
how can i get permanent visa of brasil

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Hi jehanzeb khan,

Welcome to

I would suggest you to browse through the different posts on this thread. You may have some relevant answers.

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Hasnaa Team

jehanzeb khan

Hello malloryelise,

Am from pakistan,I want to meet my friend in Brazil. pls guide me in detail how can I get a Brazilian visa? and what documents I have to present to get a tourist visa?

Best wishes


Hello jehanzeb khan,

Go back to the first page of this topic, look at reply #24 all of the documents you need for a tourist visa for Pakistani citizens is listed there.

Most of the questions you can possibly ask have already been answerd in our forum if you will take the time to look for them.

William James Woodward - Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team


Hello sir. Thanks for a wonderful reply. Am sure it will help many. But my problem is quite different. I am married to a girl in India and hold an Indian passport. Her name is there on my passport. I have a very good friend in Brazil and during her stay in India, she got pregnant by me. Both me and she are against abortion. She will deliver the baby. Am worried about her and the baby, like their upbringing and other things. If you can please advice me in the same regard. The child will be my biological child. In this case, can I apply for a Permanent Residency Visa or any other process I need to follow. Thanks


Hello ankesh_101,

If the child is born in India and the birth is registered with the Consulado-Geral do Brasil in Mumbai then you can apply for a VIPER Permanent Visa com base em prole brasileira (Brasilian child).

If the child is born in Brazil the mother will reguire a Power of Attorney (procuração publico) from you in order to register the child in your name. If the child is registered in your name then you can apply for the VIPER Permanent Visa.

You would need to obtain a VITUR Tourist Visa following the birth and apply for the VIPER Permanent Visa in Brazil, it's my understanding that Consulates abroad will not take this kind of visa application and simply tell people to apply here in Brazil.

On the positive side, if you have a Brazilian child you cannot be expelled from the country and once you've applied for a VIPER Permanent Visa based either on marriage to a Brazilian or based on having a Brazilian child, you have the automatic right to remain in Brazil, obtain a work permit and to work while the visa application is being processed.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


hi my friend , last week the police federel come to my house and they asked me some question and they told me i mast start to chek about my VIPER in june from 2 weeks in site of minister of justice , please tell me more about it and how i can chek i need to know the way thank you , i remmber you i am married with brazilira


please answaer me i need to know more about this thanks


Using ONLY Internet Explorer (other browsers won't work) go to the Ministry of Justice - Consulta Processos page: … PTBRIE.htm

Enter the number of your protocolo EXACTLY as it appears on the paper, periods and / or -   included.

Until it is actually in the process of being dealt with by the Ministry it will come back "registro não encontrado". Don't worry too much. Once they have registered it in their computer system it will appear. This process takes forever, it can be two years before it completes regardless of what the Federal Police tell you. You must be patient nothing will speed them up.


thanks a lot for your help


please help me , i would like to know i do reach about my visa permanicia i found registro in 16.04 .2014 it is my visa aproved or no aproved ? also please tell me why when i use the website of ministre of justice in internet explore say no found . the police federel say to me there is press you can see if your visa aproved or no , please give me the website i can loking for , than k you my friend


Yes, you need to look in the "Diário Oficial da União" (Official Gazette) on the date you show.

In the blank "Informe o termo" type "Permanência", in the line "Selecione o Jornal" check off "DOU1", add the date and click "Pesquisar"

There may be several pages of names, once you've got the journal for the correct date you might want to go back to page 1 to check that you're actually in the right section, Check the index for "Ministério da Justiça" and then you have to go through those pages looking for the section "Despachos do Chefe" you will then need to look through all the process numbers on the page until you find your process and name.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


thank you so much , you are so friendly man


I am currently in Rio de Janeiro on a tourist visa and in the next few weeks, me and my Brazilian girlfriend are expecting our first baby, which will be born in Brazil. After he is born I am able to apply for a permanent visa for Brazil. There doesn't seem to be information online about this, just forum rooms with information about obtaining a visa through marriage. As I'm already in Brazil, I read that I could apply in Brazil, but I didn't know the documents that I need for the visa (birth certificate, criminal record) had to be seen in the Brazilian consulate in London. Do you know if this can be done here in Rio or do I have to get them to the Brazilian consulate in London?


