
Rent in Campeche


Hello everybody,

I want to come to live for 6 months or more in the city of Campeche and i search a furnished appartement or house.
Can you help me ?
Thanks a lot.

Dominique Vandenberghe.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in MexicoAccommodation in CancunAccommodation in San Miguel de AllendeAccommodation in Mexico City

Welcome to expat  and the Mexican forum Dominiquebelge,

Where would you be coming from and what part of the year do you want to stay here.
Looking for apartments in Campeche is more word of mouth and driving around looking than real-estate agents. So the best way to look would be come and stay in a B&B and look. People tend to put signs up on the property that is available with a number you can call.

There are local papers that can tell you what might be available for rent. Do you speak Spanish ?
I've said this before but it's worth repeating. Mexico is a hands on , face to face country for the most part. People use the internet, but not like most other countries do. If you speak Spanish you might see somethings on the Spanish speaking version of F.B.  If you decide to look there be very careful.

Buena suerte



I have recently moved to Campeche and there are many options to rent a house, apartment or studio. You can find something from $2000 pesos a month for a room, $3000 pesos for a 1 bedroom apartment and about $9000 pesos for a house. The best thing is arrive and look around as I did. If you need any help, contact me!

London guy


Hello :)

Oh very nice thanks :) Do you have some website to help me to find ? :)

All the best.



Hello … -inmuebles

is a very good place to start!


Thanks so much :)


Je vous en prie




Oh thanks can i know more about it ?


What else do you like about the area? Is it in the mountains or on the coast?


The coast :)



Yes, it is on the coast. There isn't really a beach here that you can go swimming in, but a few miles away there's a place called Playa Bonita where you can.

I guess the main reason I like it here (it is the second time I have come to live here now), is that it is incredibly safe (having lived in Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Merida, Progresso and Puerto Escondido previously). It's also a place where you can reflect on life, indulge yourself with your hobbies and interests and not worry about the cost of living as things are very reasonable here.

There are lots of places/towns of interest nearby including pyramid ruins, museums, or even a trip to Merida.

Also, because of my work, the internet and the electricity are stable (even after a big storm like last night!) which are essential for a happy existence here in Mexico.

All in all, it's a good place to live.


Hello that's sound perfect and i work by internet too :)) And i have more project on internet :)) I think we will have a nice conversation when i arrive :)


Hello Dominique

Yes, I think we will enjoy chatting a lot!

BTW, it is still very hot and humid here now until the middle of October. Daytime temperatures of just over 30c and 80% humidity are a bit bothersome, but as I work indoors, the AC helps very much.

London Guy


So London guy what area are you in ? I've lived here for 11 years. Where do you eat? The Irish Pub?
I ask because I don't see many anglos when I'm out so I'm curious.  There are many places to go and several good restaurants.

The anglos I see are obvious tourists.

As for rent. you are correct there are numerous places currently. but having wasted time looking at advertised properties that were grossly overrated I stick to the actual physical act of looking. But as I said I have been here for a long time.

Glad you like it here.


I will first go to Mexico and i think i will arrive in Campeche end of october :)



I live off  Lopez Mateos near the Walmart / Suburbia. I have never been to the Irish pub, but was in VIPs yesterday which is close by.

As for the properties for rent, I have always found a suitable place for a single guy who wants some peace and quiet along with a good internet connection / Telcel signal.

Let's meet up for a Guinness during the week at the Irish if you want!

London Guy



What is the cost of electric CFE and internet run over month


@travellight what is the average CFE bill monthly also cost if internet

Thank you


@LondonGuy5  I am interested in renting a place in campeche for a few months this winter - can you give me any leads? Maybe a reliable agent (a rare commodity). Looking for a place with access to public transit, a pool , AC, good internet, walking distance or short taxi to restaurants etc. Can you help me? Thanks Ross



Hola! Saludos desdé Tailandia. Did you move to Campeche? Still there?


Hello no i am no more there :)