
Shipping Canada to the DR

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Bob and Donna

We have a few household items we would like to ship from Toronto to Sosua.  It will be a small wooden crate 4x4x6 weighing approx. 600lbs..  Can anyone assist us in recommending a reliable shipper?
Many thanks.

See also

Moving with your pets to the Dominican RepublicMoving to the Dominican RepublicResidency - updates and changes 2024Request for DR Driver's Manual Electronic Copies?Southern coast retirement

I used Amigo shipping from Toronto.  I shipped a 3 bedroom house and lots of extras.  I will send you a PM with the information.


Can you post it here please for others in the future? Thanks!

Bob and Donna

Thanks DCM,

Contact number in Canada is not working and website number not working.  But thanks for your help.


We used Peralta  for our whole household. I would recommend them. Although sometimes it was difficult to connect until I received a personal phone number.

Bob and Donna

Thanks have made contact waiting for a call back.

Bob and Donna

Spoke with Maximo he only ships 2 x 2 x2 boxes.


I am shipping two barrels through HADENA SHIPPING - they have offices in Montreal and Toronto plus a contact office/number in Calgary. Our blue barrels cost $300 each to ship. THier contact numbers are: 403-616-2102; 514-662-9592 and 587-225-7374. They ship exclusive to the DR apparently. Our barrels are being picked up mid June and taken to Montreal for shipping and are expected to be delivered (door to door) in the DR by late Jul or perhaps first week of Aug. ( Plastic blue barrels are best but my supply of those dried up and I have one metal barrel)


Robbie123 wrote:

We used Peralta  for our whole household. I would recommend them. Although sometimes it was difficult to connect until I received a personal phone number.

But Bob & Donna say Maximo told them only 2x2x2 boxes

Not adding up here......

Bob and Donna

Thanks 2VPsoldier,  the items we have will not fit in a barrel.

Bob and Donna

a further explanation from Maximo.  He will not ship anything a man can't lift.  Our crate will weigh 600lbs.


Aha !
understood now


Bob and Donna
I will follow up with Amigo shipping.  They fill containers so they ship everything.  Even a boat or car etc.

I will confirm for you...


Toronto and DR based.  Amigo Shipping.
(416) 834-5895 (Use whatsapp). 

With COVID, the owner Mario is in the DR and his phone has been disconnected but he has people in Canada that still take care of business.  Usually he travels back and forth but Canada has made that impossible for the time being.  If you contact him through whatsapp he will respond, I just spoke with him.  If you don't use whatsapp, install the app on your cell phone and create a contact on your cell phone with this phone number (416) 834-5895 and open whatsapp and then you can call, message or whatever you need to do.

Whatsapp is the app of communication choice in the DR.


Bob and Donna

Thanks to all!  Mario has provided us with a solution at a reasonable rate.


Excellent.  Glad to help.


HADENA SHIPPING - for those that might be interested, the woman my sister-in-law speaks with here in Alberta tells her she can ship anything, not just barrels. An interesting  part of this is the lady comes from Moca. Once she gets her consignments on the ship, she waits until she is notified that the ship is about to reach port and she then flies to DR, accepts the shipment and personally opens each container, barrel etc for the Customs - to ensure no pilfering etc, and then loads on their trailer/truck and delivers to the DR address. Removes many questions about safety/security when getting to & through a great service!!


Does anyone know if the British pub us still open in Sousa called Britania


Educational moment:

Changing a thread to a totally unrelated subject or question is called hijacking a thread. 

Please open a new thread to ask your question.  Thanks

And no worry, we are all learning



hi dear.tks for you have the company name please?whats their website and i leave i my familly have to pay when they pick up DR?tks to reply

@Bob and Donna 

Who's Mario? 
Do you have a contact company, number, website, email?
Mario Rodríguez 
Amigo Shipping
81 Arrow Road
Unit #3008
North York
WhatsApp 416-834-5895

He delivered all my things and it was excellent service!
Mario is still delivering.  He generally works out of the Toronto area.
Hi DCM, thanks for the info. Any idea of rough cost to ship a whole 3 BR house from Toronto?
I'll send you a private message but it cost me in the range of 6K CDN for an entire 3 bedroom home, door to door everything included.  That was 8 years ago...  A couple of damaged items but no big deal, everything else came through without difficulty.

