
DOG is GOD spelled backwards


Have you ever tried to pick up a large dog that didn't want to be picked up?

Case in point...

Though German shepherd Rocky of the YouTube channel 'Rocky' is a young puppy by age, less than a year old, he is just as large as his owner, a full-sized man.

Despite Rocky's vocal protests, the owner is persistent in his attempts to hoist his balky GSD.

See if man or dog prevails:

Search:  rocky hates being picked up youtube

The six-minute video was posted today, April 11, 2021, initiating this thread in tribute to our favorite (pardon the Spanish) caninos y dogos.

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideAnyone from US used foreign earned income exclusion working remotely?How to find an expat job?Public Universities in Portugal Without an Application Fee?Request on learning how to YouTube my work and art (Latvia)

A Belgian Malinois, related to German Shepherds, is an exotic-looking shepherd with a regal bearing.  Pronouncer:  Mah-lin-WAH.

A longtime pet owner named Michelle lost her 16-year-old dog .. and replaced the deceased pet with a young female Malinois named Bronte.

It was an adjustment as Bronte was not a cuddly stay-in-the-house doggo .. and required plenty of running and outdoor exercise.

Search...  living with malinois dogumentary tv youtube

The Belgian Malinois characteristics of high intelligence and agility have made it a breed of choice for military and police K-9 units in recent years.

In a separate video, Animal Watch has a piece on training a Mal to military standards.  After a lengthy setup, the training portion begins at 4:10 of the video...

Search...  belgian malinois train your puppy animal watch youtube


In December, Rocky's owner video'd the German shepherd rough-housing with his feline best friend.  The growing "puppy" Rocky was almost ten times the size of Kitty.

When Rocky goes after the kitten, for instance at 4:12 of the video*, you might think she would scoot for the hills.

But Kitty gives as good as she gets .. and hangs in there despite her major size disadvantage...

Search...  rocky german shepherd puppy vs. kitten funniest youtube

*Note:  The time reference refers to a December 3, 2020, video.  The search may also bring up a video of a smaller Rocky with the kitten from October 16, 2020, about seven weeks earlier.  It's also worth watching.


And the awesome thing is that Both love you unconditionally if you let them


MarkinNam wrote:

Both love you unconditionally if you let them

Right you are, MarkinNam.

Check out a four-minute video posted last summer of a 15-month-old Siberian husky named Lola, showing that she loves her owner, Paps, more than she loves herself... :heart:

Search.... completely ignoring husky long as possible milpert youtube

Lola is part of a three-husky, two-adult, two-child family in Manchester, England, that has one of the most-watched animal sites on the Web -- Milperthusky -- with 2.28 million subscribers.

Note how Lola gives about 50 seconds of amour :kiss:  to her nine-year-old husky housemate, Rupert, at 1:43.

If you think Lola loves Paps, get a load of her reunion with Paps's father....

Search... husky happiest reunion with grandad youtube


(I have attempted to link directly from this thread to YouTube videos.  Unfortunately, that is not working :sosad:  so I have continued with the Search method.)


Sky and Kakoa are female huskies who demonstrate how they select ingredients for a dog-friendly do-it-yourself pizza.  In this case, it's a turkey, sardines! and bell peppers pie.

Two minutes into the strangely humorous video, the owner/pizzamaker realizes things are going to get out of hand if the huskies get involved in dough preparation .. yet 60 video-seconds later she invites her photogenic pets back .. to select ingredients for the pizza....

Search...  diy pizza for dogs mountain husky youtube

The eager doggos devour the end product .. despite the fact that huskies are not anatomically built to eat pizzas the way humans do.

The lesson in this case is to have patience if you're gonna get your dogs involved in the process of making pizza at home .. especially if you are simultaneously recording the process.



cccmedia wrote:

Siberian husky [Lola] loves her owner, Paps, more than she loves herself... :heart:

Lola is part of a three-husky, two-adult, two-child family in Manchester, England, that has one of the most-watched animal sites on the Web -- Milperthusky....

Paps has separated  the almost-two-years-old Lola from now-ten-years-old husky Rupert for a couple of weeks because Lola is "in season."  Paps explained in today's video that it would be unfair to Rupert to have him in proximity to the young husky during these weeks.

Paps would like Lola to have puppies after she turns three (June 2022) but thinks she is not fully grown or ready for the physical toll of delivering pups this year.

Lola is temporarily staying on Paps' property in the in-law cabin with Grandad, while Rupert stays with Paps, his fiancée and their two young sons in the main house.

The streaming-video portion begins before the separation with Lola 'defending her honor' in a one-on-one face-off with Rupert inside the main house.

Search... milperthusky Lola has gone  youtube

In the video's description, Paps explains his reasoning for how he is handling Lola and Rupert .. and for his future plans involving the adorable female husky.


