
Tourist beach for build business



i look for rent land and build hotel.

I saw alona beach very touristic but price incredible, for rent land i saw 770k pesos per month... ... too much

Can you say the 10 top touristic place beach in Philipines? i know boracay also.


See also

Job offers in the PhilippinesSetting up a business in the PhilippinesWork in the PhilippinesWork in CebuWork in Davao

Hi liubov, have a look at San Juan La Union, about 5 hours north of Manila.

Cheers, Steve.


bigpearl wrote:

Hi liubov, have a look at San Juan La Union, about 5 hours north of Manila.

Greatest surfing beach on the island of Luzon.


OMO... Yes rental is a good option but both the final negotiated price (-30% to -50%) & lease contract (say for 15-30yrs) needs to be 'air tight'...a reliable lawyer may not be easy to find but is most definitely required.
Why only 30yrs you may ask...well in about three decades, the Philippines could find many of its coastal areas, including those surrounding Manila Bay, underwater due to the effects of climate change &  if things are not mitigated before then; so make sure you use this knowledge in getting that huge discount :) … s-inquirer


Check Ferrol, Tablas Island, Romblon.
Many foreigners are already building there but still not a lot.
I stayed in 2019 at a resort a German lady was building I was the third guest since opening. It is very close to Binucot beach where there is a couple foreigner owned restaurants.


thanks will check

Enzyte Bob

manwonder wrote:

Why only 30yrs you may ask...well in about three decades, the Philippines could find many of its coastal areas, including those surrounding Manila Bay, underwater due to the effects of climate change &  if things are not mitigated before then; so make sure you use this knowledge in getting that huge discount :)

According to Al Gore Vice President under Bill Clinton in 2006 predicted in 10 years it's too late to save the planet. He also said in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" Mount Kilimanjaro by 2016 will be snow free. This is the man who claimed to invent the internet.


Enzyte Bob wrote:
manwonder wrote:

Why only 30yrs you may ask...well in about three decades, the Philippines could find many of its coastal areas, including those surrounding Manila Bay, underwater due to the effects of climate change &  if things are not mitigated before then; so make sure you use this knowledge in getting that huge discount :)

According to Al Gore Vice President under Bill Clinton in 2006 predicted in 10 years it's too late to save the planet. He also said in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" Mount Kilimanjaro by 2016 will be snow free. This is the man who claimed to invent the internet.

If it enables someone to get a good/huge discount now... why worry about what happens in 30yrs.


There are many tourist places FOR SALE cheap now because of covid, so why build?

There are many popular places (when noit covid) but the most popular have harder competition too.  For instance
Panglao, Bohol
El Nido  (and Port Barton) at a top 5 voted islandss in the world  Palawan. And San Vicente was growing before covid.

One thing to think of too is diffferent popular places have mainly different tourist types  (=Different price levels)


coach53 wrote:

There are many tourist places FOR SALE cheap now because of covid, so why build?

There are many popular places (when noit covid) but the most popular have harder competition too.  For instance
Panglao, Bohol
El Nido  (and Port Barton) at a top 5 voted islandss in the world  Palawan. And San Vicente was growing before covid.

One thing to think of too is diffferent popular places have mainly different tourist types  (=Different price levels)

i don' saw any price cheap online. i saw land panglao 3000sqm 2.3 millions dollards wow my goodness

if you can send me pm with cheap it will be gracefull


The Inatao area near Laguindingan airport in northern Mindanao has some amazing white sand beaches and there are many areas of the coast undeveloped because the locals have only developed beach resorts where the access to the beach is very easy. The road that runs from the baranagay of Mauswagon behind the airport is an MPA (Marine Protected Area) and there are some great locations for building a resort there.


liubov2011 wrote:
coach53 wrote:

There are many tourist places FOR SALE cheap now because of covid, so why build?

There are many popular places (when noit covid) but the most popular have harder competition too.  For instance
Panglao, Bohol
El Nido  (and Port Barton) at a top 5 voted islandss in the world  Palawan. And San Vicente was growing before covid.