@DominicanadaMike thanks! I replied to your DM before I read this so you can ignore my question on price. With the increase in price on everything these days that's probably about $10K now1f601.svg

And you will need to confirm that this price is with the residencia exemptions!

Good morning. We are moving in the fall to Sosua. Can you share the number for Peralta Bros. Please. Trying to contact them through website, without much luck.

Thank you

Zauna Ann Hewling

Thanks for adding Mario's number. It's such a joy talking to him and I will be getting my items shipped at a much cheaper rate than what I was about to pay.
Thanks again :)
A lot of interesting info here in this thread. Thank you to all for contributing. We are in the process of building a villa in Sosua. It's close to completion with few items left to do but we're not crazy about some of the fixture selection offered to us. I presume we could possibly ship faucets and some electrical fixtures through one of the shipping firms mentioned in this thread. We won't be living in the DR full time so as Planner mentioned, Residencia Exemption won't apply to us. Does it still make sense to ship for non-residents from a cost perspective? Are plumbing fixtures the same as in Canada, in other words, would a faucet purchased in Toronto work in the DR?

Thanks, Walter
DrexCAn:  Ship through Amigo Shipping.  Speak with Mario.  The price is all inclusive and door to door.  You don't need to be a resident or anything else.  Just need an address at both ends.  Read through the thread and if you need more info send me a private message.

DrexCan: Electrical and plumbing.  The short answer is yes but as always it depends.  The quality of materials here is next to none.  lol...translated the materials here are junk.  You may find threaded apparatus not compatible with the existing found here.  Don't buy steel fixtures, it's not worth it.  If you don't want them to rust then buy good quality stainless steel.  Not unusual for a plumbing fixture from here to only last for 6 months.  Also, not easy to find good quality ABS (drains).  I brought all of mine from Canada and don't regret a single piece.  But again, it's the connection to existing that is the weak link.

Good luck.
Thank you DominicanadaMike. I might be visiting the DR this summer and will take a closer look at existing fittings to figure out how to move forward. Good to know about ABS and steel vs. stainless steel. Hopefully, our builder does use some better materials. Would be a shame if after only 6 months, things start to fall apart.

A lot of interesting info here in this thread. Thank you to all for contributing. We are in the process of building a villa in Sosua. It's close to completion with few items left to do but we're not crazy about some of the fixture selection offered to us. I presume we could possibly ship faucets and some electrical fixtures through one of the shipping firms mentioned in this thread. We won't be living in the DR full time so as Planner mentioned, Residencia Exemption won't apply to us. Does it still make sense to ship for non-residents from a cost perspective? Are plumbing fixtures the same as in Canada, in other words, would a faucet purchased in Toronto work in the DR?

Thanks, Walter
- @DrexCanDR
                  Hi  ,  I brought in all my plumbing fixtures in 2 suite cases , ( 50 lb each), from the states , at         
                   The airport
            The man looked at me and ask what they were for … my la casa  , ahhh ok  . That was it ,
             Just a thought you might want to consider for you plumbing needs
DrexCan, not to be a downer but if your builder isn't from a large company with lots of money behind them, and isn't importing everything for the house and you are not paying them double or triple the going rate...bring your own fixtures.  Even the stuff they tell you is stainless is probably chrome plated steel...Unfortunately there are very very few builders that you can trust to do a good job in this country.  If it "looks"  good when they finish that's about as good as it gets...later you can start re-doing their work...
@DominicanadaMike Totally agree with you on the quality issues here. The chrome starts flaking or the whole thing starts rusting!

We bought all of our faucets, showers, drains, and lights in the US. Most came in suitcases over a couple of trips, and the rest were shipped in.
And there are umpteen different types of stainless steel with differing resistance to corrosion (304, 316, etc.). Just because they say it's stainless steel.....
Pierre The Bear
We bought a house in Cabarete and take possession at the end of October.

We are moving to live there we are from the Toronto area

My wife is Dominican and I will have my permanent residency

Best way to ship and do we have to pay tax on household items we ship?
Pierre The Bear
We bought a house in Cabarete and take possession at the end of October.

We are moving to live there we are from the Toronto area

My wife is Dominican and I will have my permanent residency

Best way to ship and do we have to pay tax on household items we ship?

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