
Overseas Travel for Filipino Citizens

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Hi There, hoping for some advice from you all regarding travel for Filipino citizens.

I have a girlfriend living near Cagayan De Oro and also a 16 month old baby girl who I have never seen because of the pandemic and I am desperate to see them both. Reading the news and taking into account restrictions in the Philippines and restrictions on travel from the UK to the Philippines, I am thinking there will be no opening up of the borders soon and the UK operates a traffic light system for travel abroad at the moment with countries on the green list requiring  no quarantine when arriving back in the UK, countries on the amber list requiring 10 days home quarantine, reduced to five if a payment is made on return for a test. Red list countries, of which the Philippines is one require a 10 day hotel quarantine costing £1750.

So I recently read that Thailand is planning to re-open to fully vaccinated tourists from 1 Jul 21, starting with the Phuket Sandbox scheme, where tourists do not have to hotel quarantine and are allowed to move freely around Phuket although you can not travel to other parts of Thailand until the 15th day if you wish. Other parts of Thailand plan to follow suite if this is a success so i was thinking an option might be for me to meet my girlfriend and daughter in Thailand instead of visiting the Philippines. I would wait to see if the Phuket Sandbox scheme is successful first obviously.

So my question is: How is the vaccination programme being rolled out in the Philippines and does anybody have any idea how long it will take for a 30 year old Female Filipino (Just a normal citizen, not a health worker or anything else that would give her priority status regarding being Vaccinated) to receive her vaccination and also what if any quarantine requirements would there be for her when arriving back in the Philippines from Thailand has a fully vaccinated citizen?

I would need to monitor which list Thailand is on in the UK traffic light system of course but I believe it is on the Amber list of now.

Many Thanks

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This was printed Sunday.  Cabinet Secretary  Karlo Negrales said 6.9 million people have been vaccinated.  5 million with three first dose the other 1.9 million with three second dose. The people who are being vaccinated now are in 4 categories.  A1-medical frontlines, A2- Senior Citizens,  A3 persons with comorbidities, A4- frontlines in essential sector. There are around 110 million Filipinos here and they want 70 percent to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity.  They have 40 million doses ordered and they said it will arrive by late September. As you can tell by only about 7 million people being vaccinated this is a very SLOW process. There goal is to have herd immunity by Christmas. Looking at where they are in the vaccinated process and the slow process. I just don't see your plan working. Hopefully they will open up tourists Visa soon. Maybe if enough Asian countries start opening they will follow. Hope it will be soon 4 u.


Cherryann01 G'day.
I have 2 daughters on 1st jab, second one 12/7/21 with health concerns. A third daughter, no concerns, told about a month away. I think it is all dependent on where you are ( I am in Cebu).
regards  Bruce


1% vaccinated and a lot of serious side effects.


FortuneFavorsTheBold wrote:

1% vaccinated and a lot of serious side effects.

Probably off topic and apologies to the OP and members but I'd be interested to see these facts and figures (legitimate if there is such a thing) backing up "a lot of serious side effects". In a new post if you don't mind FFB.

Cheers, Steve.


I agree with Steve, let?s see the data on those side effects, FFtB ?


rodneypg3 wrote:

They have 40 million doses ordered and they said it will arrive by late September. As you can tell by only about 7 million people being vaccinated this is a very SLOW process. There goal is to have herd immunity by Christmas. Looking at where they are in the vaccinated process and the slow process. I just don't see your plan working. Hopefully they will open up tourists Visa soon. Maybe if enough Asian countries start opening they will follow. Hope it will be soon 4 u.

According to Wikipedia, as of June 22 there are over 175 million doses ordered, pledged or delivered.
I think what you saw was the new deal with just Pfizer for 40 million. There is also over 19 million astra Zeneca, 26 million Sinovac, 20 million Sputnik, 8 million Covaxin, 6 million Johnson and Johnson, 25 million Moderna and 30 million Novavax, not including the supposed US donation to come.

I?m also hopeful on the tourist visa, too.


Can only speak for my family, wife and l, 2 jabs Pfizer, 2 daughters first jab Pfizer.  No reports of any side effects. When we all have our "vaccine passports" will be looking at visiting Australia April next year.
regards  Bruce

Enzyte Bob

rodneypg3 wrote:

This was printed Sunday.  Cabinet Secretary  Karlo Negrales said 6.9 million people have been vaccinated.  5 million with three first dose the other 1.9 million with three second dose. The people who are being vaccinated now are in 4 categories.  A1-medical frontlines, A2- Senior Citizens,  A3 persons with comorbidities, A4- frontlines in essential sector. There are around 110 million Filipinos here and they want 70 percent to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity.  They have 40 million doses ordered and they said it will arrive by late September. As you can tell by only about 7 million people being vaccinated this is a very SLOW process. There goal is to have herd immunity by Christmas. Looking at where they are in the vaccinated process and the slow process. I just don't see your plan working. Hopefully they will open up tourists Visa soon. Maybe if enough Asian countries start opening they will follow. Hope it will be soon 4 u.