One thing to think of too is diffferent popular places have mainly different tourist types  (=Different price levels)

i don' saw any price cheap online. i saw land panglao 3000sqm 2.3 millions dollards wow my goodness

if you can send me pm with cheap it will be gracefull

I haven't saved any notes by I'm interested in"oppoite" to tourst beach places   :)  =Inland hills with forests.  But when I have searche what I want, I have noticed some cheap - and some asking unrealistic to much .
Have you checked OTHER than carousell and Lamada?  Almost all there are expensive.
The cheap ones I have seen in different Facebook groups Sell and Buy. at Palawan. There are many such both for Palawan and named after different municipales.  Just search for such groups in Facebook.

For instance a while ago I saw a RESORT hut types for sale for 3.5 mill PESOS.
I don't remember prices but rather cheap one higher quality "huts", and a hotel.
Plus several ads not telling price.
All at Palawan.


At my check today for inland forests, I found one resort which seem very cheap. … attachment
Asked price  275 mill pesos  = 5.5 mill USD
Big land. 25 hectares with nice buildings, an operating resort.
Near to beach. Near Puerto Princes famous attraction, The Puerto Princesa Underground River 
Not at beach but ocean view.


manwonder wrote:

; lease contract (say for 15-30yrs) needs to be 'air tight'...

As I have understood it it's max 25 years contract but renewable additional 25 years, but after that the buildings at the leased land are LOST to the land owmer.

BUT politicians have started discusing to not have such end.


coach53 wrote:
manwonder wrote:

; lease contract (say for 15-30yrs) needs to be 'air tight'...

As I have understood it it's max 25 years contract but renewable additional 25 years, but after that the buildings at the leased land are LOST to the land owmer.

BUT politicians have started discusing to not have such end.

Good points and true on residential leases, also after 50 years can be renegotiated but at what cost?Aside from my research and we are here now talking about resorts/commercial/industrial land and infrastructure and from what I have read/learned is 50 years with a 25 + 25 option.

I think the point here is all of this is hypothetical for the OP that has never been to the Philippines to get dirty hands/taste the flavours and try to understand the system here, a difficult ask given travel restrictions and more difficult when living here, all the dirty and at times clean laundry comes out.

For a guy,,,,, the OP asking for advice on how to ship things from the Ukraine to the Philippines to now looking at purchasing/leasing/building a resort in a country he has never been to? Complaining that prices seem too high? Perhaps look at Vietnam or Bulgaria? Mexico etc. Definitely not Australia. Patience can/will be a virtue. Pick the country and learn, pick the area and learn well.

Realestate is relative and the price paid is the then the new current value and not necessarily the asking price no matter the country. Example for the OP. The property we purchased here, Absolute beachfront 4 years ago. 1,700M2 titled lot and 800M2 tax declared to the high tide mark, 3 bed, 2 bath concrete rendered house built by a Canadian. 5.75M pesos. 6 years ago I saw this property advertised for 12M pesos, 5 years ago 10M pesos, 4 years ago 9M pesos, we stepped in. All up costs including transfers, leases, documented encumbrances on titles, Barangay rates etc etc was 5.93M pesos. For me that is the value of our property while the lovely lady that holds the vacant block next door that is slightly smaller has never wavered off her 13M Peso price tag for those 6 years and we see 2 to 3 prospective buyers on her property every week. The houses behind us, one block back that are for sale are asking 21 and 23M pesos, not sold. The house 3 doors up on the beach, a 2,000M2 lot with 450M2 tax declared lot. 5 bed, 4 bath and large swimming pool sold 3 years ago for 24M pesos and recently sold again to the new neighbours for 35M pesos.......... go figure that one out.
Know the area you wish to settle in first, that comes with travel or a vested interest/partner, after that research and do it well, then do it again and again. We all have pipe dreams but in the end reality sets in and for the uneducated? There are many sad stories.

Another thing to remember is buy the worst house in the best street, build from there.


Cheers, Steve.


There is an abandoned resort near my house (at least you wouldn't have to start from scratch).  I will send photos if you like


Look up Jarrod Whyte on! He is a Canadian friend who is currently setting up his resort now! He is a rich man so money is no problem but he is the salt of the earth when it comes to helping people in the Philippines! Very knowledgeable


Take care in business,if you step on the wrong toe, your out, foreigners in business have more to worry about here in the Philippines, most killings of business people are common


They also say NOT to include 'My Way' into your karaoke selection here....but they have no problems with my french rendition of "Comme d'habitude" (with lots of frank sinatra english thrown in) which still sounds about the same.  :D
You can take away "my way" but you cannot take away my freeedooom.


