
Passport Information Update in Jawazat


Hi everyone,

Just want to seek the kind response pertaining to my query below;

Recently I renewed my Indian Passport as my old passport was damaged actually which was valid until 2023 & was canceled subsequently by the Embassy of India.
Now when I gave my new passport (which is valid up to 2029) to my HR for Visa & Information Transfer/update in Jawazat/Muqeem, they are not able to do so. They say my old passport is still valid up to 2023 which is why they can't update the same in the system.

I request all to guide me as I have to travel to India in November & even my Covid Vaccination certificate/absher all show my previous passport number; I wonder if it may hinder me travelling to India.

Best Regards,
Ahmad Ghazaly

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gazquadri wrote:

Hi everyone,

Just want to seek the kind response pertaining to my query below;

Recently I renewed my Indian Passport as my old passport was damaged actually which was valid until 2023 & was canceled subsequently by the Embassy of India.
Now when I gave my new passport (which is valid up to 2029) to my HR for Visa & Information Transfer/update in Jawazat/Muqeem, they are not able to do so. They say my old passport is still valid up to 2023 which is why they can't update the same in the system.

I request all to guide me as I have to travel to India in November & even my Covid Vaccination certificate/absher all show my previous passport number; I wonder if it may hinder me travelling to India.

Best Regards,
Ahmad Ghazaly

This can be done in jawazat by your GRO, explaining
the reason for update.


gazquadri wrote:

Hi everyone,

Just want to seek the kind response pertaining to my query below;

Recently I renewed my Indian Passport as my old passport was damaged actually which was valid until 2023 & was canceled subsequently by the Embassy of India.
Now when I gave my new passport (which is valid up to 2029) to my HR for Visa & Information Transfer/update in Jawazat/Muqeem, they are not able to do so. They say my old passport is still valid up to 2023 which is why they can't update the same in the system.

I request all to guide me as I have to travel to India in November & even my Covid Vaccination certificate/absher all show my previous passport number; I wonder if it may hinder me travelling to India.

Best Regards,
Ahmad Ghazaly

Dear Ahmad
Yes your HR can not do it bcuz system already have data. For that you should go to your embassy ask them for a letter they know what to write in letter. But usually before updating damaged passport you need a police report how your embassy renew it without police report this is something fishy for jawazat and others.
So now you need a letter from embassy stating clearly about the reason to renew it, attaching old and new passport copies both. only then your HR will send GRO to jawazat to update it.
hope this will resolve your problem


@gazquadri  the same thing happened to me...what is the procedure to update with Jawasat.

Eswar Kandregula

Dear Brother,

I came across same problem now. do you a find procedure on how to update with jawazat. Please share.

Mohammed Moinuddin

@Eswar Kandregula

Hi Eswar,

Hope you are doing well.

Is your issue resolved. I am in the same position now.

Did you find how it can be done?

Hope you will see my message and respond.



dear Sir,

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