
Books in Madagascar

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Linda Elowynn

Hello everyone, any book lovers and bookaholic by there??? :-) :-)


Difficult to be a booklover, the ones that like the smell of a book and love to turn the pages,  when there are very few bookstores in Madagascar and even fewer libraries.


At least your not and anericancrippled veteran . If you white , children here , American blacks and us companies our pro sports teams , the world cheer as after 160 years of military service, my family was attacked and others . The world cheered.
I was going to expat their ? I'm think
Russia. .  We defended the world .
They cheered the the death of my people.
As druids , warriors and white  we defend nato no more.

Linda Elowynn

Hi, i really don't understand your answer.... sorry....

Linda Elowynn

Hi Alex, that's why i ask, i'm a bookaholic, and it's really complicated to get books in Madagascar, so i created 2 years ago the online bookshop La Bouquinerie de Linda, and i ship books to readers everywhere in Madagascar
You can find teh website here:
And the facebook page
The project is to get the largest choice of books in many languages for all expats :-)