Vista Cana vs Cana Rock

Hey everyone! Found this forum and am excited to learn more about the area to help me with my decision. I am planning on buying a property in Punta Cana, both for pleasure and for investment/Airbnb throughout the year. I have some friends that just bought into the pre-construction in Vista Cana in both the villas (3 bedrooms with a private pool) and the apartments in Panorama Luxury (1 and 2 bedrooms). The prices don't seem to be as high as other locations closer to Cap Cana and closer to Bavaro beach.

I also found the Cana Rock location with an apartment. Although at a higher price, they are in an area closer to the beach and a more "touristy" location but don't offer the privacy of maybe something like Vista Cana.

What are your thoughts on one or the other? This is the first property I will own in Punta Cana. My plan is to rent it throughout the year and use it as my vacation property 1 or 2 a year.

I hope you understand that you have to have a management person in DR, access to maintenance, maids, complex rules, etc.  I just bought two condo's on the North Coast and will also rent them, but not through Airbnb, or similar.  You are asking for problems with short term rentals.  Party time!!!  I try to rent by the month, or longer, or really have to vet the renter.  Have renter pay the electric or you may be in for a surprise.  This means someone has to read the meter.  Personnel on site.  Not as easy as you do this in the states.  Only takes one bad renter to ruin a year of profit!!

Good advice. We just sold an apartment in LT. Just not worth the hassle. The rental dynamic changed due to covid. You see a lot of short-term weekend interest, and a lot of these people are here to raise hell. Hate to put it like that but it is what it is. Hopefully the rental patterns will normalize and you will get more desirable long-term renters.  Our LT apartment was completely turn key with an on-site management staff. Makes it easier, solving issues noted above, but that expense eats in to revenues.

I just purchased a villa in Primaveral Residences II. It is a three-bed with a pool. We were there over the summer trying to set it up for short term rentals. We still have a bit to go but we really enjoyed the area beaches and nightlife. We are adjacent to Vista Cana for half the price. Sure , not as fancy and we don't have the artificial beach but it's comfortable for a vacation home. We've hired a manager for the villa and she also lives at PR II which makes it easier. Who are you using to set up the rentals if not AirBnB or

I'm also in process of buying a condo in VISTACANA. This smart city supposed to be a great investment, however not sure if after management fees, HOA and utilities I will have the return intended. There's so much competition.
I would really appreciate any advise you can give me.
Also, any recommendations where to go when ready to furnish the apt? I heard it's more expensive there than the states.

Hello, Cana Rock offers an on-site management company plus each of their projects have lobbies just like hotels.  This will make it easier for new renters and potential problems with your unit. Also keep in mind Cana Rock owners have discounts at the Hard Rock Hotel which right inside the compound, i. e walking distance including day-passes. I believe you will be able to transfer that discount to your renters as well.  On top of that all Cana Rock projects have golf views and are walking distance to their own beach house and an actual beach.  Vista Cana is also a great project but they are building too many units inside there which means a lot of competition.  Remember that none of the Vista Cana projects offer a lobby service so that means you are responsible for everything including marketing. I understand the Cana Rock projects inside the Hard Rock Hotel compound are a little more expensive but you have to weigh all the amenities they offer including the all-inclusive option discount with the Hard Rock.  I own a rental property 5 minutes from Disney here in Orlando with the same concept as Cana Rock and trust me, having that lobby right there on the first floor has kept me stress free.  If I were you I would visit both and go over the details including the rental option.  I know a lot of both Cana Rock and Vista Cana so if you want to reach out offline feel free.  Either way you go I think investing in Real Estate now is a great move.  Take Care!

Hi there ! I am a Broker here in punta cana and I actually live in Cana Rock . I also have properties in Vista Cana . I can also give you some feedback on both projects because there are definitely things you need to know before buying in either project . Feel free to message me directly .

Thank you !

