Ready to come home, at last!

Hello all,

I'm a Black male attorney living in Miami, Florida. My area of practice is in criminal courts, which are heavily infected by systemic racism and economic inequities, among other things. Because of that, the political climate in the post-Obama era, and having lived in former slave states my entire life, I'm looking to get out of the U.S. in 4-5 years, once certain things fall into place. It'll be my first chance to truly live as a free man.

From what I've seen so far, I like what I've seen and heard about Ghana, and I'll be exploring other nations in West Africa in the coming months and years. I tentatively plan a trip to the region this coming fall.

I'm interested in connecting with other American expats throughout the region, to get some on-the-ground information to help my future planning. Never too early to get started, right?

I'm especially interested in connection with the jazz fans in the community. I host a two-hour show on a Miami radio station on Saturday evenings, and having the chance to share that interest over there will be a delight.

Look forward to meeting everyone, I gladly greet this new adventure!!


Great to meet you Tony

I hope an American will reply and give you more specific information.
Pre pandemic there was a thriving jazz scene here and I'm sure it continues. 233 Club is the main jazz club and if you Google it you should be able to find out more about their activities.
Hope you are able to visit Ghana soon