My contact in the Philippines found me a beachfront in Palawan 1+ hectare at P1.8k/sqm 😲 (~360k USD)
I am not sure it is a fair price.
My budget may be way off since I do not know current rates and conditions.
He also told me the prices are much lower in 2017. I wonder why the sudden increase. A bubble? Maybe the baby boomers are coming?


Jackson4 wrote:

My contact in the Philippines found me a beachfront in Palawan 1+ hectare at P1.8k/sqm 😲 (~360k USD)
I am not sure it is a fair price. 
My budget may be way off since I do not know current rates and conditions.

Well. I have seen biger land for a zero less  :)   per hectare, but I have seen ASKED prices a 5k/sqm too, but I have no idea what they get a most.

Jackson4 wrote:

. He also told me the prices are much lower in 2017. I wonder why the sudden increase. A bubble? Maybe the baby boomers are coming?

Historical I know only "opposite"  :)
to beach lots  (because I like hilly forests) but I have checked beachs since a bit before covid for a friend.  I have noticed covid has made many tourist businessses got in crisis, which have made some with buildings have got for sale much cheaper than buying land and build.


If things continue to go downhill as is the case now, in about 5 to 10 years the beach properties will be almost worthless.
Palawan is no exception, everything (businesses, hotels, restaurants, housing) is slowly but surely going out of business. The 3 new shopping malls in Puerto Princesa are mostly empty. Parking space is roughly 50% occupancy. Only one flight per day is allowed. It used to be 23 flights per day. People have stopped spending money.
Many big hotels on Palawan have already closed permanently.
I know this because I live on Palawan.


So, PalawanBob, what do you think of this? … 4853850063
I hope they will not remove the URL.


Jackson4, Port Barton and San Vicente areas are ghost towns lately.
All foreigners have chosen to get out a year ago. Only a few pensioners are left.
A friend of mine is trying to sell his 4,5 hectares commercial property in Port Barton. He is asking 20 million but that price may be wish-full thinking. 

Local residents are starting to feel uneasy about the whole situation. Even the rice mills are loosing money (scary!!!). The last to go will be the hardware stores because there are still people who think that Palawan is a safe place and they keep sending money for building houses. Hardware stores are slowing down too, they are no longer making as much profits as a few months ago when people thought that Covid will be over in 2021. The only thing still going-on is highway construction.
There is not a single foreigner tourist left on the island.

There are still people painting Palawan as a great place to spend vacations or to retire but that's not what I see these days.  The impression I get is that things will get much worse and for long,... very long time.
The island is beautiful, that will not change...


Jackson4 wrote:

My contact in the Philippines found me a beachfront in Palawan 1+ hectare at P1.8k/sqm 😲 (~360k USD)
I am not sure it is a fair price.
My budget may be way off since I do not know current rates and conditions.
He also told me the prices are much lower in 2017. I wonder why the sudden increase. A bubble? Maybe the baby boomers are coming?

Too late, we are here.

Cheers, Steve.


PalawanBob wrote:

Jackson4, Port Barton and San Vicente areas are ghost towns lately.
All foreigners have chosen to get out a year ago. Only a few pensioners are left.
A friend of mine is trying to sell his 4,5 hectares commercial property in Port Barton. He is asking 20 million but that price may be wish-full thinking. 

Local residents are starting to feel uneasy about the whole situation. Even the rice mills are loosing money (scary!!!). The last to go will be the hardware stores because there are still people who think that Palawan is a safe place and they keep sending money for building houses. Hardware stores are slowing down too, they are no longer making as much profits as a few months ago when people thought that Covid will be over in 2021. The only thing still going-on is highway construction.
There is not a single foreigner tourist left on the island.

There are still people painting Palawan as a great place to spend vacations or to retire but that's not what I see these days.  The impression I get is that things will get much worse and for long,... very long time.
The island is beautiful, that will not change...

