Temporary accommodation duration and length of visa request

I have seen someone claim that you need your proof of temporary accommodation in France to match the duration of the visa request. Is this true? I thought I could request a long-stay visa for 1+ years, and only need the temporary accommodation for long enough to buy a new home (e.g. 3 months).

Thank you for your intervention, Jekretzl. I am an Arab from Yemen. I want to move to France or any European country to work and live, and I do not know about temporary or permanent residence. Thank you.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn7QrG4PNIA

My understanding is you need proof of accomodations but that the location can be changed, ie renting a different flat or purchasing a home.  If the other accomodations is in a different department then you will need to advise of that change.