Projected Date To Reopen VT?

Anyone want to speculate which month VT will be open for foreign visitors,?
Thank you.

nscprez wrote:

Anyone want to speculate which month VT will be open for foreign visitors,?
Thank you.

If you are talking about tourism, maybe middle of next year, depends on the vaccination program.

Not January?


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Vaccination is one sticking point, but the other is the inconsistency amongst checks for safety.

Local vinmart restricts number of customers in store to 3 at any one time.. fine if that's the way it had to be. But today get stopped and asked to wait, ask why and say already have three customers in store.. I counted 6

Another store a few minutes away.. have to complete health declaration.. store is in basement level so signal is a little slow. Whole waiting for confirmation of my declaration security guard let 4 people walk passed me into teh store.

So IF they open borders early for tourism and covid not under control we will be back to square one..

No one likes the isolation least of all me.. I cannot stand it. But it has to be and should be done completely and entirely not ad hoc

Jlgarbutt wrote:

Vaccination is one sticking point, but the other is the inconsistency amongst checks for safety.

Local vinmart restricts number of customers in store to 3 at any one time.. fine if that's the way it had to be. But today get stopped and asked to wait, ask why and say already have three customers in store.. I counted 6

Another store a few minutes away.. have to complete health declaration.. store is in basement level so signal is a little slow. Whole waiting for confirmation of my declaration security guard let 4 people walk passed me into teh store.

So IF they open borders early for tourism and covid not under control we will be back to square one..

No one likes the isolation least of all me.. I cannot stand it. But it has to be and should be done completely and entirely not ad hoc

Iv'e found a way around the mask,,, I bought a ladder and now we go on the main roof area mask free, in the sun and dream we are getting some sun at VT beach,,, while I play with flycam and the boys make silly poses with me taking video's a blish filled afternoon, minus the bill for the ladder.

Andybris2020 wrote:
Jlgarbutt wrote:

Vaccination is one sticking point, but the other is the inconsistency amongst checks for safety.

Local vinmart restricts number of customers in store to 3 at any one time.. fine if that's the way it had to be. But today get stopped and asked to wait, ask why and say already have three customers in store.. I counted 6

Another store a few minutes away.. have to complete health declaration.. store is in basement level so signal is a little slow. Whole waiting for confirmation of my declaration security guard let 4 people walk passed me into teh store.

So IF they open borders early for tourism and covid not under control we will be back to square one..

No one likes the isolation least of all me.. I cannot stand it. But it has to be and should be done completely and entirely not ad hoc

Iv'e found a way around the mask,,, I bought a ladder and now we go on the main roof area mask free, in the sun and dream we are getting some sun at VT beach,,, while I play with flycam and the boys make silly poses with me taking video's a blish filled afternoon, minus the bill for the ladder.

Inwoudk need a ladder at least five floors in length.. 😔

ckitano wrote:


I very much doubt 2023, if there are no more outbreaks.

Very soon after the bankrupt.
Just wait a few months.

Some time after Christmas.

Which Christmas is another story,,,

Andybris2020 wrote:

Some time after Christmas.

Which Christmas is another story,,,


How long is a piece of string  :lol:

stumpy wrote:

How long is a piece of string  :lol:

You want Metric or imperial  length?

ckitano wrote:

under current politicization of the virus?

2023 maybe

if the world bureaucrats and bureaucrat scientists like Fauci get tuned out and legit science steps in... Middle of next year to filter in to Vietnam

What in your mind is "legit science"?  Fauci has the backing of almost the entirety of the scientific community involved in virology-- all that's left is charlatans, frauds and witch doctors.

stumpy wrote:

How long is a piece of string  :lol:

About this long.  Always has been, always will be.

paulmsn wrote:
stumpy wrote:

How long is a piece of string  :lol:

About this long.  Always has been, always will be.

Depend if long string or short string, where it was cut and if holding the bit cut off of the bit still in the ball.
Theres a lot of data needed for string theory  :lol:

Andybris2020 wrote:

Some time after Christmas.