I was also looking to buy a condo but after reviewing  all the fees I decided to buy a house in Caleta,La Romana
No fees to worry about.
Lately the Apartments and Condos are basically the same as they are in America with HOA fees and maintenance fess.

I had an 1Hour 15 Minute discussion yesterday with a representative of Cana Rock. We talked through the construction timing as well as the amenities. Also it is my understanding there is a different discount schedule for people who rent at Cana Rock vs the Owner of record and their family.

The discounts for things such as day passed were 50% for Owners and 10% for restaurants and services (think massage).

As to the discussion I asked thy get back to me with answers:

Can a dishwasher be designed into the unit?
Can an owners closet be built  into the unit during construction?
And the funniest one, were to plug in a golf cart to charge?

When I asked that question the response was run a cord from your apartment, I said that would be on the 3rd floor.....I was stunned that was offed as a solution and I said that would be a deal killer and asked if charging station were part of the plan. Then the  representative said yes and  I said I need to see that in the documentation. In any case my wife and I have scheduled a visit after Easter to see the project and discuss further.  I am including this level of detail here, should anyone have information they can share about Cana Rock that would be great or if you find this helpful that's great too! My full name is Bobby Maurone and my cell is 267-*** should anyone want to share what they know or if my post here generates any questions feel free to call me.

EVERYONE  who I have spoke to so far has been super helpful and I know I need to pay it forward and backward. May each of you have a blessed day....Bobby

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Bobby - please edit your post to remove your contact information. That is not allowed on our public boards. Folks can send you a PM and you can share contact info there.


@rfmaurone Hi there,

Did you by any chance purchase a unit at Cana Rock? I am asking because i have a unit at Terra Cana Rock and everything seems to be backed up. I was wondering if you had any information you may want to share. Thank you


@ess02 no it did not check off most of the boxes for us. That being said it is very nice just not our first choice.


Where did you end up choosing?
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@emile are you the sales person?  Your post reads like an advertisement
@Emile Van der Heijden
How much a two bedroom stars

@thebodymaker Hello and thanks for your help. I was wondering what your thoughts are on Royal Gardens II in the Paseo de Senderos development inside Punta Cana? it's being developed by Neut Development SRI i.e. Javier Molina Matitos. Thank you in advance for your feedback

@caroloyap0308 Hi I bought In vista cana you will pay maintance feed and there is not hoa you will pay electricy and water bills. I have a company that will help me with everything cleaning fixing, welcome the guess and inspected the villa when the guest are living the villa , In punta punta cana the guest has to pay separatly the electricity .  the plus valia will be excellent in vista cana when the finish the completly project ,

Welcome to the forums and thank you for the information

@caroloyap0308 I highly recommend purchasing the services of an interior designer.

@thebodymaker Hi, i'm possibly buying land and want to know more about both places, can you tell me more about?

@sberger50 looking for long term rental you sound like my guy?

Any openings.... Retired military....

@Perly 0122 hi, I don't think you can buy land with cana rock as that land on the hard rock is already bought by major developers only. Vista cana in my opinion is overly saturated so my advice if you want to make the best ROI (that's if you are looking to build an investment property) would be Cap Cana. Otherwise just as a primary residence Vista Cana is good, the location is close to everything . Cana Rock is a bit far From everything and there are some issues with titles and so forth in that project . If you need any more info feel free to contact me privately .

Understood, thanks for the replay, I'm interested as a residency, to build over it, I'm gonna follow up with you directly now .

@thebodymaker man I was thinking there was some issues there. I haven't been able to get a straight answer, looks like the project stopped for a while and it started to pick back up. I also heard they were having issues, not with title but with making payments to the contractors. I heard that the punta cana group partnered with one of the developments within the project. I'm hoping that this partnership will add pressure to ensure the other projects get completely on time.  I'm also thinking that because it's on hard rock grounds they will also put pressure to ensure the project gets's scary because I already paid my say the project is on time and will get it in 2024 summer..

