
Custom made sweaters


Back in March, 2011 I decided it would be a good idea to make my own sweater... The issue is I wanted an extra fine wool/cashmere blend... in addition I have many years experience making clothes. 

So when I ordered the sweater I provided the shop with a specification (design) and measurements for them to follow... and agreed to a price of 700rmb of which I gave a 350rmb deposit.  We agreed the sweater would be ready in two weeks. 

Well of course the sweater was delayed and after a month I got to see the product which was not the same as the drawing, so they said they would fix... so I waited and waited, and went for a visit and was told to wait... finally after four months they told me my sweater was ready... I really didn't want a sweater in July in Shanghai but figured since they have my 350 deposit I should go. 

That was the wrong decision.  The second sweater was worse than the first.  I told him I didn't want to do business with him.  I would prefer he return my deposit, or give me the first sweater... or even keep the 350 deposit and I will go.  Well when I took the last option he decided to jump on me... he didn't want me to leave.   so I went with him on my back to the hotel next door, and requested they call the police... which they never did... I finally called the police and they arrived in 15 minutes. 

Now the hassle continues... now we have to go to the police station and discuss for the next two hours... he says he wants 1200rmb for two sweaters as that is what they cost him but I said I only ordered one and they both were no good... the police officers were leaning towards the local... so I explained the analogy via a phone that never worked. really would you pay for a phone that never worked?

The final verdict was that I pay him an additional 150rmb and take the first sweater... I agreed so I could get on with my life...

The conclusion, never ever make a sweater in one of those shady sweater shops in Shanghai even if you are experienced and it looks okay... the good news is I will make another sweater soon, but I will go directly past the police station to one of the factories I have dealt with in the past...   Business is business now lets move on to enjoying life and making extra fine and stylish clothes :)

See also

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Hi JeffreyLiving!

Welcome to :)


Rita Huan

Hi JeffreyLiving,

I guess that you must live in Shanghai for many years. Not only such things happen between foreigners and locals, also locals and locals.But we won't ask the policeman to deal with it.

No matter how, few such things will happen, just not lucky. Hope you continue to enjoy your time in Shanghai!



Hey JeffreyLiving,

I also got a question regarding a customized sweater.
I would really like to get some kind of jumpsuit ( but it is to expensive to buy it on the internet, so I figured I could just get some Tailor in Shanghai to do it. But the tailors I visited wouldn`t work with normal "cotton sweatshirt fabric" (I don`t know how to call it in English).
So my question, do you know any place where I could actl. get one of those made at?



HAHA....that was a great story, I have lived in China on and off for ten years, and I believe every word you are saying..very funny...Laurence


I run basketball camps here in Chongqing China in the summer, I ordered 70 t shirts with specific colors, silk screening and sizes, I did this on line what i received in the mail was not even close to what I had ordered... I wanted 5 coaching shirts xxxL got 5 small, Chinese small....they sent me the wrong colors, spelling mistakes in the printing, too many small t shirts only 5 out of the 65 fit.....when I tried to call back and get it rectified, the boss was NEVER in...and the girl I dealt with was lost in the conversation, as was I.  To this day, it has never been rectified, I had no idea where they were coming from so a personal visit was out of the question.  Anyone reading this want a variety of small t coach Mac