
Prescription meds


Is it possible to pick up my meds over here in DR with a British prescription? If not, mailing them will take a very long time. Thanks.

See also

The healthcare system in the Dominican RepublicPregnancy in the Dominican RepublicAccidents and emergencies in the Dominican RepublicLooking for U.S. Federal Employees that have retired in the DRMAPFRE Salud

I recently had my family send several small items including prescription med that was still in the sealed pharmacy bag with the receipt. It was a topical cortosoid skin med; nothing special. I thought by sending it to my EPS address in Miami  and having it forwarded here that it would not pose a problem. Customs opened the box and removed it along with a used camera lens filter without any explanation. Incredible. My advice is not to ship used or personal items; only items you can buy online online with a packing slip and receipt. It's then documented and is less likely to be removed and/or pocketed by customs. One good thing that came from this: I was able to source the ingredients at a local pharmacy and create the topical mixture myself. It's just as a good and a little cheaper.


Hi Jon,

Why not get some local medical insurance (about $40 per month per person), get a prescription from your doctor here and get your meds.  Also many meds are available over the counter here.  Just translate from english to spanish and ask at your local pharmacy.


You probably won't need a prescription here, but you could have someone here check for you or call one of the major pharmacy chains like Carol's and ask. I've never had a issue shipping any personal items here with customs. I just put a packing list of the "used items" on the ouside of the box and put some kind of value on it. Never had a problem and have done it dozens if times. Never had customs even open a bag at the airport either.


My wife and I printed our prescription history from Canada and took it to the pharmacy in the DR and they advised they would fill any prescription medicines from our history upon request.


Importing anything is always a crap shoot. Today customs charged me 40% duty on an over-the-counter skincare product because one of the ingredients was alcohol. Lol.


My wife is a bit 'prickly' about her medicine...

She has successfully sourced her thyroid and Premarin products here
The thyroid stuff she got in Canada was awful- she said ---
here = way better
The Premarin is a cream....

If you hunt - it's available..... same ingredients


We had never had our bags x-rayed or opened on arrival to SDQ from the mainland US.  Four trips.  Indeed, we were essentially waved through immigration and customs, as were all other passengers.

But, on our most recent trip, we arrived from Panama City -- and the DR authorities x-rayed EVERY.  SINGLE. BAG.  From the entire plane!! 

Many bags were also opened -- including my backback of prescription meds, vitamins & supplements. 

They were no doubt perturbed by my substantial array of medications.  Understandably so, I must concede. 

After some examination, the officer asked pointed questions, in particular about the multivitamins and Vitamin C tablets I had packed in a baggie.  I now realize that probably seemed pretty suspicious, but I was simply avoiding the sheer bulk of my COSTCO-purchased vitamin bottles.
-- Next time, I'll use the bottles or at least bring the labels, too.

Fortunately, I answered all questions satisfactorily and was allowed to proceed after about ten minutes. 

I obviously don't know if all flights from Panama or other CA or Caribe countries are treated this way -- but only a few other passengets, all anglos,  seemed surprised by the xrays and inspections.  Other passengers wore the resigned expressions indicating this was no surprise. 

Offering only as general info for other travelers to the DR:  Sometimes,  their customs people do show sharp teeth.

Plan accordingly. 


Mkunz6580 wrote:

You probably won't need a prescription here, but you could have someone here check for you or call one of the major pharmacy chains like Carol's and ask. I've never had a issue shipping any personal items here with customs. I just put a packing list of the "used items" on the ouside of the box and put some kind of value on it. Never had a problem and have done it dozens if times. Never had customs even open a bag at the airport either.