the government of Bali will adopt a new strategy to bring to Bali a different kind of tourism, more based on the quality than on the quantity, without getting caught up in the rush to recover the economy as soon as they can.
Selamat hari rata Nyiepi.

Marcello Manganese wrote:

Agree, hopefully the National government and the government of Bali will adopt a new strategy to bring to Bali a different kind of tourism, more based on the quality than on the quantity, without getting caught up in the rush to recover the economy as soon as they can.
Selamat hari raya Nyepi.

Marcello Manganese wrote:

Agree, hopefully the National government and the government of Bali will adopt a new strategy to bring to Bali a different kind of tourism, more based on the quality than on the quantity, without getting caught up in the rush to recover the economy as soon as they can.
Selamat hari rata Nyiepi.

Agreed, this should be an unique opportunity to switch from cheap mass tourism, to a higher (more expensive) standard.

But I have little hope.....
Edit:  With the number of new hotels being build (several in Sanur alone) they will sure be chasing any tourist they can ...

I totally agree with both your comments...concentrate on quality of tourism and not the number of tourist arrivals. 

Ironically, and sadly, the only two times that the Balinese police lost an officer in the line of duty was to foreigners who killed the policeman.  What else to expect when visas on arrival are offered to anyone who wants it? 

Of course there are many more reasons to emphasize quality of tourism and not quantity.