Yeah well where does the blame lay, I live here and see every day stupid is as stupid does. So many arguments and conjectures and then some. Simply from my perspective as a foreigner living in the Philippines the blame squarely falls on the invincible fools living one or 5 blocks back from the local patrols issuing fines. My Barangay (Tammocaloa)had no cases through the first wave back in July/August 2020 but now 10 to 25 cases the other day and day after,  worrying times for all.

Astute? perhaps not but I see the lot next door with a 13 M Peso price tag not changed and the house 3 doors up that was sold 3 years ago for 22M pesos recently (2 months ago) sold for the 35M peso asking price. Go figure.
It's all relative to where you pick/live and the rising oceans won't affect us/others for 80/100/200 years, perhaps the upside is "wow look how close the beach is", after that when I'm dead and buried? Tuff slitch, move on.
Baby boomer yes but very environmentally aware and saddened to see the lack of education here.
As said it's all relative and no matter the country/people the price is what you pay and we learn to Iive  with our decisions and departed money, good or bad. Tokyo, Sydney, New York,,,,,, El Nido.

You get the picture.


Cheers, Steve.


Jackson4 wrote:

So, PalawanBob, what do you think of this? … 4853850063
I hope they will not remove the URL.

That's 1800p/sqm.  I have seen beach lands for sale rather recently for even less than 200 p /sqm (when  hectares) at Palawan.
Before covid I found a big beach land for only 20p/sqm which they DIDN'T add as beach but as "prospected mining"  !!!   :lol:    It's a wide beach in a valley between mountains at each side. Only sea connection but rather close to a resort with nice diving.  No road connection, but just a few kilometers to public road but over mountain.  Need to check if the land is to low, perhaps it's big flood risk.

I have notes somewhere among my many notes iif someone is interested in checking if it's sold.


Coach53, these days you can't even come to Palawan and buying anything here without seeing it first is a BIG NO, NO...!!!
Too many properties have no title, especially beach fronts. Also, too many properties are sold twice or even three times. Then comes the inheritance issue where children and grand children want to have their share despite the fact that the property is now yours.
Put into this the government and their rules and you may end up with a paid-for property that is not yours.
Besides, the "crisis" won't be over any time soon... think AGENDA 2030....!!!!
By the time we get there (9 more years), private properties may not even exist.


PalawanBob wrote:

Coach53, these days you can't even come to Palawan and buying anything here without seeing it first is a BIG NO, NO...!!!
Too many properties have no title, especially beach fronts. Also, too many properties are sold twice or even three times. Then comes the inheritance issue where children and grand children want to have their share despite the fact that the property is now yours. .

You are correct. 
Myself I like gambling -  if the odds are good   :)    We have checked things since november and eliminated several. Two left aiming at eting both. One is close to finnished checking. The other is similar.
I'm buying inland where sellers have very hard to find buyers, so I believe scamers prefer beaches  :)

PalawanBob wrote:

Put into this the government and their rules and you may end up with a paid-for property that is not yours..

Yes. Most of them we have checked and skiped depend of government.

PalawanBob wrote:

Besides, the "crisis" won't be over any time soon.

I'm not buying beach, I'm buying bad handled businesses located inland, for sale cheap by the sellers don't know how to solve their problems - but I do   :)    Making mainly two products which are needed during covid too  but less demand of the normaly better profit one, so I suppouse  significant lower price than before covid. We can chose to wait with the sellimg of the products if we want. Actualy we plan to wait 4 years or so with biger selling.  It will take at least a year to solve the big mess owners have done anyway.  We are buying 2 - 3 from start, kind of spreading the risk without realy meaning too  :)   If one of free is a scam, we will get rather good earning anyway. Except if the first two are scams   :)


PalawanBob wrote:

If things continue to go downhill as is the case now, in about 5 to 10 years the beach properties will be almost worthless.
Palawan is no exception, everything (businesses, hotels, restaurants, housing) is slowly but surely going out of business. The 3 new shopping malls in Puerto Princesa are mostly empty. Parking space is roughly 50% occupancy. Only one flight per day is allowed. It used to be 23 flights per day. People have stopped spending money.
Many big hotels on Palawan have already closed permanently.
I know this because I live on Palawan.

Palawan you mean the tourist area in Coron and El nido ?