Yes, if the child is born in Brazil he/she automatically becomes a citizens under jus soli. If you are registered as the childs father at the Cartório then you and the child's mother are entitled to apply for "Permanência Definitiva com base em filho brasileiro" (your VIPER Permanent Visa). Under the law in fact you are considered "inexpulsável".

You will also have the automatic right to remain in Brazil, obtain a work permit (Carteira de Trabalho) and to work in Brazil durng the entire visa processing time no matter how long that may take.

The process will take over one year to complete and quite probably even longer. The only problem is that until you actually are granted the visa you CANNOT leave Brazil for any longer than 90 days at a time or your application is void and you need to start all over again. The documents apart from the Birth Certificate (Certidão de Nascimento) of the child will be exactly the same as those required for the VIPER process based on marriage. See the last part of my first posting on the following link for the documents for the visa:

The first part of the list deals with documents for marriage, disregard that. The second part of the list are the documents you and the child's mother (if she's also a foreign national) will require to produce for the VIPER.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


Regarding where to apply......... Applications based on having a Brazilian child are only accepted WITHIN BRAZIL, Consulates abroad will not accept them, they'll just tell you to apply here.


I'm  live in Bangladesh.  but my girlfriend is in Brazilian. we know eatch other 1 year so  we want meet & will get married.  how i go in Brazil.  plz any one can say how i will go


Well, if your girlfriend isn't prepared to obtain a visa and travel to Bangladesh so you can get married there, register the marriage with the Consulado-Geral do Brasil in your country and apply for your permanent visa there IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

I can tell you from 13 years of dealing with the immigrations authorities in this country that you will find it almost impossible to obtain even a VITUR Tourist Visa if you are a citizen of India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. Even if you were lucky enough to obtain one, you would never be granted a visa that would permit a long enough stay in Brazil to get through the marriage process here, which takes over a month from the time you apply at the Cartório for permission to marry.

In most cases, if the visa isn't denied outright, first time applicants for a VITUR Tourist Visa from those three countries are usually granted a "one-time-only" 30 day visa at most. They would only be considered for a 5 year multiple entry VITUR Tourist Visa that permits a 90 day stay following a successful visit to Brazil and returning to their country.

So now you know the cold hard facts, you had better talk to your girlfriend about coming to Bangladesh because you can give up on coming here before you even start.

See the following topic, since it applies to citizens of Bangladesh too:

James    Expat-blog Experts Team


Hi James am henry I have a Brazilian daughter and another daughter who is Nigerian, so we have a family of 4, however we are back in Nigeria at the moment that's after having my daughter now the question is we want to apply for a permanent residence in brazil when we come in this summer to renew our baby's passport, how possible is it to get PR for myself and wife and extra daughter? And do I have to remain in brazil while the documents are been processed? I must also say that we are Nigerians part from my second daughter who is Brazilian and Nigerian.


You simply apply for Permanência Definitiva com base em prole (filho) brasileiro. Since your child is a Brazilian citizens born here you have the automatic right to permanency. If your other child is also a minor then she would also have the right under your permanency. So you need to apply for all three of you. I'm not sure exactly what basis you'd apply for your other daughter, but I would suspect that her application would have to be based on Reunião Familiar, that seems the only one that would fit. That you should check with the Policia Federal when you arrive.

Depending on your visa and how many days you would be entitled to stay in Brazil there would be no great rush to apply, so you'd have time to confirm with the Federal Police as to exactly how to apply for your other daughter.

Once you have applied for permanency, provided that all the required documents are present and in order, permanency is granted immediately, you register in the RNE and request your civil ID (Cédula de Identidade Estrangeiro). That is the only thing you wait for, the card will take somewhere around 60 days to be made up (depending on where you apply).

You also have the right to immediately apply for your work permit and work in Brazil once you've applied for permanency based on your Brazilian child.

See the following topic thread for further information:

Make sure that you get all the required documents ready BEFORE you come back to Brazil and get the ones that require translation done here as soon as possible after arrival. When you do come back if you need further information about how to proceed just post to the forum. You will need the original and a certified copy of your Brazilian child's Birth Certificate for the applications. While you may submit ALL of the applications together, remember they are ALL separate applications, so you'll need to check with the Federal Police if that means you're going to need three copies of things like the Birth Certificate. With the bureaucracy being the way it is, I think that you will, but check with them anyway.

James       Expat-blog Experts Team


Thanks a million. James!


You're very welcome Henry. Don't forget that when you get to Brazil if you need any more information or can't figure out how to proceed just get back in touch. We're all here to help.



