Change profession from Executive Secretary to applicable job title

@XTang my performing job is not saudized, i'm a computer programmer also already have SCE membership, but my iqama is Data Entry, my company have been trying to change it but no luck. they just keep saying wait. but how it's been how many weeks still not changed, is there a way i can do without having to tell my hr to keep checking it. will they entertain me if i go to ministry of labour without my hr, she is too young i don't trust if she could do the job. i really need help guys. also another question if i change my sponsor to my father, is it possible if my company can rehire me with correct profession. or it will still be the same data entry?

- @fatoom59

1) MOHRE will NOT entertain you personally at all (even if you are a fluent Arabic speaker) because for all labor affairs related to a company, they need authorized representative.  Your company representative has to go.  And all you can do is to keep pushing your HR

2) If you change your sponsor to your father, be aware that you CANNOT work for your company after that.  It is illegal.  And to change back to a work visa, it is not easy and you might need to do final exit, go to your home country and then come back on a new visa
Alhamdulillah, Today my sponsorship transfer complete also my iqama renewed. ( profession Executive secretary)

according to my understanding if company online portals are working than we can stay up to iqama expiry otherwise company will itself force us to leave on final exit.
- @umer arshad

company want me to stay and company will support me in any way possible, but at the same time company also afraid of, to be impose a heavy amount of fine.
- @hasanibm
You can stay till Iqama expiry but yes, there is a risk of fines in case of labor inspections.
- @XTang

THank you so much...

There are some people who are saying, they can change the profession but asking huge amount. so, I am thinking now, still couldn't decide.

@hassan9048 How did you make it? please advise i will be sending you personal message

@XTang i'm planning to leave my company and transfer to another company. I have a friend who works as System analyst  who just transferred last month his previous iqama profession is secretary, when he transferred to the new company it's still the same profession still show secretary. that's why i'm affraid to transfer, i'm thinking if i should transfer back to my father as he was my first kafala, then transfer to the new company i'm applying to, but i am worried if they hire me it will still show data entry instead of computer programmer. i don't want to waste a lot f money. do you think if i transfer back to my father then transfer to the new company they can correct my iqama profession?

@hassan9048 if this profession is under saudization how it's renewed..?

@hassan9048 Pls. advise how you did that can you guide me too .I can call you personally to discuss

I have heard that we can only do with first get transferred to some company with 4-5 people and get profession change there then again come back to your company. I don't know how much is this true
Qiwa update their portal and I checked today, its showing I am eligible to change the profession. but whenever i choose a profession to change it shows below errors.

" The current Occupation is not in this cycle" or " The current Occupation is not in this cycle, No Jobs Eligible"   

what i can understand is, we have to choose the correct profession that falls under the category of the company activity and maybe need to match some other criteria. 

Qiwa update their portal and I checked today, its showing I am eligible to change the profession. but whenever i choose a profession to change it shows below errors.

" The current Occupation is not in this cycle" or " The current Occupation is not in this cycle, No Jobs Eligible"   

what i can understand is, we have to choose the correct profession that falls under the category of the company activity and maybe need to match some other criteria. 

- @hasanibm

It means, your current occupation isn't illegible for change.
Do it manually.  As I mentioned on another post, QIWA profession change is a bit of a hit and miss.

My IQAMA Profession is Normal Worker but I am working in the office as specialist. I request my employer to change since 2020 but they are refusing.

Now I want to resign by Article 81 Resignation without notice as they Violate Article 38 of Labor Law.

What is the best procedure for sponsorship transfer?
Do it manually.  As I mentioned on another post, QIWA profession change is a bit of a hit and miss.
- @XTang

Thanks, i went to labor office they said to file a complain in MOL portal attaching the error message. i did it and they reply, Qiwa is the responsible for profession changes and they close my ticket. 

@hasanibm then what happen after they closed the ticket? you able to change the profession in QIWA?

@rafayjaami this is also what I heard.

@hasanibm then what happen after they closed the ticket? you able to change the profession in QIWA?

- @blue19casubuan

NO. I tried again through Qiwa but unable to change. 
I have heard that we can only do with first get transferred to some company with 4-5 people and get profession change there then again come back to your company. I don't know how much is this true
- @rafayjaami
if its true than for the people with 3rd time transfer or more will have to count 6000 + 6000 =12000 riyal..

@hasanibm yes off course

@rafayjaami I guess this is what my boss was telling me last week. That he will spend for my change of profession.

@EDZ1984  yes

@rafayjaami It's like, if your company values you, they will transfer you then they'll get you back at their own expense. I heard it'll be manually.

We need proof that it can be done. as of now all of my friends that I know who have the same issues with profession are still not changed even if they transfer to a new company.

@hassan9048 Hi Pls may i know which profession you choose to change

I am trying to do something to change the profession. if I am succeed, I will let you guys know the process. just remember me in your prayer to be succeed in this process.

@hasanibm yes please may Allah give you success. If it is done in my company I will share with you all the process. Yesterday in one group someone shared one agent WhatsApp who said he can do if you people want I can share his WhatsApp but I don't know how far he is genuine.

Just Hold on till end of next week. I am going to process directly from labor office. if this process succeeded, everyone can follow and wouldn't need to spend any money other than govt. fees. 

@hasanibm  yeah please and appreciate for that.

@hasanibm I appreciate your support and same thing will be from my side also if any solution works with me.

Kindly check with your HR ( the one responsible and usually receive SMS from HRDF), whether they have received any SMS from HRDF or not regarding profession Saudization.

@hasanibm did not understand what you mean by this statement.

My Boss ( his number is registered in HRDF ) received one sms requesting update regarding the profession under Saudization in our company also they provide one contact in HRDF to follow up if we haven't take any action yet to change the profession. so, we contact with him and he give us some requirement to change the profession manually. our GRO just submitted today to change my profession. they will update after a week or two. so, i have to wait to see the result. In Sha Allah, will be done, soon.   

@hasanibm Please advise what requirement you submitted for manual process on changing your profession.

1. a letter from your company
2. a form need to filled up, which will be provided from HRDF
3. Iqama copy
4. CR copy
5. Qiwa portal Error that you are unable to do it online.
6. Sponsor ID

That's it,
I think, you better wait till I get a result

@hasanibm ok now it is clear, can you tell us the contact in HRDF as you mentioned for follow up

@hasanibm ok now it is clear, can you tell us the contact in HRDF as you mentioned for follow up

- @rafayjaami

which city you are from? the contact is for Jubail. not for other city. my point is each city will have some contact's like that. your HR ( whoever authorized ) should receive SMS and in that SMS contact person details will be mentioned.

@hasanibm ok bhai thanks

@hassan9048 , Can you please call me to my number +96***** to explain, how you changed the iqama profession?

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Hi Guys,

Is there anyone who changes Iqama profession from Executive secretary? Please confirm