I am still waiting for the story that someone bought a new project in DR and was delivered on time 1f600.svg

Good luck....

@DRVisitor we are having a condo built in the Bavaro area (About a 275 condo development) and so far the builder in on track to complete our unit at the scheduled time (2Q2024). granted our building is the most completed to date out of the 15 or so buildings.

@Harris Levinson

You might get lucky being one of the early buildings started but time will tell!

@vicml1 I am curious, this is what has stopped me from investing in Cana Rock.. where can we walk to restaurants there? We need to buy a day pass to use the restaurants at Hard Rock? If I could just make dining reservations there it would be perfect, but apparently you can't. You can use the golf course for a discounted rate, and you can go to the night club and the casino but that's it. The different buildings seem so far away from anything if we cannot use the restaurants at hard rock.. it puts me off.. please let me know if I am wrong because I would love to invest there, it just seem isolated


I was just looking at the website and says "Two signature restaurants and bars". Are those in the Hard rock or not built? Are there regular restaurants besides the inclusivs in the vicinity? I do not remember seeing much in the area but could be wrong.

I was just looking at the website and says "Two signature restaurants and bars". Are those in the Hard rock or not built? Are there regular restaurants besides the inclusivs in the vicinity? I do not remember seeing much in the area but could be wrong.

we looked at the Cana Pearl Condos (Right behind Hard Rock). I only recall there being access to the Cana Bay Beach Club bar / restaurant. That was about 2 years ago. You could buy day passes ($84/each) to access amenities at the Hard Rock property.

We liked a lot about the development, but it is more "remote" with a lot less dining or shopping options than other areas, Bavaro or Cap Cana. They were talking about building some retail amenities at the entrance to the development by the highway. I have not been there in a while so I don't know if there is any activity going on with that. 

Hi all any of you have information on a constructor in VISTA Cana?

The name is Villa Martina


@karedcycling Will defenetly tell you to stay out of Vista Cana. They sell a dream that's a nightmare. We had been there for almost a year an haven't been able to rent out our villa as an Airbnb. The finishes on our villa inside and outside were so bad that it took them 9 months to finish the inside and still working on the outside. On top of that have to deal with their security robbing in your houses; not to mention that the management allows anybody to go inside and steal money from residents for work that you will never see. Even though management is aware of all this thinag happening inside their community; little is done to resolve the problem. To this day there is not even a community swimming pool in place for the residents to use. Can't wait to sell our villa and get out of there. Worst decision we ever made!

Wow. I am sorry sorry you are experiencing this!

@casadeagumar  Where did you buy.  I thought the club house pool was open already.


Security is breaking into your house and stealing and management knows about this?   Do you have them on a security camera doing this?  I am sorry to hear this terrible situation you have found yourself in.  1f625.svg

@casadeagumar which Villa did you buy,

Any other updates on Vista Cana? My husband and I bought in Ziba back in 2021 and the project has been delayed for 1.5 years now in delivery. Unfortunately we didn't add any clause that would allow us to receive a % if they are delayed. We are on the fence if we should sell our contract or house once it's finished. We feel that Vista Cana bit off more than they can chew by continuing to expand their project. We have family/lawyers who are overseeing our project while we are in the US making visits every couple of months. There are new windows that are already cracked/issues with ceiling that we know would take a while to even fix. The builder is small and doesn't have much of a repertoire Anyways, I'm just looking for more feedback and people who've had experience with Vista Cana.

Be very careful when negotiating the contract. I have been back and forth for months with one of the Vista Cana developers Urbe Luxe, trying to negotiate the contract with my lawyer and they don't want to agree to basic protections like a cap on potential price increase or a penalty for non-delivery or delay. They won't even let us speak to their lawyers. Supposedly Vista Cana vets their developers but this is starting to feel a bit shady to me. If you're thinking of investing, make sure you read those contracts with a fine-tooth comb!