
Finding architecture job struggle

Simona Cepelakova

Hello everyone:)

I've moved to Malta with my boyfriend and I've been trying to find a job as an architect here. Even though there's construction going on everywhere I struggle to get a job in this field.
Please if anybody could share some experience or give me a suggestion or advice I would be very happy for that!!

More details about me/my experience:
-I'm EU citizen - Czech republic, I have driving licence type B
-I have master degree in architecture (Ing.arch.) from top technical university in Czechia
-I have 3 years of experience - working as design architect in an architecture studio in Prague and then I worked as an architect in The National Theatre in Prague (quite high post and I had responsibility for the whole scene set project)
-I speak english fluently + basic italian
-I studied local PA guidelines and other documents so that I know what are the local norms regarding planning and designing
- I stopped having expectations regarding the wage I would like to get

what can be a problem:
- I don't speak maltese
- I don't have a car (in interviews I was asked about it and was told to buy it) - but I cannot afford it now
- according to the conditions I found I cannot try to get warrant now

Could Maltese have problem hiring foreigners for architecture jobs?

I have applied to around 30 job offers (even low positions like autocad drafting or positions for just graduated architects) and got only to 3 interviews.

Maybe there's some other problem that didn't come to my mind (like the fact that I must have my own car to be able work as an architect here?:(... )

See also

Job offers in MaltaFinding work in GozoFinding work in MaltaFinding work in Saint Julian'sSetting up a business in Malta

Welcome to the Forum, you will probably find that there is nothing wrong with you or your qualifications but architects here are known to the builders and the planning authority and government. Also looking at the new builds here they don't seem to have needed much designing.  Good luck in finding something suitable.

Alberto Severino


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Hi Simona,
Welcome to the forum.

Have you looked at the Kamra tal-Periti (Malta Chamber of Architects and Civil Engineers) website as a reference point?
There are a few vacancies listed there.

I have also noticed that EY Malta will shortly be organising a 9 session webinar series that may help you familarise yourself with the  local architectural profession. … s-edition/

As GozoMo has stated, I am sure there is nothing wrong with your qualifications and the experience you list seems very valid. The fact that you do not speak Maltese should not present a problem as you speak fluent English and basic Italian.

I do not work in the architectural profession myself, but have had a few different jobs in Malta. I was also once asked about a car at an interview, I do not even have a driving licence, but was still hired for the position, so do not let this put you off. Two of the jobs I have been employed at in Malta required me to travel around the island, but being larger organisations they had their own drivers to deliver employees on site, as finding parking spaces for private cars would waste time. I have also occasionally used  private taxi services for work when needed.

If you cannot afford to buy a car, you could suggest that you are prepared lease a car short term if you are hired for the position until you can save enough for your own.

Good luck. I hope you will find a suitable position.

Simona Cepelakova

Thank you for your reply!:) Yeah it seems that making contacts somehow will be essential

Simona Cepelakova

Thank you so much for spending time on replying!!:) I check the website regularly and I apply when I find something new.
Thank you for the tip on webinar I will definitely check it!!:)