
Ausbilding (Pflegefachmann/-frau)


Hallo! I am from the Philippines. I completed my Bsc Nursing here in my country but i havent gain any experience yet & did not take the board exam.
So i applied to an agency in Germany and they told me that im only qualified to be part of their Apprenticeship program for next year. I would like to ask if i can convert my diploma here to a bachelors degree in germany after the ausbildung? Is it possible to apply for a masters degree immediately after completing my ausbildung for 3 years? Or are there any differences between those who are doing ausbildung that have completed BSc & those who did not.

Thank you for your responses.

See also

Living in Germany: the expat guideTrouble finding Apartment for Family reunificationFor international studentsLearning German LanguageMoving to Germany on an Opportunity Visa

A completed apprenticeship does not entitle you to enter a Master programme at university.
For that, you need a recognised Bachelor degree.
You can check with ANABIN whether your existing "diploma" is recognised as equivalent to a Bachelor. The word "diploma" is used very differently from country to country - e.g. in Germany "Diplom" is an old form of Master, in Singapore a "diploma" is more akin to an apprenticeship. I don't know how the system of your country works.


I don’t have answers to all of your questions but there is no such thing as a “conversion” of degrees. A foreign degree is either recognized - or it isn’t.
Here is a link and a quote from a good article about the subject: … es-germany

“Professional recognition generally takes place via bodies that govern specific sectors such as medicine or psychotherapy. In the academic world, an organization called the Central Office for Foreign Education (better known as ZAB - Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen)” (Link below) … ation.html

Here is another official German government site about recognition of foreign degrees:
https://www.anerkennung-in-deutschland. … cation.php

Nurses are in short supply in Germany, yet the main problem is that one needs good German, usually B2 for such a profession.  Sorry but although English is a well-known second language in Germany, this helps in addition rather than as an alternative to German. Even the most experienced nurse, no matter how many degrees they have, will need to speak the language. Any program accepting foreign nurses that don’t already have the language credentials will likely focus on specific language skills pertinent to the job - and usually require at least an A2 level of German to even be accepted..

If your bachelor is recognized then you will theoretically be able to apply for a masters. But again the question of language comes in. Most likely such a degree will be taught in German - and on a C1 level!


beppi wrote:

A completed apprenticeship does not entitle you to enter a Master programme at university.
The word "diploma" is used very differently from country to country - e.g. in Germany "Diplom" is an old form of Master, in Singapore a "diploma" is more akin to an apprenticeship. I don't know how the system of your country works.

I agree; one has to be careful about the usage of the word diploma in Germany. Like Beppi mentioned, a Diplom is a recognized degree level in Germany basically on par with a masters.  The usage of bachelors and masters degrees is a more recent introduction in Germany. In the US, the word means nothing more than an academic certification without indicating the level.  One can get a university diploma, a high school diploma or even a kindergarden diploma. Or one's dog could get one for completing an obedience course!


Thank you for your response. Yes, I'm currently learning the German language aiming to reach B2/C1 level. I will see to it if my degree is recognized in Germany. If its not, then i will just study nursing again, it seems interesting to do an ausbildung considering that its a German certificate. I heard that I can use it to other European countries so I can use it as a back up plan. I can see that there are pros and cons but indeed i will need to focus more in learning the German language first.