DOG is GOD spelled backwards

Yes well, thats certainly a backwards way of looking at it, i guess, but that said, all dogs go to heaven.


Teddy is a six-month-old Alaskan Malamute in the U.K. 

Technically still a puppy by age, Teddy appears to be an overgrown Teddy bear, so is aptly named.

In this video, it seems his training to respond to commands has been an utter failure until his owner comes up with some doggie treats.  That move prompts the "Tedster" to suddenly recall how to perform his simple tricks....

Search... life with malamutes how to train teddy  youtube


Rocky the German shepherd encounters a man dressed in a T-Rex (dinosaur) suit.

Rocky is confused.

Rocky counters with various strategies -- barking, trying to hide under a table, fleeing the scene...

Search at  german shepherd vs. t-rex  rocky


Six months earlier, when Rocky was a smaller GSD puppy less than half his present size, his owner challenged him to a spaghetti-eating competition.

The rules...

No tomato-based sauce.

No using hands or paws.

OK to eat pasta that has spilled from a plate onto the floor...

Search at 
       spaghetti eating competition rocky

The competition is untimed.  First contestant to clean his plate is the winner.


Siberian husky Lola has now spent her first week in a cabin isolated from the family including Rupert, the older husky who is pining for her while she is "in season."

Paps visited Lola, who greeted him with her signature verve and affection, acting as if she had lacked any company for a month.

In reality, says Paps, the family takes all the dogs for walks together .. and Lola is getting plenty of 'cuddles' and attention.

When Paps arrived back at the main house, Rupert and Millie, who is another 10-year-old husky, could smell Lola's scent on Paps.  Rupert was relentless in getting whiffs of Lola.  Millie lay down by Paps and took a nap.

It's all viewable at the Milperthusky channel...

Search at huskies hilarious reaction dog in heat

In another week's time it's expected that that Lola will rejoin Rupert, Millie and the family in the big house.  The sweet young husky is spending nights with Grandad in the in-law cabin 25 yards away.



cvco wrote:

DOG is GOD spelled backwards

Yes well, thats certainly a backwards way of looking at it, i guess, but that said, all dogs go to heaven.

Have you heard about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?
He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog.


Fred wrote:
cvco wrote:

DOG is GOD spelled backwards

Yes well, thats certainly a backwards way of looking at it, i guess, but that said, all dogs go to heaven.

Have you heard about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?
He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog.

Thank god (dog) he wasn't a zoophile. :o


sanooku wrote:
Fred wrote:
cvco wrote:

DOG is GOD spelled backwards

Yes well, thats certainly a backwards way of looking at it, i guess, but that said, all dogs go to heaven.

Have you heard about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?
He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog.

Thank god (dog) he wasn't a zoophile. :o

I have never been convicted of any crime involving sheep


There was a time when programs were televised via small black-and-white TV sets .. and the family pet's cerebro could not recognize a familiar dog on television.

Times have changed.  In 2021 home-made videos of a canine such as the German shepherd Rocky are fed through wide-screen color monitors.

As a result, Rocky is howling at his doppelgänger on the screen just seconds after his image appears....

Search at YouTube... shocked German shepherd rocky recognizes himself TV


What happens when the Siberian husky Lola, isolated and 'in heat' in Grandad's cabin, gets to be with Paps's fiancée?

Have you ever seen such playfully aggressive affection on the part of a canina towards a woman who is in late stages of pregnancy...

Search at  hilarious husky reaction
     to my pregnant partner


Fixated mostly on Joe Biden's first 100 days in office and his first address to Congress, White House correspondents are turning their focus on a lighter subject -- presidential pets.

First Lady Jill Biden has disclosed that a female cat will soon be added to the First Family.

How will Major, the younger of the Bidens' German shepherds, respond to the new kitty?

The black GSD was given a two-week time-out in Delaware after an incident involving a White House staffer or security aide.  Apparently, the target's skin was not broken in the incident.

Jill Biden says Major was purposely exposed to cats while being re-trained in metro Wilmington, in preparation for the upcoming feline addition at the executive mansion.


For a gallery of photos of the Bidens and their GSD's, google:

economictimes two-dogs-champ-and-major-to-roam-in-white-house

Make sure to scroll down to the photo of Jill Biden with Major and Champ.



One month before her second birthday, Lola the Siberian husky is still in heat and sleeping at Grandad's.

She has never appeared on video looking more sweet and docile -- not after her first vet visit, not after her sick day at home at age six months, not after getting roughed up by the older husky Millie.

Paps has been getting messages about the sweet young husky's reproductive future.  He remains firm in his conviction that Lola is too young to have her own puppies.  Lola is having puppies, he says, just not now.  Paps wants to continue the Milperthusky line.  The name is a combination of Millie and Rupert, Paps's original huskies, both ten years old now.

