
The best age to move to Belgium


Hello everybody,

No two people experience expatriation in Belgium in the same way, depending on their age and personal situation. We would like to know more about you and ask you to share with us when you decided to move to Belgium.

How old were you when you moved to Belgium? Did you go alone or with your family?

In your opinion, was it the right time to move there?

Do you find this country welcoming for your age group or for certain categories in particular? Why or why not?

Are there any incentives (financial aid, lower taxes, etc.) and for which category of expats?

In your opinion, is there an ideal age to move to Belgium?

Thank you for your contribution!

Cheryl, team

See also

Living in Belgium: the expat guideL card with PHD periodVisa status checking webpageBelgium Nationality 2024L card / Unlimited Single Permit (Flemish)
Lin Jiang


I moved to Belgium when I was 20 years old, thanks to an exchange program between 2 universities.

I think it was nice to come to Belgium when you were a student, as you got enough time to adapt to the culture and learn the languages.

Personally, I liked my experience coming as a young expat.

I didn't get any incentive for tax to come to Belgium.

I don't think there is an ideal age to come to Belgium, from my own experience, if you come as a young person, you get enough time to blend in, but you pay lots of tax and social security, while you won't need that much.

Sami Naji

AS an expat, I know there is a lower tax on income from Belgium for a certain period. I also know there is no tax on income coming from outside Belgium if you are hired on a first contract. But not sure I could be outdated


When my partner started working for a Belgian multinational firm, I took a sabbatical and left the UK. I have basic French language skills and Brussels is a beautiful town where I could easily spend 20 years there. Currently, I am 40 years old.

But the job market has been unforgiving. Very few job opportunities and the recruiters are very rude. More than anything else the recruiters have been treating me as a commodity, not an asset, as is the case in the UK .

Ironically, I could only found work remotely with British organisations. After 15 months in Belgium, we came back to London.


You have to know that several people call me NEGATIVIST but I’m SO realist and I can see, study,  think in the future and that’s why I saw several situation BEFORE to any one AND THEM THEY CALL ME:
How do you know that before ?

The question is:

Is now good moment for move to Belgium ?

But why if is a nice, small country with a lot opportunities,  good beer and chocolate?

Do you come from Siria or come from another country where is a war? So Belgium is the best for you

1-    Belgium will be a short time from the muslim people. They are millions now, are more than the Belgium culture and you are nobody against to. They have 3-4 child, the next generation is Belgium will be just muslim
2-    Do you know about the new price of gas and  electricity here ? (march 2022)
3-    Some told you about the Nuclear reactors here ? do you read before why is Belgium the 2 country more contaminated in Europe? Do you have a minimum idea why Belgium have an population so high handicap ?
4-    Now (march 2022) did you realize how is dangerous Belgium if explode a war against to Russia ? the building of OTAN is in Brussels
5-    Don’t forget to save a picture of the sun because you will miss him for months
6-    Don’t forget we are the second country more high in taxes in Europe and the 4 in salary. Did you understood the difference between 2 and 4 ?

I have just 17 continuous years here AND I CAN SPEAK PROPERLY

JUST call a friend or anyone do you know here before.
I have more points to say but I don’t wanna continue writing

but the more important here is DONT BELIVE ME, ask about everything and this points