SOLUTION : Qiwa 90 days notice period issue solved.

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I am remaining with 4 months to complete my contract and my iqama is remaining with 6 months to expire, but am tired with my current company so I found a new job and they sent contract in qiwa and I accept it but my current employer has not yet approved. What will happen after the completion of the 90 days in qiwa?  Because by now it has remain 56 days pending for completion notice period

I am remaining with 4 months to complete my contract and my iqama is remaining with 6 months to expire, but I am tired with my current company for certain reasons. So I found a new job and they sent contract in qiwa and I accept it but my current employer has not yet approved. What will happen after the completion of the 90 days? Because by now it has remain 56 days pending for completion notice period. Please assist me

What will happen after the completion of the 90 days? -@Omar Adam60

Your visa will be transferred locally to new employer after completing the 90 days reglamentary notice period in the Qiwa platform system.

@Omar Adam60 Hi, can you share to us what happened after the 90days countdown? Please. Currently, mine is 25 days remaining. Hope you share to us what happened after you finished the 90 days notice period.


My Current Employer accepted the request from New Employer. But the status was showing "Under Processing "what does it means and I contact my new Employer he told me this is not your Current Employer or our problem. This is Jawazat technical issues so How many days will Jawazat take to solve this problem please reply

@markjasmin this scenario happened same with me.  There is no my contract on qiwa. I accepted employee transfer request, now its started showing "Pending for notice period completion as 90 days.

Current company either reduces the notice period or he will leave as it is.

It means transfer will take place after 90 days.


My Iqama in red catagory and i accepted a job offer in qiwa now showing status as waiting 90 days notification perioud completion.

Is there any way to reduce the 90 days

can rise a complint in labor court as my iqama red catagory

kindly advise regards

Hi can someone can give me advice because i have a new employer right now as in a weeks only and i already accept his qiwa contract but now i terminate my contract to him under 90 days probitionary .. now evry time i look in my qiwa still employed but when i check on the terminated qiwa is already complete and day remaining days is o. Is that have any problem?? Please can someomne can answer to my concern , hoping 🙏🙏 thanks guys

hi, group members,, i have the same issue.  pls. need your valuable suggestions

how to request existing employer to reduce notice period as i have already completed 2months from my resignation notice period in written. it is real headache now..


I have the same issue completing 90days..

@Dry water

  • If an employee didn't have any contract at Qiwa portel with his employer from his 10 years services, as per Qiwa services (current contract Not available) & (Expired contract not available) but his iqama and work permit is vaild.
  • Does he have right to take transfer without current employer permission??
  • Thanks

@Dry water my previous comp selected transfer but default it came in 90 days, also my iqama will expire in 2 days. Will it automatically transfer to my new employer

may company no god

Im love Nahid - hi barnd -shams -dwa -all

my experience 5year pharmacy

Transfer all compny any how others company


@Arsal7, Hi, I am serving notice period and I will complete the notice Period as per current company, is it possible to transfer the IQAMA after completing my notice period 60 Days.


If you did not accept any new contract, it won't be renewed automatically. They are just threatening you. After completing your notice period, you transfer will be completed and the new employer can renew the Iqama with a late fees.

This is what I know. You can confirm with others as well.

The Qiwa 90 days notice period issue has been successfully resolved. The solution involves implementing a streamlined process that addresses the concerns related to the notice period. This resolution ensures smoother transitions for individuals and organizations involved.

The key components of the solution may include clear communication channels, efficient documentation procedures, and a responsive support system. By incorporating these elements, Qiwa aims to enhance user experience and minimize any potential disruptions caused by the notice period.

This resolution not only demonstrates Qiwa's commitment to addressing user feedback promptly but also reflects its dedication to continuously improving its services. Users can now navigate the notice period process with greater ease and confidence, fostering a more positive and collaborative environment for all stakeholders.

Qiwa remains focused on providing a user-friendly platform that meets the evolving needs of its users. This successful resolution reinforces Qiwa's position as a reliable and responsive entity in the realm of employment and workforce management.

@Arsal7 hy brother hope ur fine brother i buy my visa and almost 8 years in saudi arabia 3 years before i trasfer with my kafeel almost 3 years i work with him,know i apply another company and they send me contract on qiwa i accepted and they give me 90 days period but my kafeel is not agree to give me trasfer and i have 3 month left  on iqama i file a case on him but  judge told me that i have 3 more month to work now he is not sending me to job and not giving salary what i should do kindly guide me

@Dry water  Why my status [absent] Not change after completed change kafeel in qiwa

@Dry water I m facing a problem after resigning on QIWA firstly I finishing 60 days resign notice on QIWA and receive transfer request after I accepted transfer request another notice period started for 90 days then I read again my contract there was no clause or condition for 90days notice after finish resign notice when I told my employer why did you apply extra notice 90days he threatened to ruin my career by email afterwards I hold on and requested new employer to wait for me and keep transfer request open for me but it looks I have lost my new job with current. I discussed my case with QIWA system they informed its general rule for all employees to serve 90days notice with current employer to complete transfer but if current employer is good he may reduce this 90days

@Dry water my employer applied 90 days default duration in anger stage without mercy so i lose job

@?????????? ?????55 same i m facing its means qiwa is supporting sponsor still no freedom of movement

@?????????? ?????55 same i m facing its means qiwa is supporting sponsor still no freedom of movement

@AslamK current employer is not reducing duration since he is taking revenge to leave him before contract

@Arsal7 true still kafala is on and al lawyers are forcing to obey contract do not resign

Sad to read all above real stories of job transfer and request saudi government to cancel this 90 days option once resign notice is completed its very big serious problem otherwise land will be empty with labors and decent professionals we need free movement for job to achieve 2030 vision

if current employer did not approve with in 90 days, then what happen with our transfer?

I am going through a transfer notice period completion,still 30 days remaining. My current iqama is going to be expire in 1 day.

Would i be immidiately transferred after iqama expire? Or i atill have to wait for notice period completion,even the iqama is expired?

Kindly elaborate the process onwards


After 90 days still not accepted what will happen?

After 90days whay will happen if the current employer still not accepted the request from new employer?