Search at YouTube...  lola is having puppy?  milpert



           This space reserved for future upgrades of



Mischa, a German shepherd, is confronted with a backyard airborne drone .. and then leaps several feet off the ground in pursuit of a treed squirrel.

It starts at 21:49 of this video...

    what its like owning a german shepherd  corey


Do dogs love ice cream?

When the ice-cream truck arrives in their neighborhood, these
Malamutes in Manchester, UK, go after dog-safe, bacon-flavored ice cream without hesitation in this video.

Niko and the overgrown puppy Teddy are grateful for the treat.

Human baby Mia is a bit more hesitant with her ice lolly.

Malamute Phil inhales his ice cream -- cone and all -- in the blink of an eye.

Search at YouTube...
        life with malamutes  dogs demolish ice cream


The video Lola Is Having Puppies?! has been appearing near the top of my YouTube feed daily .. ever since it was posted online two weeks ago.

It's proof that a man (Paps) scratching a young Siberian husky's stomach for three solid minutes can be compelling viewing for dog aficionados.

It's a tribute to Paps's candid monologue about Lola's reproductive future, his partner K's steady camerawork and Lola's star turn doing little more than changing her head positioning with some frequency..

Search at YouTube...
      milperthusky Lola having puppies


There is no violence in the first half of Hachi:  A Dog's Tale (2009),  a Richard Gere movie now streaming on Netflix.  No guns, no superheroes either.

It's a story of man meets dog .. man's family adopts dog .. man bonds with the male dog.

The canine in question is Hachi, whom we meet as an untrained puppy of Japanese royal pedigree.  His original owner is unknown, his name is Japanese for eight (full name:  Hachiko) -- eight being a lucky number -- and his breed is Akita.

Prof. Parker (Gere) first encounters him abandoned, at a New England train station near the professor's family's home.


As an adult dog, Hachi won't fetch a ball .. and has a knack for escaping from Parker's back yard.

One day he confronts a skunk in an outbuilding on the family's property.

(to be continued)



Two young dogs -- a Golden Retriever named Bailey and a German Shepherd named Rocky -- share a household .. but only one of them can gain dominion over Bailey's bed.

Which will prevail?  After a lot of biting and pulling (mostly of the doggie bed), there seems to be some resolution, as shown in a newly-posted video...

Search at
      bailey golden retriever protects his bed


cccmedia wrote:

As an adult dog, Hachi won't fetch a ball .. and has a knack for escaping from Parker's back yard.

One day he confronts a skunk in an outbuilding on the family's property.

(to be continued)

Hachi eventually comes around to drop the royal snootiness .. and plays fetch with a ball.

spoiler alert!

Though he and his owner survive the skunk incident, Gere's character unexpectedly collapses in a lecture hall during class .. and his exit from the movie leaves Hachi with no raison d'etre aside from waiting to hear his master's voice once again.

That endeavor is hopeless.  Eventually, though, a new generation of boy and dog appears.  The end.



Trained dogs in Thailand have been able to correctly detect covid
in humans 96 percent of the time.

Covid-sniffing dogs are being employed in Thailand, France, the U.K., Chile and other countries, according to the New York Times.

The dogs have 50 times the olfactory receptors of humans in their snouts!

The result is that the caninos are better than lab results in determining which humans have covid cases.

      Article is titled : On the Covid Front Lines, When Not Getting Belly Rubs


Coming off her recent isolation at Grandad's while 'in heat', Siberian husky Lola seems to have pent-up energy to express.

She springs to life when Paps shows up to prank the young doggo by wearing a total-body husky costume, complete with canine tail.

Search at
           pranking my husky puppy by becoming a husky

Although Lola's size makes the "puppy" description questionable, her
excitability puts her right in the husky puppy category.


Bill Maher, host of Real Time on HBO, says he tells a dog and cat joke only once every couple of decades.

Last night, telling a joke chyron'ed 'Old Smeller', the pot-loving Maher addressed a newspaper headline that said 'Drug sniffing police dogs forced into retirement as recreational marijuana becomes legalized.'

"That's why dogs are better than cats", quipped Maher, "because dogs can hold a job. 

"True.  Police dogs, guard dogs, hunting dogs, service dogs.  You try to give a cat a job and they're like 'Screw you, I'm off today.'"


A special cake is featured in the video of Lola the Husky's long-awaited 2nd-birthday party, attended by Paps and by Lola's ten-years-old doggie housemates, Rupert and Millie.

The three Huskies are lined up on the far side of a long table wearing colorful cone-shaped birthday hats.  Lola doesn't take to the headgear, hers being mostly askew during the affair.

Natch, Lola gets first dibs among the doggos on the first slice, polishing off her generous portion, licking the table clean and then hopping up onto the table on all fours to target the rest of the baked offering.

