
International/English Speaking Schools Chiang Mai


Hello everyone. I have been living in Nong Bua Daeng District of Chaiyaphum for almost 3 years. My wife and I have 2 children a son 22 months old and a daughter 6 months old.  We are planning to relocate to Chiang Mai for several reasons and our children's education is the main reason. We want our children to have the best education we can give them but don't want to live in Bangkok.

I am looking for recommendations for the best schools in the Chiang Mai area. We still have plenty of time for research and finding housing close by the school. We are willing to live inside the city Chiang Mai if needed.

Any information about top quality English Speaking/International schools in the Chiang Mai area would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you

See also

The education system in ThailandStudying in ThailandStudent life in BangkokUniversities in BangkokEnglish tutor in Pattaya

This has been the most frustrating issue we have had with Chiang mai.  The schools.  Most of the private schools here cater to the Chinese.  The international schools are expensive and the education is extremely sub par.  We have been in the expat life for thirty five years.  Year are worse than the schools in Saudi.   There are a couple of good ones, but the price tag is exorbitant.   If you can float north of 500k++ you will be ok.  There are always extra fees. 

Sorry to lay it on you like that, but it’s as honest as it comes.  We hired private tutors after our daughter was actually backsliding.  Now she is accelerating, in private instruction, and it costs me less.


Well......It is what it is. Thanks  Good Luck to you


Here is a good article on this topic: … hiang-mai/

I've been involved with both Prem and Panyaden and have been impressed with both schools, for different reasons.  Both are English as the primary language.


Jadenfox   Thank you very much. I appreciate it