Somebody better notify the Jab Center of the four categories. One of my stepsons received his Vac yesterday and he is only 27 and is not in any of the categories, it was an all day affair, if any longer he would have turned 28.

Later our housekeeper went for her Vac and the line was still too long so she came home. My stepson went in the morning and was still there when the housekeeper arrived.

Some Vac centers are growing cobwebs waiting for people to come in and some have overflowing crowds.


Well though possibly off the OP's topic good news by the sounds of it from blacksheepjuno and also from your first hand experience Bruce. I was supposed to go back to Oz last August for a 5 month contract, didn't happen and finally I have retired after sprouting about putting my feet up for the last 5 years,,,,,, very timely for me but under sad circumstances.

The better half has been offered the Pfizer vaccine as a dependent of his sister who is a midwife in the local private hospital,,,,,,, offered to his Mum and or Dad but they don't want, scared/cautious etc. told him to take the opportunity, for me maybe 12 months the way things work here. All in all I have enjoyed being a hermit with few cares aside from masks and face shields every couple of months with my immi visit.

Enjoy Oz Bruce, eventually I'll get back there.

Cheers, Steve.


Enzyte Bob wrote:
rodneypg3 wrote:

This was printed Sunday.  Cabinet Secretary  Karlo Negrales said 6.9 million people have been vaccinated.  5 million with three first dose the other 1.9 million with three second dose. The people who are being vaccinated now are in 4 categories.  A1-medical frontlines, A2- Senior Citizens,  A3 persons with comorbidities, A4- frontlines in essential sector. There are around 110 million Filipinos here and they want 70 percent to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity.  They have 40 million doses ordered and they said it will arrive by late September. As you can tell by only about 7 million people being vaccinated this is a very SLOW process. There goal is to have herd immunity by Christmas. Looking at where they are in the vaccinated process and the slow process. I just don't see your plan working. Hopefully they will open up tourists Visa soon. Maybe if enough Asian countries start opening they will follow. Hope it will be soon 4 u.

Somebody better notify the Jab Center of the four categories. One of my stepsons received his Vac yesterday and he is only 27 and is not in any of the categories, it was an all day affair, if any longer he would have turned 28.

Later our housekeeper went for her Vac and the line was still too long so she came home. My stepson went in the morning and was still there when the housekeeper arrived.

Some Vac centers are growing cobwebs waiting for people to come in and some have overflowing crowds.

Sounds like the LTO, many other inept institutions run by government departments but hey if you want the vaccine when it's offered? Stand inline, first in etc. Welcome to the Philippines. Perhaps only 47% make it through like your housekeeper, your stepson 47% and the other 6% are conspiracy theorist trying to sell their wares, but 47% of an electricity bill does not give you the Kilowatt hours used. Perhaps my math is up the s*it but not proven to date. Eventually all that want a vaccine will be put through the system and prosper, the laggers and doomsayers will rely on herd immunity.


Cheers, Steve.


Just be extra careful if you are getting yr local vaccination (pay close attention to the vial being presented)  ....there have been reports of fake vaccines making its way into the country.
Stay Safe … ccine.html


Cherryann01 there are a lot of variables when ur girlfriend can get vaccinated. Low supply of vaccines, where you live, who they let take the shot first are just some of them. As you have read these posts they very widely. No definite answer can be given when she can be vaccinated. Not even from the government.

Enzyte Bob

bigpearl wrote:

the laggers and doomsayers will rely on herd immunity.


Cheers, Steve.

Something about Herd Immunity stinks. Following the Herd waiting for immunity they better be careful of what they're stepping into.


There have been recent reports that the Sinovac vaccine apparently is not very effective, except at stopping serious disease. Indonesia reporting hundreds of fully vaccinated doctors that took it still were infected by Covid, and also that it may not be effective at stopping transmission. Breakouts also in Africa, and Costa Rica just pulled out of their contract.

Really glad to see the news that Philippines has made the purchases of Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, and even the Astra-Zeneca. All of those are very efficaceous at stopping disease AND transmission.


I hope your plan comes together Cherryann.

Enzyte Bob

manwonder wrote:

Just be extra careful if you are getting yr local vaccination (pay close attention to the vial being presented)  ....there have been reports of fake vaccines making its way into the country.
Stay Safe … ccine.html

I hope the vac center administrators are reading the label. . .


Enzyte Bob wrote:
manwonder wrote:

Just be extra careful if you are getting yr local vaccination (pay close attention to the vial being presented)  ....there have been reports of fake vaccines making its way into the country.
Stay Safe … ccine.html

I hope the vac center administrators are reading the label. . .

Yup...hope they are getting their salaries on time too.

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