
Bad Testing !


A heads up to all who are getting tested for flights... we were going to fly United but learned United won’t just allow tests from any lab. They have a list of approved labs.

So we went to IMG Hospital because they were on United’s list. Called IMG Hospital on Thursday morning. Told them we’d need PCR tests to fly Sunday. They told us to come in Friday morning at 10.  They said we’d be fine to fly Sunday.

Sunday morning comes and SURPRISE !  IMG tells us the tests haven’t been done.   No results. Great - thanks for the advice

See also

The healthcare system in the Dominican RepublicPregnancy in the Dominican RepublicAccidents and emergencies in the Dominican RepublicLooking for U.S. Federal Employees that have retired in the DRMAPFRE Salud

On trips to US I have been using Reference Labs and have been very reliable with quick results. Although, last time the lady behind the desk said I should come back next day (day before flight) but argued with her no for your reason.


We flew American and didn't have any issues with proof using the VeriFLY app. All that is required for re-entry into the U.S. is an Antigen nasal rapid test. We went with our Dominican realtor to Friusa to a lab near Centro Medico 2K ROP a piece and 45 minutes later we had our paper copies and electronic access. It's a pain to be tested to get back home, but what choice do you have? We are going again in June to take possession of our condo in El Cortecito, have had both our Pfizer shots, hoping if you can prove vaccination by then we won't have to be tested to fly back. I understand your pain because we went as soon as we were in the 72 hour window just to make sure we had the results. It was a relief when we had it in hand. The Go Dominican Republic website, I believe has good information on testing sites also. Good Luck!


I know the antigen test is speedy, but we needed the PCR to travel home to Canada from Upstate NY.


I am having the PCR test done this week as i prepare to fly to Toronto. Odie, do you have to pay for another flight?


I sure hope not. I think United has issued us a credit due to the nature of the cancellation


I am sorry they did not get your test done in time!  What a hassle!