OFW flexi visa holder vacation requirements

Hello, hope somebody can help who is knowledgeable about the subject. I just want to know what are the requirements for Flexi visa holders who are planning to go for a vacation to the Philippines but is not currently employed. My husband is working in Saudi and due to covid, he's not able to come to Bahrain until the causeway opens, so he decided not to let me work after my contract expired last year in fear of me getting sick or infected whilst alone here in Bahrain, hence the Flexi visa. Now I'm really aching to go visit my family coz it has been two years since I went home, but my main concern is the requirements that we need to get from the embassy here (OEC) which requires an employment contract. Do I really need one? Did anybody go through the same ordeal? Please help, thank you i.a.

I am also an OFW working here in Bahrain who is delaying my vacation due to Covid-19 pandemic. I am baffled by your question, first, if you don't have work since last year and afraid that you might have the Covid virus, then why you want vacation only? is it not better for you to go home and be with your family since you are alone here without work. You can go to the Philippine embassy or call them for advice regarding requirements. What is your reason for staying here in Bahrain without work since last year? Of course OEC (Overseas Employment Certificate) is for all legally working OFW. My advise is for you to go home for good as being with your family is the best option at this time and at your present status....

I won't comment on the Philippine Embassy requirements but just want to correct one point.  The causeway is open and I have been travelling over it at least twice a month since October of last year.   Maybe he can't come to Bahrain because he doesn't have a visa - Saudi immigration doesn't let people exit Saudi if they don't have visa or residence for Bahrain.

@jorensky: first off, your account says you're from India? OFW literally means overseas Filipino workers. Lol as per your comment, as I said, my husband works and is stuck in Saudi Arabia. He is just really waiting for him to be allowed to come back here so we can go back to our normal routines. Yes, I have and love my family in the Phil, but my priority now is my husband coz we are married. It was never my decision not to work, I've been here in Bahrain since 2014 and I never stopped working until the corona happened. Like I said in my post, he is worried about my well-being. Now, do u have any knowledge about the requirements?

@xtang: hi, he is in fact a saudia. The causeway will only open for them after Ramadan.