Which Christmas is another story,,,

You Funny.

Wadey wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

Some time after Christmas.

Which Christmas is another story,,,

You Funny.

Srick around i'm here until after lockdown,,,,  :cool:

There's no telling what's really going there anymore. You only see what's in front of you but there's a whole lot going on behind the scenes. Let's see how this situation plays out. Time will test your patience and perseverance.

Saint Fauci speculates Spring 2022 for the US. Two long years of Wuhan flu.  :mad:

Vietnam cannot be earlier, especially with zero-covid policy.  :sosad:

Fauci Corrects Prediction on When Pandemic Will Be Under Control

gobot wrote:

Saint Fauci speculates Spring 2022 for the US. Two long years of Wuhan flu.  :mad:

Vietnam cannot be earlier, especially with zero-covid policy.  :sosad:

Fauci Corrects Prediction on When Pandemic Will Be Under Control

Covid the gift that keeps on giving

Last I heard was to expect social distancing will be in place until the end of the year

Not sure how tight the restrictions will be, but at the current rate of new cases and bare shelves I expect there will be a few that break the regulations more often

Optimistic,  at least 9 - 12 months later...

Realistically? December 2022 at the earliest unless of course national bankruptcy kicks in first

Why reopen? Vietnam is happy like that: exports are doing well, it's the only thing that matters.
New Zealand also will never reopen.

Exports are not doing well, covid is having a huge impact in sea freight capacity making it hard for exporters to deliver cargo.

Pre-covid a 40' container to Europe would have been around 1000 USD... Currently you can expect at least ten times that rate

Jlgarbutt wrote:

Exports are not doing well, covid is having a huge impact in sea freight capacity making it hard for exporters to deliver cargo.

Pre-covid a 40' container to Europe would have been around 1000 USD... Currently you can expect at least ten times that rate

I remember reading Cat Lai needing workers due to sickness, so it must be having an impact.

Looks like shipper service resume tomorrow in HCMC as the army cannot cope with delivery requests

Jlgarbutt wrote:

Looks like shipper service resume tomorrow in HCMC as the army cannot cope with delivery requests

really? I thought there was 135,000 of them plus volunteers?

Jlgarbutt wrote:

Looks like shipper service resume tomorrow in HCMC as the army cannot cope with delivery requests

Can't expect too much from a group of decision makers who have acquired their positions through nepotism and cronism. Some of these decisions being made are beyond belief,completely unworkable and poorly executed.

An optimistic piece about HCMC in Zing today. Let chrome translate for you.
Quick injection of the 2nd nose vaccine - the only way out to 'de-freeze' Ho Chi Minh City

The title doesn't translate too well, but here are snippets of a very long article, too long for me to read. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh is a lecturer at the Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management. Not a government official, it appears to be his recommendation, not official policy, but I assume it was vetted to publish. News sites here can't publish "misinformation", right?

If the 2nd injection is accelerated and the epidemic is under control by mid-September, Ho Chi Minh City can calculate the easing steps. In mid-October, most production and business activities are likely to operate.

September 15 is a milestone that the people and authorities of Ho Chi Minh City are aiming for after more than 3 months of social distancing. The city aims to control the epidemic, gradually reopening the economy that has been "frozen" for many months.

Does this mean that recovery is now a based on How many people are vaccinated?

Up until now, the measure has been, How many people are infected, with a zero goal.

No matter how well controlled, positive cases are still likely to occur in the group of workers who have received 2 injections. If businesses are forced to stop operating when there is F0 and then it takes a long time to reopen, no business can be assured of production.

We talk a lot about the phrase “new normal”. From now on, the city must work with the Central Government to develop and issue a set of guidelines for organizing production and business under new normal conditions when the roadmap for 2 vaccines is achieved.

