
Let us know your experiences living in Amersfoort.


My husband and I (retired) live half the year in NL - Heemstede - and half in New Zealand. We’ve also lives in the US and Germany and travelled widely. We’re  thinking of moving from Heemstede, close to Haarlem, to Amersfoort, but are concerned we won’t be able to meet like-minded people.  I am a member of the very active American Women’s Club of Amsterdam. (AWCA) and love their book group. I’m a retired English teacher and teach refugees here in New Zealand. My husband is a scientist. We both speak fluent Dutch.
I’m worried that Amersfoort is too ‘provincial’ and conservative. Again, here in NZ we are members of various groups concerned about climate change and would love to get involved in similar groups in Amersfoort, if there are any!
Please let us know your experiences living in Amersfoort.
Kind regards,

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in the NetherlandsAccommodation in UtrechtAccommodation in RotterdamAccommodation in Amsterdam

Hi Lyn,

Amersfoort is one of the nicest and beautiful city in The Netherlands. It might not be a very big city like Amsterdam, Utrecht, Den Haag or Rotterdam but its a fine city actually. And it's really near amsterdam and utrecht and not “too provincial” unlike gelderland. I dont know how much do you know about netherlands but i think you have to explore all the cities first before you get worry about something. Even if you decided to live in Amsterdam there are still people that not “like-minded” that you might encounter with. Living somewhere in the middle of the netherlands isn’t a bad decision. And i think wherever you and your husband settles, you can always find a nice organization to join and enjoy with. Good luck!



Hi Grace,
Thanks for your advice. We have lived in Heemstede in the west of NL for over 40 years so know a lot about the country. My concern is the move from the west, where there are many ex-pats to the east, where there might not be so many. What I’d really like to know is who I can contact in Amersfoort who can give me the rundown on living there as a non-Dutch person: specific information on groups active there, social networks etc.
Hope you can help or put me in touch with someone who can.
Kind regards,


Hi and welcome to the Forum.

We lived further east in Enschede; in the 40 years we've been associated with the area, I've never heard of any "Engelse of American Verenigings"; met plenty of English speaking expats, but we seem to have integrated or married into Dutch society.

Personally, I would encourage all expats to learn Dutch and integrate into society.


Thanks, Cynic.
In fact we are very well integrated in Heemstede, but there is a large international community and I like that. I just want to hear what other non-Dutch people think of living in Amersfoort, that’s all.