
Finding a job in Germany during the pandemic


Hi everyone,

Looking for a job in Germany is not something you can take lightly, especially now. If you found a new job in Germany during the pandemic or if you are currently searching for one, we would like to know how it went.

How did you go about it? Which job board do you recommend? Did you use a headhunter?
In which sector did you find a job?

Did you train in order to find a new position? If so, which training course(s) did you follow and why?

What about your package? How does it compare with your previous jobs and are you satisfied with it?

What are the most important elements to prioritise or negotiate in a package for a job in Germany in 2021?

Thanks for your contribution!

Diksha, team

See also

Job offers in GermanyFinding work in GermanySetting up a business in GermanySummer jobs in GermanyObtaining professional recognition in Germany

I did not change job or attempt to do so during the pandemic.
But since I am in a desired profession (in the technology domain, but NOT software) where I get many headhunter calls (mostly for unattractive jobs), here my observations:
Those calls stopped almost completely in 2020, but are now back at higher numbers (but not higher quality) than before the crisis.
This can be interpreted as indication that hiring activity has resumed and some backlog is carried forward now.
Whether foreigners have a chance, however, is doubtful - travel and visa restrictions still apply’


I am still in South Africa. My credentials are being validated by Annerkennung IHK FOSA.

I have a trade. Toolmaker in South Africa and I also have a Red Seal Machinist Trade which I aquired in Vancouver.

I saw an advert on GLASSDOOR for a job not far from Munich,  and thought "Why not" and I send my Resumé off via email. An hour later the boss phoned me and we had a good chat. Because IHK FOSA has not completed my recognition, I cannot get a visa to travel. The job is mine.
Subsequently, I also received an invitation from AIRBUS in Hamburg. Where they got my details I don't know. But yes, things are looking up. I might stress that the Employers in all cases asked for someone who could speak English well. However, I am learning German in the interim and will try for a B2 in Dec. It is only fair that I make the effort and respect the language of my host. It will also help me with interaction outside Work conditions.

Be positive. There are people on this forum who are extremely negative and will virtually break your spirit with a bad reply. Ignore them. Live your dream.