Finally someone admits that the chinese virus won't go away, vaccination doesn't prevent sickness, we can't wait for the number of F0s to go to zero.

gobot wrote:

An optimistic piece about HCMC in Zing today. Let chrome translate for you.
Quick injection of the 2nd nose vaccine - the only way out to 'de-freeze' Ho Chi Minh City

The title doesn't translate too well, but here are snippets of a very long article, too long for me to read. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh is a lecturer at the Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management. Not a government official, it appears to be his recommendation, not official policy, but I assume it was vetted to publish. News sites here can't publish "misinformation", right?

If the 2nd injection is accelerated and the epidemic is under control by mid-September, Ho Chi Minh City can calculate the easing steps. In mid-October, most production and business activities are likely to operate.

September 15 is a milestone that the people and authorities of Ho Chi Minh City are aiming for after more than 3 months of social distancing. The city aims to control the epidemic, gradually reopening the economy that has been "frozen" for many months.

Does this mean that recovery is now a based on How many people are vaccinated?

Up until now, the measure has been, How many people are infected, with a zero goal.

No matter how well controlled, positive cases are still likely to occur in the group of workers who have received 2 injections. If businesses are forced to stop operating when there is F0 and then it takes a long time to reopen, no business can be assured of production.

We talk a lot about the phrase “new normal”. From now on, the city must work with the Central Government to develop and issue a set of guidelines for organizing production and business under new normal conditions when the roadmap for 2 vaccines is achieved.

Finally someone admits that the chinese virus won't go away, vaccination doesn't prevent sickness, we can't wait for the number of F0s to go to zero.

Just for info, there are such goals in Australia to reach a percentage of 2nd vaccine before easing restrictions, when eased people with "vaccine passports" can go out non vacc cant,, the Premier of Queenland (where I lived) has said in Parliament they dont want anyone entering Qld without vac because under 12 arnt vaccinated,, not sure if that means everyone from newborne up needs one to enter?
Its a heck of a task to do that here with 4 times the population if they decided to copy Australia.

Andybris2020 wrote:
gobot wrote:

An optimistic piece about HCMC in Zing today. Let chrome translate for you.
Quick injection of the 2nd nose vaccine - the only way out to 'de-freeze' Ho Chi Minh City

The title doesn't translate too well, but here are snippets of a very long article, too long for me to read. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh is a lecturer at the Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management. Not a government official, it appears to be his recommendation, not official policy, but I assume it was vetted to publish. News sites here can't publish "misinformation", right?

If the 2nd injection is accelerated and the epidemic is under control by mid-September, Ho Chi Minh City can calculate the easing steps. In mid-October, most production and business activities are likely to operate.

September 15 is a milestone that the people and authorities of Ho Chi Minh City are aiming for after more than 3 months of social distancing. The city aims to control the epidemic, gradually reopening the economy that has been "frozen" for many months.

Does this mean that recovery is now a based on How many people are vaccinated?

Up until now, the measure has been, How many people are infected, with a zero goal.

No matter how well controlled, positive cases are still likely to occur in the group of workers who have received 2 injections. If businesses are forced to stop operating when there is F0 and then it takes a long time to reopen, no business can be assured of production.

We talk a lot about the phrase “new normal”. From now on, the city must work with the Central Government to develop and issue a set of guidelines for organizing production and business under new normal conditions when the roadmap for 2 vaccines is achieved.

Finally someone admits that the chinese virus won't go away, vaccination doesn't prevent sickness, we can't wait for the number of F0s to go to zero.

Just for info, there are such goals in Australia to reach a percentage of 2nd vaccine before easing restrictions, when eased people with "vaccine passports" can go out non vacc cant,, the Premier of Queenland (where I lived) has said in Parliament they dont want anyone entering Qld without vac because under 12 arnt vaccinated,, not sure if that means everyone from newborne up needs one to enter?
Its a heck of a task to do that here with 4 times the population if they decided to copy Australia.

I read the Aussie situation everyday, some states are doing well while other who ease restrictions end up with near record numbers again.

