Missing CPR

As I do not have any documentation of my missing CPR, in this case I need to seek assistance from a trusted and reliable agent in Bahrain who can assist me to obtain a copy of old CPR. It is extremely urgent because I have to apply for a Police Certificate. The visa officer stopped processing my immigration papers as I am unable to provide this certificate (Police Certificate). Please provide the contact details of the agent as soon as possible. Thank you.


I think I have already mentioned to you that you will not be able to get the CPR Copy as no govt organization in Bahrain stores the CPR Copy. I have already checked your passport number. Unfortunately, I am not able to get your CPR NUmber, as well as LMRA, which was established in 2006 and you went in 2004. So you will not be able to CPR Number or CPR Copy.

I think it is pretty clear that there is no agent who can help you in your current situation.

I think it would be better if you explain what is it that you are trying to do with the CPR?

Is UK immigration asking for a police clearance certificate from Bahrain?    there is a possibility to get that if you knew your passport number and / or had copies of the visas.  I had a friend who had to get a police clearance certificate from Bahrain and didn't have much data (no visa copy or cpr number) but had passport number on which the visa was applied.  He went to Bahrain Embassy in home country, provided fingerprint forms, wrote a formal letter, asked for a clearance letter..........after many back and forth discussions, over a period of 6 months, he was able to get it.

Instead of focusing on Bahrain, you need to follow up with the passport office in your home country to see if they can at the very least, give you the old passport numbers that you have used.