OlivierDeCavite wrote:

Palawan you mean the tourist area in Coron and El nido ?

Without reading back, I believe it was in this topic he talked about Port Barton and San Vicente are close to dead..


For anyone who thinks that things are great... think again!
With so many hotels/resorts for sale (zero tourists coming) it's only a matter of time, say two to three more years, before prices crater.


PalawanBob wrote:

For anyone who thinks that things are great... think again!
With so many hotels/resorts for sale (zero tourists coming) it's only a matter of time, say two to three more years, before prices crater.

Planning to visit Palawan in 2024, will expect great prices.


mugtech wrote:
PalawanBob wrote:

For anyone who thinks that things are great... think again!
With so many hotels/resorts for sale (zero tourists coming) it's only a matter of time, say two to three more years, before prices crater.

Planning to visit Palawan in 2024, will expect great prices.

I am hoping I can visit Palawan late 2021, more realistic 2022.


PalawanBob wrote:

For anyone who thinks that things are great... think again!
With so many hotels/resorts for sale (zero tourists coming) it's only a matter of time, say two to three more years, before prices crater.

Yes, although some have lowered the asked price for real estates allready.
I expect too it will take long time before foreign tourism can come back.  Left to see if the price drop will continue.

I'm not going for resorts myself, just checking some beach properties with and without buildings for a friend to live at himself.

((I have found some low cost beaches/resorts when I have looked for cheap real estates to buy with wrong handled businesses, which produce things needed during crisis too (but lowered demand in Phils) and can stand waiting long time to be sold without problem.  The most worth of our products can suit to export too if we get tired of waiting .))


price too much on dotproperty

lockdown and crysis and no tourist and if open i think it will take years for tourist like before because covid will be there for many years


Real estate companies raise the prices since they are creating a false sense of urgency to encourage buyers and sellers. Their earnings is tied to the sell price. Agents do not really work for you. They work for themselves.
In 2019, an agent was selling me a SMDC condo for 6M. I rented his condo near the airport for a couple of days. He said he bought his conso for 3M. 😱


mugtech wrote:
PalawanBob wrote:

For anyone who thinks that things are great... think again!
With so many hotels/resorts for sale (zero tourists coming) it's only a matter of time, say two to three more years, before prices crater.

Planning to visit Palawan in 2024, will expect great prices.

I'm only hoping I can live until 2024 let alone travel the way things are panning out now in PH. and as said,,,,, the blame for this catastrophe that is now up to 3 times worse than the first wave and escalating, squarely sits on the people living here flouting the government health advisories.

Some projections from other members with regards to future property prices may well be correct especially in tourist orientated locations, residential? Who can tell as it appears to be booming in our Barangay.
For the OP boots on the ground is the best way to go and I understand that that's not possible given the worlds current situation, perhaps continue to study and wait until things open up again for tourists, hopefully soon. We watched and visited for years (knowing the areas we wanted) and were well aware of dreamers, realists and desperados in the property market here,,,,, also Australia as we were offloading, sea change.
Also I said this before the property is only worth what you pay for it,,,,, next week or next year who can tell?

Good luck to the OP and thanks to all contributors for their wise observations and as always OMO.

Cheers, Steve.


coach53 wrote:
PalawanBob wrote:

For anyone who thinks that things are great... think again!
With so many hotels/resorts for sale (zero tourists coming) it's only a matter of time, say two to three more years, before prices crater.

Yes, although some have lowered the asked price for real estates allready.
I expect too it will take long time before foreign tourism can come back.  Left to see if the price drop will continue.

I'm not going for resorts myself, just checking some beach properties with and without buildings for a friend to live at himself.

((I have found some low cost beaches/resorts when I have looked for cheap real estates to buy with wrong handled businesses, which produce things needed during crisis too (but lowered demand in Phils) and can stand waiting long time to be sold without problem.  The most worth of our products can suit to export too if we get tired of waiting .))

Foreigners should not be involved in real estate, soon or later the locals will blame you for taking avantage on them during the crisis; you might be found shot dead.


Another problem is if you do build a resort there is the license to open, there are two resorts near me that have been completed 4 years ago, but cannot get a license to open, both are Filipino owners, and well to do,I haven't ask the problem but it is political I am sure, they are both very nice resorts