On a side note, where shipping and logistics companies were permitted to continue operations most now report s labour shortage either due to high infection numbers or staff are scared to go back to work in case they catch covid

Catch 22 situation, keep lockdown in place and business suffers forcing more people out of work, or lift the restrictions and hope new cases levels out

According to this article (in Vietnamese):

[link under review]

From September 23, Ba Ria-Vung Tau will ease travel control in the green zone, allowing the opening of supermarkets, retail store chains, small businesses selling essential goods, and traditional markets. , restaurants, catering services sold for take away, agricultural, forestry and fishery production activities.
On September 22, the Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province said that from 0:00 on September 23, Vung Tau City continued to apply social distancing according to Directive 16 with 6 wards. , including Nguyen An Ninh, Thang Nhat, Thang Nhi, wards 1, 10, 11. In Long Dien district, there are 4 communes and towns including An Ngai commune, Phuoc Hung commune and neighborhoods in Long Hai town. using Directive 16.

Ba Ria city, Phu My town, Chau Duc, Dat Do, Xuyen Moc districts and the remaining communes, wards and towns of Long Dien district, Vung Tau city will apply Directive 15. For Con district On the island, production and business activities will be returned to normal, but measures to control traffic from the mainland to the island must be strengthened.

This is the first phase of this plan (for locals and domestic tourists):

Vung Tau proposes November reopening of beaches

The fourth and final phase ("further opening up for socio-economic development") starts in 2022, presumably January, so looks like foreign tourists will have to wait at least until then, if not later.

Reported from a news service. Have to wait for the official release later tonight or tomorrow.

colinoscapee wrote:

Reported from a news service. Have to wait for the official release later tonight or tomorrow.

So far, one report contradicts another.  Yesterday, it said Ward 2 (green zone) will be under 15+ (the central government only issued 15, 16, and 19, but the local authority added the plus next to the number to cover their behinds) meaning take away orders will be possible.  Today, it says all wards excepts the previous 4 will continue to be under 16.

All my husband wants is a pizza delivered from Luca.  He'll be happy staying in for another month if take away food is available, but I don't think he'll get his wish.

Ciambella wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Reported from a news service. Have to wait for the official release later tonight or tomorrow.

So far, one report contradicts another.  Yesterday, it said Ward 2 (green zone) will be under 15+ (the central government only issued 15, 16, and 19, but the local authority added the plus next to the number to cover their behinds) meaning take away orders will be possible.  Today, it says all wards excepts the previous 4 will continue to be under 16.

All my husband wants is a pizza delivered from Luca.  He'll be happy staying in for another month if take away food is available, but I don't think he'll get his wish.

With your cooking skills I'm sure you can whip him one up.

Ciambella wrote:

So far, one report contradicts another.  Yesterday, it said Ward 2 (green zone) will be under 15+ (the central government only issued 15, 16, and 19, but the local authority added the plus next to the number to cover their behinds) meaning take away orders will be possible.  Today, it says all wards excepts the previous 4 will continue to be under 16.

Actually, the article states (in translation):

"Ba Ria city, Phu My town, Chau Duc, Dat Do, Xuyen Moc districts and the remaining communes, wards and towns of Long Dien district, Vung Tau city (the green zones including ward 2) will apply Directive 15.

"Vung Tau City will continue to apply social distancing according to Directive 16 with 6 wards, including Nguyen An Ninh, Thang Nhat, Thang Nhi, wards 1, 10, 11."

You will be able to check the original Vietnamese text when the link is reviewed.

johnross23 wrote:

Actually, the article states (in translation):
You will be able to check the original Vietnamese text when the link is reviewed.

That's the proposal from VT.  BR-VT has yet to sign on it.

I posted the question yesterday on their official FB page, in Vietnamese,  "Is this the official news or just a plan?"  And the answer they gave me was:  "This is just a proposal from the city, still waiting for the decision from the province."

Nothing is concrete until you get the official paper that has been stamped.

colinoscapee wrote:

Nothing is concrete until you get the official paper that has been stamped.
