
Going on a date in The Netherlands.


Dear all,

My name is Merel. I am a 22 year old, born and raised in the Netherlands. I am a Communication student and for my study I am doing some research about how expats experience dating in The Netherlands.

Have you ever dated a dutch person while living in The Netherlands and what were things that you thought were funny, strange or special about dating in The Netherlands. Did you experience things that were very different from the culture you grew up in? Like splitting the bill for example? I would really like to hear your (dating) story!

Thanks a lot! And I look forward to hearing your stories!

Bye, Merel

See also

Living in the Netherlands: the expat guideWhich mobile network and why?Testimonials from international studentsTransnasal endoscopy in netherlandsTrouble Porting Number from Lebara to Vodafone despite Buyout Payment

LOL - I ended up marrying my date; 35 years later, she still drives me nuts.

Dating stories; I'm from the UK; our cultures are very similar.


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