
Is moving to India safe now, mainly Hyderabad?

mohamed salah75

Hi- i am moving to India for an expat 2 years assignment, I have the choice not to go as well. For sute is is financially better to go. What do you think about Hyderabad interms of safety and overall health facilities during COVID? I  am actually vaccinated but I am abit concerned to accept this move because I dont know hot it looks like there at the moment.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in IndiaBuying a property in IndiaAccommodation in JaipurAccommodation in Pune

In this situation moving any part of the world we feel its not safe comparing to our own homeland makes us feel safe.

Go head INDIA is SAFE as well until you follow the precaution of wearing mask



I feel safer here in India than I would in America.  I am in Gujarāt state, with daily caseloads in the double digits.  Some south Indian states still have daily cases in the thousands.

mohamed salah75

Thanks alot for the advice! I decided actually to go for 2-4 months alone until I arrange everything, the my family will Join me after christmas.. Thanks!!


Totally unsafe , bad political scenerio , economy in the dumps and most importantly hospitals and medical facilities fail you in case of emergencies and charges are sky high with no checks and balances. Airport checking in India has now become racist with random harassment to a particular religion. Traffic is a nightmare. Just about anything can happen in India and no one to help. Going to India is like waiting for an accident to happen.


I don't know about Hyderabad, but for instance, going to America would be a disaster with a civil war in the making and 10-15% inflation (why do you think the $-Rs exchange rate hasn't changed??)  rent/mortgage forbearance has come to an end with the stipulation that * 17 months of rent has to be paid back!  *  Forbearance of a debt is NOT the waiving of it AT ALL.  It is a POSTPONEMENT of a payment due.  Where are people going to find 17 months of rent/mortgage if they hadn't paid during all this time!?  Fully 65% of people don't have $1,000 saved!  Not to mention the medical industrial complex in America is worthy of a take-down, military trials, and executions. 

Uh-uh, no thanks.  I'm staying right here in Bhārat as long as I can legally.  Let me tell you - tree leaf soup and stewed tree bark is not very appetizing, not to mention contaminated with environmental poisons leached from the ground.