Dear James,

I've read all your replies and this is very clear and helpful, thank you so much. But my question/situation is slightly different and your feedback would be very needed, thanks in advance.

I am French and about to move to Sao Paulo for a job (hiring proposal signed). I plan to arrive on the 10 th of September and to start working a week later. I'm supposed to start working on the 17th of September.

My wife is Brazilian and my son is born in France and has both a french and a Brazilian passport. I must start working very soon, in mid september and I thought it to could go through the marriage visa once arrived in Brazil. But because my wife was first married and divorced in France before our marriage, which was not registered by the Brazilian authorities, the Brazilian consulate in France has just refused to validate our marriage. We have to ask an attorney in Brazil to officialize the previous marriage/divorce of my wife before ours can be. This will take apparently a very long time.

Therefore I must absolutly find the another way to get my visa very quickly.

I read about this VIPER visa through "prole brasileira". If I understand what you say it means that could be done very quickly after arriving in Brazil, just like if I did it through my marriage ? For example I could arrive in Sao Paulo on the 10th, ask for the visa and ID on the 11th and ask for the working permit / cartao de trabalho on the 12th and start working the following week ? Is that realistic ? Also, my son has the brazilian nationality but he was not born in the brazilian territory. Does that change anything ?

I hope you can reassure me because I left my job in France already and cannot afford several months of waiting period before I have the right to start working in Brazil. I suppose working visa is much harder and longer to get even if the company does it, right ?

Thank you very much in advance for your advises, I hope you will read my message soon.

All the best,




James is no longer with us so I suggest that read through other posts on the forum for the information.


Hi Stumpy,
thanks for your feedback and sorry James is not active anymore on this forum as his inputs were of great value. if anyone else can answer my specific questions that would be great. Thanks a lot
Kind regards


Hi Benjamin

The process is quiet similar to that based on marriage.  I believe you should be able to get started on the process as soon as you enter Brazil.  However please keep in mind that you will need to fill out the online application form of Policia Federal / Pay the Fees and Make an appointment with the Policia Federal online and afterwards go to them on your appointment date.

At that time they shall issue you a protocolo which is a basic paper with your picture on it and the stamp of Policia Federal, this is issued while your card gets sent to be printed from Brasilia.  After obtaining your protocolo you would need to ask the Policia Federal when you can come and collect the SINCRE as you need to register and receive your Carteira de Trabalho (Work Book) which you should be handing in to your employer.

I hope this information helps if you still require any clarifications please feel free to message me



Hi Stanza,

Thank you very much for your reply. So if I understand correctly you think I will have the right to work within a few days after arriving because the VIPER request will give it automatically. I will also need to register the SINCRE which is also something I can get easily within one or two days ? And you also say that before arriving in Brazil I should take an appointment with the Federal Police (or is it something quick that I can do after arriving ? )

Is that right ?

To sum-up, do you think that arriving on the 11th of September I should be able to start working for example on the 19th ?

And to receive the final visa, how long does it usually take and is there any restriction for the work permit before I receive the final visa ?

Thank you very much.

All the best,



PS : last question

To take the appointment, the police form asks the day of arrival in the brazilian territory. I don't have yet my ticket. Do you think it will be a problem if the effective date is slightly different from what I will write in the form (for example if I arrive 2 or 3 days after ) ?

Many thanks


Hi Benjahmin

I believe the safes way to go about things is to start on the application and all after you arrive in the country.  For the simple fact that they ask you to mention your date of arrival and other details.  The application itself is fairly easy fill out as you must have noticed.

I believe that you should be able to obtain the Carteira de Trabalho, within 10 days from the time you submit your application to the Policia Federal.

Keep in mind that you have to state the exact date of arrival on the application you can't mention it differently then what will be stamped on your "entry card" and on your passport.  Both of these things will need to be presented to the Policia Federal along with the rest of the required documentation.

Afterwards please note that once you receive your protocolo (which is given to you immediately once you hand in the documents, as long as your paperwork is complete).  You can ask the Policia Federal officer for the SINCRE and see what they advise.  Usually they will ask you to come back after 7 days time to collect the SINCRE.

