I want Emergency Leave But my company did't not approve my leave

i want emergency leave.my father health is not good.he fighting with cancer last stage.i already informed all condition to my company.but my company did not agree for my leave.please kindly tell me process of legal way of leave.i want leave with any turn condition.

and i already sended my father health reports to my company.and i sended resignation letter to my company before one month.

please tell me process of leave.i want to meet and spend time with my father.doctor already told to my family.he have minimum time to survive.i'm single son of my dad.

i have option to apply my vacation via absher for one month leave.but issue flight is suspended

Which country you from.. You can terminate your contract if you want to leave your company you can ask in labor..

i'm in saudia arabia.but my contract for 2 year.now i'm working with my company one and half year in saudia.i already forward resign letter to my company.but not response from my company.by boss said i was sign two year contract

I'm from pakistan

Did you got exit

@Shanu Ouji

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