
Is it OK to include part time job in CV?

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I am a foreigner in Singapore and I took a part time job on top of my full time job since March. I'm supposed to spend 4 hours everyday for this part time job. The job itself is by a company in my home country.

In my FT job contract there's no rule that say I can't work for other place but if I put this in my CV will other company think that I'm unfaithful? Plus im not a Singaporean, just work pass holder. Is there a rule that says s / e pass holder cant have a 2nd job because their pass only covers 1 job?

I can lie it as part of my intern or personal project but I don't feel good doing so


Your employer contract not required to tell whether you need to do part time job or not. It’s MoM guidelines, other than your job which your workpass is applied and valid, you can’t do any other job. If MoM will know, you will be banned to enter Singapore. If your employer know they will forcibly cancel your workpass and send back to home.

You should know Singapore workforce rules and MoM guidelines before you come here. With immediate effect stop doing any part time or any other job, it’s illegal in Singapore. Good luck


I agree with Surya above: You violated Singapore's work pass rules and did illegal work, which can get you into deep trouble.
You can only pray that it will not be found out. Luckily, your post and profile does not tell anything that may help identifying you. But you may want to delete it nevertheless.
And: Don't do it again. Singapore is NOT a place to break any rules!

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