Advise me guys

Hello everyone, I really want to change my job, I have BBA but every time I apply for ajob online they dont call me, how iam i supposed to get experience if iam not given an opportunity.  I really believe in my self that i can do anything given training/ orientation😭😭😭😭😭😭 please advise me

I have covered this on many posts before.  I assume you are an expat and not a Bahraini?

In this part of the world, expats are hired either for:

1) Depth of experience and specialized skill sets e.g. managers, scientists  OR
2) For roles that the local population can't or won't do e.g. manual labor

You don't fit either requirement and for people without experience, most businesses will usually prefer to hire locals.  Think about it, they have the same qualifications as you, understand the culture better and don't need the hassle of a visa process. Plus that helps the Bahrainization ratio and allows businesses to get the quota to hire for the points 1/2 above.   So if you don't bring anything extraordinary to the table vs. a local candidate, especially at entry level positions, you will NEVER beat the local candidate.

Having said that, you can still find a job but it will be difficult and will require a lot more effort.

Thank you dear