Census Hungary 2021

Perhaps I got the word wrong, but apparently quite shortly Hungary (as other countries) will perform a census (counting people and assessing various items). I read somewhere in the past that you might participate through internet (but I have difficulties to find this).

Does anyone has any info on this topic?

It's been postponed to next year's fall to my knowledge due to the pandemic.

Counting people and assessing various items.
No way, why?
I know the more they have on you the more it could bite you back later.
OK, so you have a large flat and only one person is registered to be legally living there.
Well, we have a smaller flat available for one person and a large family needs to move into a larger flat.
Time for you to move out and take the smaller place.Or perhaps we will just move the family into the flat with you?
Happened before.
You have several properties in your name have you? Well the new law is one place per person. You can only live in one place at a time right?
As they saying goes in Hungary,"You can only ride one horse with one as*".
Never volunteer personal info is my motto unless you can handle what may or may not result from over sharing.
All records are on file as it is if they will do the work, why do it for them?

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Counting people and assessing various items.
No way, why?
I know the more they have on you the more it could bite you back later.
OK, so you have a large flat and only one person is registered to be legally living there.
Well, we have a smaller flat available for one person and a large family needs to move into a larger flat.
Time for you to move out and take the smaller place.Or perhaps we will just move the family into the flat with you?
Happened before.
You have several properties in your name have you? Well the new law is one place per person. You can only live in one place at a time right?
As they saying goes in Hungary,"You can only ride one horse with one as*".
Never volunteer personal info is my motto unless you can handle what may or may not result from over sharing.
All records are on file as it is if they will do the work, why do it for them?

They do need to do it sometimes.  I was working in one country and they did a census and then created a national plan for what they needed to deliver in the next 10, 20, 30 years.  They use it to plan for the future. 

Like changing demographics in different areas affect the delivery of services like education (numbers of school, ages of children, etc) or even roads (numbers of houses, types of vehicles etc).   Everything has a knock on effect.

By doing the census they were able to see there would be shortages in engineers or doctors and they were then able to adjust the investment and flow of numbers of and support to students on engineering/medical courses.

On the other hand, here, they seem to have no idea on how to plan anything.  We're acquiring yet another supermarket (Lidl) but they're doing nothing to change the road system around it.  It'll all be clogged up around there as they usually want to put in traffic lights and not roundabouts. Makes you wonder what they were thinking when they decided to do give approval to the supermarket there.    We're also seeing an rapid increase in the number of industrial buildings in the industrial area.  Same thing again, doing nothing to improve the roads out towards the main highway to Vienna.  It's a small road, high speed traffic and very dangerous and likely to me more so.   Seems to me they don't seem to know how to do "integrated planning".

My 86 year old neighbor( a real sweet lady and down to earth) had a son who was the city planner in the San Fernando Valley Ca.
We all wanted a stop sign on our corner.
My neighbor and I both had homes located on the corner.
Well, after many years, her passing and us moving away we finally got the stop sign on the corner.
We even lobbied to have our homes in a different more ,"high end" zip code. Now it has passed.
Our homes were in a nice location but in the not so ,"posh" district by a block or so.
Now the home prices are through the roof because of the new zoning changes.
I mean , her son could of pushed this through s much faster but being a solid person he didn't take sides.
His mom, my friend raised him right.
Couldn't be bought.