The cake was the confection of a dog-friendly bakery.  Still, Paps knows that Lola could get sick if she is permitted to polish off the whole thing.

He has a strategy to lift Lola off the table before she can devour the cake .. and that's when hilarity ensues....

Search at
Lolas second birthday we got cake


A 9-minute video showing on YouTube gives insights into dogs' thinking and behavior.

Among other things, you may learn...

  -- a way dogs communicate with other dogs without barking, staring or touching...

-- why most dogs enjoy a chest rub over a belly rub...

-- why the word 'walkies' is the most exciting word a dog may hear.

Search at
    15 things dogs love the most

There are two videos at the YouTube site with identical titles.
This post refers to the one posted by Jaw-Dropping Facts.


Some dog owners may not appreciate how much human behavior influences their pets' sensibilities.

One example is how washing a dog too often or with scented soaps underappreciates how dogs keep themselves clean .. and how important it is to maintain their natural scents.

Many examples and illustrations about humans' effects on dogs are shown in a ten-minute video...

Search at
    human behaviors that dogs hate


According to the old Conventional Wisdom... every dog has his day.

In this decade, many dogs have their own TV programs .. or more typically are featured on doggo programs.

The Netflix series titled Dogs has been renewed for a second season .. and will return in one week on July 7th.

The series is in the style of the documentary -- or call it a dogumentary -- with each episode focusing on the emotional attachment of a canine and his owner or caretaker.

In the season-one episode 'Bravo, Zeus' .. a Syrian man named Ayham is a refugee in Berlin, Germany, while his beloved Siberian Husky, Zeus, has to be cared for my Ayham's best friend back in war-ravaged Syria.

Spoiler alert!

Ayham and a rescue organization make daring plans to extract Zeus from Syria to Lebanon .. and, from there, get him to Syria.

If you don't have Netflix, you can see the key moments of the dog-and-man reunion in Berlin .. on ...



Netflix's Zeus is not to be confused with the silver-coated Siberian Husky also named Zeus, who howled his way to doggo Internet fame, complaining loudly about seemingly everything.

In one short video, silvery Zeus is confronted with hilarious results by the usually-tolerant woman who cares for him and his canine housemate, a one-eyed German Shepard named Kaden...

Search at 
   stubborn husky jealous over new baby

Eventually, Kaden had enough of the Zeus schtick and went on the attack...

Search at
    patient shepard tired of stubborn husky antics

Sadly, the silvery, stubborn yet adorable Zeus was unwell as he aged .. and passed away last November.



How dogs are territorial and sometimes stubborn is demonstrated in a two-minute video featuring Nala, a white Siberian Husky.

Nala is ultra-focused on her owner's transgression when he 'steals' her treasured spot on the couch.

Teeth and claws are put into action as Nala attempts to reclaim her place...

Search on
     husky furious when owner steals spot


World's happiest dogs.

The title of the video (below) says it all...

Search at
  Ecstatic Dogs Welcome Home Their Owners After Being Away

These beautiful and lively dogs are not just from military families .. but -- like the doggos themselves -- the returning humans are a variety of types, genders and ages.

Each reunion gets about a minute of video time.


Sam, a German Shepherd, arrives at the entrance to the dog park ready to run.

The park is closed.

However, security at the dog park is not exactly stellar.

Sam's human thinks Sam is brilliant in how he solves his

After viewing this short video, do you think Sam is
so smart .. or could most any dog have found a way
to get into the dog park?

Search at
    clever german shepherd outsmarts


Penalized for abandoning a dog.

Here in Quito, Ecuador .. hundreds of thousands of doggos are roaming the streets.

According to a study by the University of San Francisco de Quito in 2018, some 600,000 companion animals (mostly dogs) are roaming the city without a home to shelter them from hunger, cold and rain.

One man has just found out the hard way that Metro Quito has an ordinance that makes it a violation, punishable by a $4,000 US fine in his case, to abandon a canino.

The perpetrator was videotaped in suburban Conocoto by a security camera getting his pet to jump out the back of his car and leaving him on the streets outside the Ecuadorian capital.

The abandonment of the small grey doggo, named Algodoncito (Little Cotton), was sniffed out by a Twitter user and posted online.

The video went viral and caused an uproar .. and then the costly citation.

Sources... El Comercio (in Spanish), picked up by the English-language
     site Ecuador Times.


A silvery dog .. a silvery couch .. a bright red slice of seedless watermelon .. and a steady camera.

It adds up to a juicy four-minute meditation ...

Search at 
   husky tries watermelon first time & loves it


German Shepherd dogs are a vocal breed.

Freya, a beautiful black-snouted GSD, proves this upon reuniting with her human after months apart.

In a two-minute continuous-action video, Freya just can't get over the fact that her guy has returned home....

Search at
   gsd cries out in happiness after months apart