Travel ban following a court case


My friend is in Saudi Arabia on a business visit visa. 3 years back when he was working in Saudi with Iqama, he rented a car and settled all the bills before my final exit.

Now he entered saudi in Business visit visa and when he tried to exit he cam to know that there is a travel ban against his passport due to the pending case. He tried through online but he couldn't find any detail for what reason the case has been filed. Also he tried to reach to the rental company, it seems the company is closed.

His visa is near ending and he cant go back, what will be consequences If he overstay after visa period. Is there any way to extend the visa. Also need some advise on how to deal with the case.

Visa days of stay can be extended.  Ask his sponsor to help.   90 days can be extended for up to a maximum of 180 days.   

Get a lawyer and ask them to find out what exactly is the case.  You, yourself as non Arabic speakers will just waste your time.  And on top, forget about online as Absher and most services are not available for visitors, only Iqama holders.

He has a one year multiple re-entry visa. His one year stay will be going to end in another 3 days. Just now he came to know about the case. Still the visa can be extended ?

Saudi Arabian business visit visa can be extended at the discretion of the Kingdom's General Directorate of Passports, provided the employer of your friend initiated the process well before the expiry date of the visa. Note that the employer of your friend can also be penalize because of your friend failure to report the visa expiry.

The employer is already working on the visa extension it seems and wakala has been given to a lawyer to handle the case. It seems like the rental company has made a fake case against many of their old clients. Hope things will turn out good. Thanks for the advise.


Looking for answers here.

My friend was held by airport police 2 years ago as he was told that he had a travel ban and a court case but upon checking his absher, there was no generalization report against him. He also had a police clearance at that time. He was even issued an exit and reentry visa.

But upon checking at the court, it turned out that there was a case filed on his old passport and iqama which was 5 years ago. It seemed that the immigration officer at the airport scanned his old passport which was stapled to his renewed one at that time, that's why he was caught. But he is not sure if that's what really happened. He just knows that his new passport and iqama is clear and that his old passport was attached to the new one.

His case is still ongoing but the court said, it will probably be dismissed as the one who filed a case against him is not responding to the court.

So while waiting for the case to be officially dismissed, my friend wants to go for vacation using his new passport. There is still no generalization report against the new passport and iqama and he was given a new police clearance. But he is scared that he may be held again by the airport police.


1. Is there a chance that he will be held by the airport police again if he uses his new passport?

2. Will he be given a visa using the new passport even if his old passport has an issue?

Praying for anyone to respond. Thanks.
Already responded to you on private message.

if have any old case in saudi arabia can i travel

I had a criminal case in Saudi Arabia and verdict was for deportation but for 3-4 months no one contacted for deportation  due to to much negative energy think about  deportation I could not work there properly so  I tried  go back to India om final exit I was able to leave and after 2 year I returned nto Saudi Arabia I'm a visit visa to try my luck and I was able to enter Saudi Arabia ony visit so that.  Means I don't have ban or I can come back with work Visa I really want to make sure  regarding my travel ban  I was able to see my case in court website but no details in  absher before I leave on final exit and  I was afraid when I came back in visit visa. My finger print was Verified but still system was clean and there was no ban in the system so what do that mean I don't have travel bad.  It was just warning for me  or should have to be in fear while traveling to Saudi about getting in trouble any time when this case comes up please someone help me understand why it was like this what is reason I really like Saudi Arabia and I want to work there because I have been get to many opportunities there


Hi o have same case does your friend went or not ?


hello sir, my company provided me a visit visa in Saudi Arabia for work purposes in a restaurant as a commi 2, and the contract we signed is of 6 months from January to july and it's been only 4 months working here they suddenly tell us that end of contract and just stay at your accomodation and go back to your country. we waited for 3 days that the return ticket will come but after 3 days they ask us to join the restaurant for work without giving us return ticket and gave the reason that our visa renewal is in process now we all are afraid to work under such conditions because the law says that you shouldn't work illegally so we decided not to go to work till they renew our visa but the thing is the company is showing in papers that our contract ended up on 30 april. and they are not even giving us the salary and it's been 6 days we are stucked in our accomodation and on our own expenses only the company should give us the compensation or not? but atleast give us the salary of the days we are stucked here i

can anyone please help me out it's an emergency .

Hi last week I travel to my country but when I reach airport they stop me to travel they say some on case on you in court

So when I come back I inform my owner when they check my all history is clear there is nothing on me

Then I also email to MOJ then show me to send request

I don't no what can I do if someone on help me I will be very thanks where I go and what I can do to finish this case and how I now who they case on me