Now the amount of time it might take to obtain your Carteira de Trabalho from this step forward depends a bit on your luck as  I have known people who have went and tried to register for it without the SINCRE and were asked to come back with the SINCRE, and at the same time I know a few people who went to apply with just there protocolo and they were accepted.  The process is fairly simple and usually takes about 10 minutes.  Afterwards they will give you a date to come back and collect your Carteira de Trabalho on, usually its after a weeks time, however you can try to talk to the person in charge to see if there is anyway they can fast track or process it on urgent basis.

In short I could be wrong but if you get the Protocolo on lets say 12 september and you are able to register for your Carteira de Trabalho on the 12 or 13 itself then you will be able to obtain it by the 20th of September roughly.

However things in Brazil do tend to take a bit more time then needed so keep an estimated date of receiving your carteira de trabalho by or before 25 September.

Lastly at the same time I believe that your organization should allow you to start working immediately while you are waiting for the remainder of your paperwork to be completed.

Hope all of this helps, if you still require any clarifications please feel free to message me accordingly

Boa Sorte (Good Luck) :)


Thank you so much for this very detailed, rapid, and useful information, it definitly helps a lot! I won't hesitate to ask further info along the way.

Warm wishes,



You are very welcome.  This is the least I can do.  I wish Mr. James was still around.  As you can tell by all the major posts, Mr. James, used to be the expert of anything and everything related to Brazil.  I miss him.


Hi Willam James.
good afternoon.
I have one friend, who is not part of this forum. He was married to Brasilian lady. He got his permanent residence on marriage basis. Only 4 days was left to complete 5 years of marriage, they divorced. His wife taken his CIE card. After she told she had lost it, along with his debit card. He gone back to his home country. But without his CIE Card. At departure, he told about this matter to agent from Federal Police. They told him to make online report for loss of CIE Card. Also put exit stamp on his new passport, with duration of two years. They told him as you are permanent residence, also have stamp by Federal Police as permanent residence. You can come back within two years. Divorce not end your right of permanent residence. But immigeration at home country not let him board flight. Insisting on original CIE card. He only had online police report, along with photo copy of CIE. He also showed e mail from embassy, that he can travel back, as already holding permanent visa, but nothing work in his favour. After contacting embassy. Counselor told him to apply for visit visa. Which he did already. Now question is if embassy will issue him tourist visa to enter Brasil? Or there is possibility of denying visa to permanent residence holder? What is the solution for his problem.
Thanks to all. I hope with your help. I will be able to clarify him about his situation, also what step he needs to take in future.


I received your message. I really am not  familiar with your issues under Brazilian Law.
I know you can have a replacement made by going to the PF office in Brazil.
Many airline do not know the laws of another country and only allow boarding a flight under the airline guide lines in their procedures an without such will not allow boarding. Is there an PF rep in the airport? I saw a person have an issue an asked to see someone (supervisor) and later did board the flight, so it must have been worked out.
If this is not possible you can apply for a tourist visa and once received go to PF office to have a duplicate RNE made. It is for permanent residency, do you have a permanent residency?
Sorry I cannot help. Good luck.


Yes, permanent residence holder. My CIE card is with classification permanent. Thanks for your reply.


The CRMN card, but was asking where is his residence in Brazil. Must file change of address and can not out of country over 24 months.


Ok. Thank you so much.


My view is that it is totally ludicrous that immigration agents in his home country are impeding him to board on a plane following their interpretation of Brazilian law, against the interpretatin given by Brazilian authorities! Does not make any sense. Despite having a tourist visa or re-issuing the card (what can take time and it may be required that he get it himself in federal police IN BRAZIL) may be solutions I would also re-attempt to talk with whomever is denying the trip and supervisors.


It's probably not immigration officials denying him boarding (we're hearing the story second hand), but the airline.  They don't want to eat the cost of returning him to his home country if Brazil denies him entry.


Hi. No it wasn't  the Airline. Airline issued him boarding pass. It was the immigration offical at airport. He explained every thing to him. Shown him his permanent visa, also permanent residence stamp by Federal Police. Along with photo copy of CIE card. Online police report for loss of CIE Card. Also exit stamp with time limit of two years. But they were insisting on original CIE card. Asking him to get new visa or get some sort of documents from embassy so we let you board flight.


As sergiobotinha says, that doesn't make any sense.  I hope he can work it oit.


I hope too. Do you have information, after divorce permanent residence holder loss his right to stay in Brazil? If he had stayed continuely for 4 years 8 months & 10 days. Or if he is out of country without his CIE card? Not able to back in two years? For example embassy deny him visit visa? What options are left for him to enter Brazilian territory?

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